Ahoy, Maplers!
We've made a number of changes to the forums in the recent weeks and we're looking to hear your thoughts on these changes.
Please note that this is not a forum suggestion thread. Currently, we're still working on making additions, changes, and fixes to the forums.
Lets start from the top all the way to the bottom.
Questions, Tips, and Tricks Section was removed
Many players have used this section for account related questions or to bring attention to issues they found in-game for answers.
We'd like for these types of questions to go under Help and Support which already acts as a platform where players and staff tries to assist players.
For game related questions or awesome tips and tricks, we'd like to give more visibility on these and the General Chat should help with that.
Lore subsection was added under General Chat
Due to requests from some members of our internal team, we've added this section onto the forums.
Because lore is an extension of MapleStory discussions which General Chat already covers, it will remain as a subsection.
Members of our internal team were informed of the topic's potential low participation rate and lack of visibility that came with a subsection.
We'll be monitoring this subsection closely and make additional changes in the future here.
Cash Shop Guides was made into a subsection for Game Guides
We don't want to emphasize the game's Cash Shop on our forums, but it serves as a good resource that we can redirect newer members to should they have Cash Shop related questions. No further changes will be made to this change unless we have updates to our Cash Shop that requires additional guides.
Maple Media Section was removed and Fan Creation serves as the hub for all... fan creations
Sadly, Maple Media section was not receiving too much media attention. Fan art and videos are both content that players create. We'd like to give more visibility on content that players make by centralizing attention as opposed to splitting it.
Raves and Rants was moved into a subsection, but moved back into its own category
Despite the low levels of participation in this section, we have brought it back as its own category due to popular requests.
The section consists primarily of suggestions, in-game issues, and player feedback with game related changes.
We wanted to give these discussions more visibility which comes organically from being posted in the Feedback & Suggestions, General Chat, or Help and Support sections. If a player is ranting, there is a reason for the rant to begin with. However, due to popular requests, we've brought it back as its own category.
Instead of sweeping issues players have found or are experiencing in a category of less visibility, we'll be sure to visit regularly. We will be treating this category as an extension of Feedback & Suggestions along with Bug Reporting judging by the threads made in this section.
MapleStory VFM Application section was added
This is only a temporary section which will be removed once the applications come to a close. Players are free to apply for the VFM position, but please follow the guidelines which can be found in the section. Because it is an open application process, players are free to comment and critique others who apply.
Please be respectful!
Thank you,

Rant and Raves
The change to make it subsection was a mistake, but glad that you changed it back.
Lore subsection
I think this subsection would be nice, but only if it would actually show inside the general chat, something like this:
PS. forgive me on the crappy edit. And this is not a suggestion but a rough draft about how it should work I guess.
There are indeed many issues that require a fix on our forums currently.
Here's to hoping we can push hard for the fixes!
And yeah, the Lore subsection needs more visibility. How long til subsections work as intended? If it's too far down the line, shouldn't we avoid using subsections til we're closer to the fix?
I like having Rants back, and Fan Creations looks fun. Never really looked at the other sections mentioned.
However, we can help by bumping up the thread when we're either looking for more suggestions for styles, or if we took more for the future rotations from the thread.
That's not to say you guys should stop posting styles you'd like to see in future rotations unless we bump it up.
As mentioned, we'll let you guys know when we pull more styles from the thread as well.
For gameplay related questions that make for great references and is commonly asked, it'd be great to see an FAQ in the Game Guide section.
These two things are completely unrelated and the section may require revision.
Could we get feedback into this particular section of the forums?
Please do not remove this, you will anger even more people, even me, if you feel the need to change it though, please consider moving it to another section.
I think the "
MAPLE CLASSIFIEDS" should be split in two and renamed to "Trade Section" for "Buying or selling in-game items. Post here using [WORLD] Title" for all the buy/sell threads, and maybe moved under MAPLE DISCUSSION.And a "Guild and Buddy chat" under Community for "Look for Guilds, recruit guild-members and find friends or just a grinding buddy."
I feel like the "Trade Section" doesn't have much to do with the "Community" in my opinion, it's just advertising the items you want to sell, that's why I think it would fit under MAPLE DISCUSSION.
Just some suggestions
I think the section should be at least split up into Guild/Friend and Buying/Selling. It makes no sense these are put together.
It should say "no account/technical support" or "game play support only".
Also at least make past post in the question and Help forum accessible because they may be post I need to reference to for questions that already been answered.
You guys should be able to view them now, please let me know if this is not the case!
Judging from the feedback in regards to the Maple Classified category, we'll be splitting it into an LFG (Looking for Group/Looking for Guild) and Marketplace section.
Thank you for this.
Is there a possibility you could make the old forums visible to us as well?
Same reasoning as Rexaar gave for making Questions, Tips and Tricks visible: "they may be post I need to reference to for questions that already been answered."
How is it a bit too much? If you browse through the pages of the suggestions board, most of the threads are about game features. The royal request thread is now on page 4 and I doubt many people would want to - or have the time to - look through so many pages to check if something cash shop related has already been asked for. So anyone new that hasn't seen the main thread would keep making their own. If using the search bar, it brings up every single work you typed in (even the threads completely unrelated to what you want to find) so that makes it frustrating to look up a specific grouped phrase. Dedicating cash shop requests its own category would help make related requests easier to browse through and give maplers more hope that they've been seen and considered. It'll be a small board but easy to look through if separated from general suggestions.
Apologies, but making the old forums visible is not something that can be done from my end.
I've been informed that forumers were given a three months notice to save any threads they wished to port over.
I'd advise private messaging OneLetter in regards to topics related to the old forums.
Would a Cash Shop suggestion section branch out further than a single thread? I have seen a few threads in the past of players asking to see old NX cover items to make a return with the occasional mention of different premium styles. By no means is this a rhetorical question. I'd like to know if a Cash Shop Suggestion section is something forumers would want to see.
However, we don't want to create a section if the entirety of the section can be covered in a single thread. I do understand your concerns for the thread's visibility. My best suggestion would be to give the thread an occasional bump to have it appear on the first page.
If it's an ongoing suggestion or bug, there's no issue with giving it that bump once in awhile for visibility.