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Check out the v.253 - MapleStory x BUGCAT CAPOO Patch Note Patch Notes
Change server time back to PST
There was a poll in the original announcement thread of the change to UTC. There are also 15 Likes on the opening post of this thread. I think it's pretty clear what the community wants.
I don't mind adding a poll but Nexon can't see the logic of going back to PST then I doubt user votes will change their minds.
As for the DST maintenance -
It makes more sense to move clocks on a game update (patch) maintenance. If they move it while an event is running, nobody can guess when the event will end.
So I think it is best to just keep asking them to move back to PST, and leave the decision of when to do it to Nexon.
Besides, if we stay on UTC we probably won't have a DST maintenance.
"sale times may be shifted". In other words, "Even we don't know what the hell our system is doing."
Please, just end this farce, and put the servers back on PST/PDT as they were for over a decade. It may not be the most modern, sophisticated, cosmopolitan way to go, but by golly, it worked!
its not good to get so worked up about something so trivial. sure does times are inconvinient, sure they cant even decide for themself
if they place all event into uct time or just a few. maybe they already have a inner conflict in their company they are unable to talk about.
see the eddited divin ring fiasco in which they claimed it wasnt in the note..
all i can say we all know nexon over all does years many things screawed up.....
so soooo many things got broken, so many promised got broken (like the time cs got released and they said it would only be cosmetic)
or the time when they split up the server since it got to popular and people were forced to play another server...
or the fact that the games even have a difference with ip block so you cant even freely chose which version you like to play.
never the less there is no point making a fuss about it. maybe they change in the future with our new cm or maybe not all we can really do is wait.
ps: i might sound a bit ignorant about the problem, but please keep in mind we already had sooo many problems in the game
sometimes it is a bliss to be ignorant...
It is just causing confusion, random guesses, annoying memorizing, and routine changes.
If we don't make a fuss, why would they change?
It's true that maybe they won't fix anything anyway. Long experience with Nexon seems to point that way. But sometimes, lightning strikes, and they do get something right. So we must keep hoping and keep trying to let them know where they go wrong, in the hopes of other such miracles, small as they might be.
The problem with the UTC isn't so much that the time is inconvenient, it's that it's inconsistent.
If they went full UTC, we could learn to live with it.
But they don't. They keep doing random parts of the game by PST. This prevents us from fully adjusting and forces us - and them - to keep both clocks in mind (and now three clocks: PST, PDT, and UTC). It has to change.
the thing is most of the time does little fuss get out of hand.
and than nobody remembers who started it and nobody takes responabitly if it hurts more than it helps.
i just want to point out it is better to be carefull
(akradian not that i want to give you blame or something it just i saw so many little things turn out to become a full out flame war between defender and attacker)
(and than does topic get locked and ignored for further problems without really being dealt with.)
In this particular case there's nor risk of that, because I don't think there's a single player who thinks the current situation is good and should not be changed.
I observed nothing but confusion from friends here in the United States. People were still under the impression that 4 o'clock PM PST was still going to be the reset time, adjusted with DST.
Now it is not such a big deal for most folks any more and every one who plays regularly has adjusted accordingly. However, this is unprofessional to not at least give us a heads up as to which time zone they will cater to as far as observation. There is already plenty of confusion in place as it is, based on the fact that Nexon can not seem to determine their arse from a hole in the ground when it comes to time zones and server schedule notifications.
P.S.- Just go ahead and change things back to PST for all occurrences already so we can eschew this unnecessary confusion.
They didn't.
I posted a PSA here, and someone else posted one on the subreddit.
The mods here didn't consider the PSA worth stickying, and the subreddit's header quick link for reset times has not been updated (not that that's Nexon's fault).
Basically the players are expected to somehow figure it out for themselves.
-silently kills you and throws you in river- I don't like UTC one bit...seriously...evil Bean creature...-note my sarcasm cuz Im not evil like that, but I do hate UTC-
I'm in EST too.
That being said, this UTC time change is, honestly, the second most ill-conceived plan I've ever seen a company undertake(I can explain first prize if anyone would like me to via PM). Events are half-broken most of the time, ending seemingly whenever the hell they please. Plus, cash shop things still reset or change based on PST, along with all "official contests". And now that we've gone back onto DST, everything is knocked another hour out of whack. What gives? Who patted themselves on the back for this? Why was it again, to "better reflect the global nature of the game" or something? For starters, that makes you look like you sincerely believe no one has ever used a VPN to play on GMS from outside of the service area.
If you wanted to truly reflect having a global audience, you'd have taken the community's most-desired resolution to heart(the one that got a solid 45% of the 671 total votes) and retained PST for the so-called North American servers, and set Luna to run on CET. Was it deemed too difficult to try and plan things for two time zones eight hours apart? Well congrats, you're doing that anyway, with the game servers running on UTC and the cash shop and support side of things remaining on PST.
It's not even "game servers on UTC and the cash shop and support on PST", though. Looking at the update notes for v183, the Kerning Tower Opening Celebration and BFF event both go by PDT, despite being purely in-game.
The same thing was true for the previous patch, where Valentine's events went by PST but other events went by UTC.
They've started to put an event's timezone in the update notes because they know nobody could possibly guess it on their own.
How can anyone think the current situation is better than using any arbitrary timezone and sticking to it 100%?
Also, regarding your VPN comment: GMS's service area has always spanned the globe. Australia/NZ and the Middle East never needed VPNs to log on. And there were also European players from before the split, who were allowed to keep playing. Everyone managed just fine with PST, because it was consistent.
Still, I know of at least a few people who played from regions serviced by other versions of the game, and I can't entertain the thought that every European player had an account from before the split. Point remains, it's sheer lunacy to think arbitrarily changing the timezone in the way they did would benefit anyone.
I know people used VPNs before. However, these people are irrelevant to the discussion. People who are playing a service by bypassing its IP blocks, aren't entitled to any special accommodation, so of course they were never taken into account for GMS server time or event times.
You're making it appear as though the European migration is the first time GMS has legitimate users outside America.
I'm explaining that this is not the case.
I dont care if they are in PST or UTC only , the days always have 24 hrs, so ....