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  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited April 2017
    Invulgo wrote: »
    Invulgo wrote: »
    _Cas_ wrote: »
    I would suggest using a Luminous for FrankenBalrog Farming.

    Luminous can spawn them at decent speed (Unsure if it's like this for all jobs, but i spawned 1 every 3 - 4 minutes in future Perion).

    You can use Spectral Light skill to attack these monsters - Acts as standard attack, but with insanely fast attack speed compared to normal stabbing - Can also stand in 1 place, and use left/right arrow keys to move the skill around.
    Can down a FrankenBalrog within 4 - 5 minutes.

    Aye! But is it fun? Personally I don't think it is fun right now.
    Not saying it's supposed to be super easy either, but nerfing them a bit would make it more fun.

    Id propose leaving the 1 dmg concept but letting us use active skills

    Hmmm, that could work. Not sure how much HP these have xD

    Maaaaan I miss insta kill chance so much during events like this.

    I remember the snowman boss and xbowman's snipe/mortal blow would be op. Back then that amount of hp was godly compared to the damage players dished out.
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,230
    Posts: 201
    edited April 2017
    AznboiE wrote: »
    You guys can probably beat it by crouch attacking + booster + Monster Park Green Potion, as I have on my Battle Mage. If using a slow weapon doesnt work, try using a Fast/Faster 1h sword if you have one and using (decent) speed infusion + monster park green potion.

    I think the quest is glitched anyways, since I killed 2 so far but haven't had them register on my kill 5 quest.

    Thanks for the tips.. i will take out my e-staff just to beat this monster ass
  • Member Arwen
    Reactions: 2,230
    Posts: 201
    edited April 2017
    We should be able to use skill attack. For example I am a Battle mage, I can use Finishing Blow although it gives only 1 dmg. So this will give a chance to kill it

    UPDATE: I just killed 1. Just using Yellow Aura if you are a Battle Mage :D

    Last second before the Frankenbalrog died..

    Got 4 Maple Anniv boxes

  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited April 2017
    Arwen wrote: »
    We should be able to use skill attack. For example I am a Battle mage, I can use Finishing Blow although it gives only 1 dmg. So this will give a chance to kill it

    UPDATE: I just killed 1. Just using Yellow Aura if you are a Battle Mage :D

    Last second before the Frankenbalrog died..

    Got 4 Maple Anniv boxes


    can confirm, phantom works too, if you have 100% crit every normal attack procs carte noir so 2x faster, +- the speed cap boosters
  • Member July
    Reactions: 2,720
    Posts: 376
    edited April 2017
    im a luminous and i can't kill frankenbalrog

    ty nexon..
  • Member, Private Tester Yonax
    Reactions: 3,016
    Posts: 336
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2017
    Let us at least use skills, than we got a shot on killing over a very long extended time.

    Cause right now, when using normal attacks, you just run out of time and it will despawn.
  • Member, Private Tester Sorrow
    Reactions: 2,780
    Posts: 314
    Member, Private Tester
    edited April 2017
    Pink Bean kills them pretty quick with the 3 shadow partners on and the attack key.
  • Member Asylum
    Reactions: 880
    Posts: 63
    edited April 2017
    thrakkes wrote: »
    For me, as a Hero with 1h sword and hardcap attack speed, I lay on ground and do basic attack. It's a bit faster than if you stand up. Takes me between 4 and 5min to kill the elite one. As for the one in town, takes me u to 6min. It sure takes long x.x Wondering how long an elite can stay in map ...

    If it happens one of you get Chief Axe from turkeys in Thanksgiving, use it! Faster speed(3). Basically for class who can't use weapon booster due to inapropriate weapon.

    I am speed capped with Extreme Green Potion, Decent Speed Infusion, Weapon Booster, and Attack Speed + 1 Level inner ability on a fast (5) attack speed weapon and I still cannot kill it before it expires. It heals up to full hp twice then disappears. Attack crouching changed nothing.
  • Member PirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited April 2017
    What a surprise, Nexon's gone full [redacted] again. And the best part is, this is Mama Korea's fault, rather than America's.
    The fact that you have to use normal attacks, when you're most likely TRAINING in one of these maps, and only doing 1 damage, makes this one of the dumbest choices Nexon has ever made.
  • Member DarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited April 2017
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    What a surprise, Nexon's gone full [redacted] again. And the best part is, this is Mama Korea's fault, rather than America's.
    The fact that you have to use normal attacks, when you're most likely TRAINING in one of these maps, and only doing 1 damage, makes this one of the dumbest choices Nexon has ever made.

    especially when you cant lock on to the one target and the mobs bump into you
  • Member ArchanIomhar
    Reactions: 1,025
    Posts: 25
    edited April 2017
    Can confirm that any form of bowman is the worst thing to be when confronted with the whole 'normal attacks only' thing. If FB walks away just slightly from you and you shoot another monster, then you have to focus on killing that guy rather than FB. I mean, I guess anything who's default attack involves range or projectiles is in the same crappy boat of the belligerent balrog variety.
    I feel like most people on said proverbial boat shared my reaction:

    Yeah sure, it's nice that some people CAN kill it, but like. From the looks of it, most objectively can't do it alone.
  • Member _Cas_
    Reactions: 1,160
    Posts: 46
    edited April 2017
    Invulgo wrote: »
    _Cas_ wrote: »
    I would suggest using a Luminous for FrankenBalrog Farming.

