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Check out the v.258 - MapleStory x Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Patch Notes
Closed Ahoys from CM Arwoo~
First of all, it's nice to meet you and I'm happy you are joining as the CM! I wish you good luck!
During recent months, the game included a lot crash issues on logging in to the game/changing channels.
I'm glad to annouce that finally for the first time since v1.83 (current) update, the main crash/disconnection issue was fully resolved!!
This is the greatest fix done after a long period of time of crashes!
I have two different PCs and the game no longer crashes while playing in EACH of them!
I have read about the decision to to end the Direct Launch support.
As a player who prefers to use it (and it works great now, even with no crash issues),
a worrying things regarding the discontinuing of this feature is that it will be harder for player to switch between regions/accounts for those who own more than one account to play or who wish to switch between regions (from Europe to North America or vice versa) without the need to restart the game client for each switching.
For more information regarding my concerns, please look at this discussion: Switching between accounts and regions easily.
Here is a request to better the filter chat system so that the text's writer will receive the the filtered result: A better Maple: Filter chat for the text's writer.
Another request and wish that I prefered which was included in Europe MapleStory by Nexon Europe is Return to Chracater Selection Screen, which it brings the player to the character selection screen immediately using the same world and channel used before the switching request. It's actually a request to improve the Change Character button's functionality.
More details regarding this can be found here: Original Maple Europe contents and features.
For those who is not familier with this feature - it's a button in the menu above the Quit button which enables to skip the login screen/world selection screen and it moves instantly into the character selection screen using the last same world and channel you used to be logged in with your character, greatly useful for switching between different characters quickly and smoothly/relogging in quickly.
Special thank you for your contribution to the game and community!
I have a great suggestion to help you out! Why don't you start a mega thread and sticky it to the top of the appropriate forum sub-section. Seperate them by questions, suggestions, and issues. And then seperate each one by their current status. Like which things have been answered/resolved/approved, what's pending, and what gets rejected.
And you can update the thread on a weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly basis. Trust me when I say this, forumers are unforgiving when it comes to introducing something and then never following-up. What we want more than anything is good communication and reasonable transparency. So far your words have provided me with hope for this game.
I agree with you regarding the Honor exp. It definitely belongs in the Combat tab.
But I disagree about the login notifications. I find them useful, because I like being able to scroll up when I return from AFK and see who I missed.
Perhaps we should be allowed to toggle whether we want to see these or not.
It should definitely have the option to be allowed to toggle on/off. When I go afk and return, my entire screen is filled with [character] has logged in. It's a good thing that we can save more conversations on our chatbox than previously BUT it's still glitched for me sometimes when I scroll up. The honor exp is and has been annoying af for quite some time now.
Pleasure to meet ya, Arwoo.
Most folks already hit most of the more critical nails on the head, but I was wondering about revisions (more like additions) to the RP shop.
Namely, the addition of a monthly allotment of RP store bonus potential cubes and nebulite tickets.
While not nearly as critical as botting and login issues, I ask that more light was shed on adding these items, for the sake of better equality ingame between f2ps and p2ws.
Am I excited to be a part of this community? Absolutely! But currently, the forums primarily appears to be a platform for discussing issues within the game. Does that mean I think that game related issues being brought to our attention shouldn't be the case? Absolutely not! However, when we have dedicated sections for such discussions I'd like to see General Chat filled with more well... Community!
My hope is to have both vocal feedback, and the fun that comes with having a community on the forums.
I'll reserve the details for these questions to the livestream, but I can let you know that both are in discussion!
Yes! We recently removed unused NPCs and removed unnecessary graphic details from the background to reduce the strain some users may have been facing. However, we're aware that this wasn't enough and we're trying other means to reduce the lag players are experiencing.
It's not a bad idea, however, I do regularly check up on the Feedback/Suggestions along with the Bug Report sections. Now that I will be posting, I plan to address certain topics to keep you guys informed on what the status is in regards to the bug or Feedback/Suggestion.
Please note that I have a very busy agenda! While checking up on the community's temperature is absolutely one of my bigger responsibilities, so is driving our social media. There are actually 8+ communities that I must tend to on a daily basis! While my responses may not be the swiftest, I can 100% guarantee that I will respond to pressing issues and give input on feedback posted here.
Ahoy, MakazeKiba! Perhaps we can take some suggestions to revise the RP shop? A suggestion thread would be a great start to see some change going there!
I try to check it everyday, but my response may take more time.
Perhaps we should have a suggestion thread for what styles players would like to see in the Royals? However, from my experience with people who frequent Henesys, people tend to lean towards the same style. Where's the diversity?!
It's always the same things that have been asked for:
1. Pets (in Reboot and non-Reboot servers)
2. Water of Life (in Reboot)
3. Bonus Potential Cubes
4. Nebulite fusion tickets and diffusers (general clue: anything sold for meso in Reboot's Cash Shop or in-game potion shops, should be available for Reward Points in other servers).
Here is something that Nexon seems to miss: "driving social media" and advertising in general can only do so much, when the product itself is deeply flawed.
For the V update, the hype was done perfectly. The micro-site, the videos, the games, the teasers, mostly went perfectly.
But all that went to waste when the patch hit and with it connectivity and stability issues. People who had quit years ago and came to check out the 5th job patch, gave up after fighting to get the game to install, launch, or stay connected.
I'm sure you have the actual numbers, and know exactly how many people installed Maple in November and December, and how many of them gave up on it even before schools' winter break ended.
What I'm getting at is this: "driving social media" is all nice and good, but the best way to make a happy community is to fix the game.
I know you're not a programmer, or a CS agent, or a producer. But you are our point of contact to all of those. And we need you to do your utmost to get those other departments to make the game playable and enjoyable, because at the end of the day, if it isn't, then all the memes and videos and contests and streams and meet-and-greets will fail to make a happy community or a growing customer base.
And in order to fix the game, Nexon needs to listen to the players. You are Nexon's ears. Listen to us, respect us, don't try to placate us with formulaic responses we know, from years of experience, to be false, and then maybe this game will take a turn for the better.
I have a few questions about areas and items that were removed from the game.
My first question is about areas that have been "closed off" for a loooooooooong time such as neo city - is there a schedule to getting these areas back up and running? If so, is there a place where we can keep updated on these?
My second question is a small one about the removal of item cores from evo lab. :P Will these ever be obtainable again? If Evo lab is here to stay, it would be nice to be able to obtain item cores through quests or even events. I've been told that they were removed because people were abusing the system - removing one of the "core" functions of evo lab seems drastic. Limiting them to quests or events would give the player the occasional reward cores, without abusing the system.
Also I'd like to pass along feedback. I reported a really small glitch and then the Nexon Team fixed it. It was wonderful to have this fixed so thank you guys! I have had glitch reports shrugged off in the past, so having one actually get fixed is a good sign to me and I hope Nexon is moving in the direction of taking player reports seriously. Most players here just want to make the game better & I think an active presence in the bugs & glitches forums will go a long way.
Kerning Tower was released just recently. We'll be receiving an updated Omega Sector (level 165+) next in a couple months.
The storyline will involve the Mesorangers and a new alien villain.
If you want to keep track of these areas, watch the KMS update notes for details. The only two left are Fiona Beach and Terra Forest/Neo City, although KMS may be working on an Azwan update before that.
live stream in twitch? you can count me in!
good luck with your new role
I'll see you guys on next week's livestream and you'll see more of me around the forums along with our many other community platforms.
If you guys see me in-game, don't be shy and feel free to say hi!