    Luminous can spawn them at decent speed (Unsure if it's like this for all jobs, but i spawned 1 every 3 - 4 minutes in future Perion).

    You can use Spectral Light skill to attack these monsters - Acts as standard attack, but with insanely fast attack speed compared to normal stabbing - Can also stand in 1 place, and use left/right arrow keys to move the skill around.
    Can down a FrankenBalrog within 4 - 5 minutes.

    Aye! But is it fun? Personally I don't think it is fun right now.
    Not saying it's supposed to be super easy either, but nerfing them a bit would make it more fun.

    Oh i totally agree, making them a little easier would be more fun. This was just something to help people in the meantime, while we wait and hope for a change.

    I guess the most annoying thing about them currently, on non-lumi classes, is that if a monster gets infront of your attack, the attack will default to the monster and ignore the frakenbalrog QQ - I tried to kill a few while leveling my Evan, and it was definitely not fun!
  • Member DaisukeHaruto
    Reactions: 1,935
    Posts: 243
    edited April 2017
    Can confirm that any form of bowman is the worst thing to be when confronted with the whole 'normal attacks only' thing. If FB walks away just slightly from you and you shoot another monster, then you have to focus on killing that guy rather than FB. I mean, I guess anything who's default attack involves range or projectiles is in the same crappy boat of the belligerent balrog variety.
    I feel like most people on said proverbial boat shared my reaction:

    Yeah sure, it's nice that some people CAN kill it, but like. From the looks of it, most objectively can't do it alone.
    Killed it, in a training map, bowman... It can be done!!! but only if you have a safe platform and possibly a speed booster.
  • Member thrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited April 2017
    Asylum wrote: »
    thrakkes wrote: »
    For me, as a Hero with 1h sword and hardcap attack speed, I lay on ground and do basic attack. It's a bit faster than if you stand up. Takes me between 4 and 5min to kill the elite one. As for the one in town, takes me u to 6min. It sure takes long x.x Wondering how long an elite can stay in map ...

    If it happens one of you get Chief Axe from turkeys in Thanksgiving, use it! Faster speed(3). Basically for class who can't use weapon booster due to inapropriate weapon.

    I am speed capped with Extreme Green Potion, Decent Speed Infusion, Weapon Booster, and Attack Speed + 1 Level inner ability on a fast (5) attack speed weapon and I still cannot kill it before it expires. It heals up to full hp twice then disappears. Attack crouching changed nothing.

    If it heals, then you must have spawned Healer Frankenbalrog. You remind me Invincible Frankenbalrog, which uses shield. Not counting these elites, I have no problem to kill with this.

    I had a feeling attack crouching changed a little bit, probably since the animation is faster.
  • Member ThatBaldy
    Reactions: 1,145
    Posts: 60
    edited April 2017
    Meanwhile in reboot, we have a discord squad that can tp to any map with frankenbalrogs and kill them within seconds...
    I feel bad for you guys.
  • Member MakazeKiba
    Reactions: 1,800
    Posts: 224
    edited April 2017
    As a Hayato, I have little issue killing these things... UNLESS it has the healing affix. Then it just won't die.
  • Member Tanya
    Reactions: 1,230
    Posts: 91
    edited April 2017
    I've killed it once, on my wind archer. Most of the time it disappears on me because I can only do 1 dmg at a time and I end up hitting other monsters with my regular attack instead of it. I really want to collect those event boxes but it is just not worth the frustration.

    I agree with other posters - Its okay that our attacks do 1 dmg but PLEASE let us use all of our attacks on it! Having it spawn in the middle of a mob and attempting to poke at it repeatedly only to have it disappear is not cool at all ;_;
  • Member thrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited April 2017
    MakazeKiba wrote: »
    As a Hayato, I have little issue killing these things... UNLESS it has the healing affix. Then it just won't die.

    Well, for a Hayato, you are suppose to be a KING of killing these o-0 I have a good friend who could easily use one of his skills yesterday, I think Rai on normal stance. At first he didn't even know we normally use basic attack, he was killing this rog easily and pretty fast o-0 It was his first time seeing one.

    Also guys!!!! The first day I killed one elite balrog and dropped me a pouch, used to summon the balrog in town. Is it a 1 time drop? Because I have killed several of these since and never dropped this again.
  • Member KerBansot
    Reactions: 1,635
    Posts: 271
    edited April 2017
    Today I spent 6-7 minutes ignoring the rest of the spawn and just normal attacking this stupid rog only to have it disappear with roughly 10% hp left.

    This rog is supposed to give twice the treasure boxes that normal elite monsters do. An elite monster spawns every 3 minutes. So if you do the math, one rog is equal to two elites, both in drop amount and in time consumed. The only effing difference is, with normal elite monsters, you can still go around and kill the rest of the mobs and if you do enough damage, it won't even get a chance to disappear.

    So in this case, instead of getting two boxes from either one rog or two elite monsters, I lost out on two boxes and 6-7 minutes worth of exp.

    Now I usually spawn an elite boss after an hour to an hour and a half of training. I spawned this ridiculous beast three times today. THREE times. All disappeared after 6-7 minutes. That's a total of 18-21 minutes equivalent to 6-7 elite monsters/boxes and god knows how many billions of exp. It took me two and a half hours to spawn the elite boss.

    Not everyone is a pink bean or an aran or w/e other class that can kill it. I do not classify spending time trying to kill something only to have it disappear "entertaining".

    This is NOT fun, this is NOT funny.