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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Urgent request to change description
Please see
http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/11581/very-dangerous-item for details. Basically, the description for the Amazing Helium Gas can be construed as encouragement for people to start huffing, which can end up being deadly. I request at least a small disclaimer be put on the item not to do this, as soon as possible, even if there has to be an emergency maintenance to do so (and I really dislike emergency maintenance from being done if it can be helped).
I seriously doubt you'd be able to convince Nexon of the importance of this, in a game where we run around with sharp weapons, are expected to die multiple times in certain boss fights, and earn an achievement for taking damage while falling down from great heights 100 times. As I said in the other thread: Recently, we were encouraged to inject chocolate directly into our veins. Right now we have an event that's all about flying by riding rockets. The game is chock-full of things you should Not Try At Home. If it's any consolation, hardly anyone reads any text in the game, either item descriptions or quest instructions.
I am sorry for whatever real-life tragedy has made you so sensitive to this particular issue, but the truth is that if someone is that impressionable, they should not be playing any sort of fantasy game.
That, at least, is my opinion, as a player.
itd be a cold day in hell when you hear someone say, " maplestory made me do it" i dont think they need to do anything about disclaimers and changing descriptions. The majority of the player base dont need stuff like that. If youre a parent and your little kid plays maplestory, the parent should tell them. Maplestory obviously doesnt push anything violent or drug related. They dont even say " kill x amount of enemies" they say "defeat x amount of monsters"
why is this even an issue for you, how many people do you know that are huffing helium?
Not only this, but also keep in mind that the majority of the player base is 16 and over, so anyone that's actually reckless enough to try something they read in an MMO item description should either find another game to play, or seek professional help to deal with any psychological issues that would other wise cause them to consciously make that kind of decision.
so you're saying that it's more likely for someone to get a foolish and deadly idea from maplestory than it is from any of the kids shows they are probably watching (like spongebob, gumball..etc)?
I say, if a kid has made it this far and were lucky to somehow avoid doing all the dangerous stuff you can watch on youtube with videos of people doing stupid things, or see it happen in a cartoon and go "I should do that too", then I think they can resist the urge because both cartoons and youtube have a higher consumption to general public than maplestory.
now if you excuse me, I have to go inject 50cc's of chocolate into my veins because maplestory compels me to.
There wouldnt be a case. It wouldnt be negligence, nexon wouldnt be at fault should something happen. Theyre etc drops to fill up balloons, the characters themselves dont physically ingest the helium to get a buff, nothing crazy happens with the helium. Youre overthinking this.
Theyre limited liability, in the terms of agreement you agree you wont hold nexon accountable should you do anything stupid and suffer consequences.
I spoke to the Attorney general and the District Attorney and looks like youre wrong
If someone is legitimately not taking care of their child and allows them to inhale loads of helium, then the parent is at fault and should be held accountable, not some stupid game with a dumb description. You're worrying far too much, to the point where it's rather irrational. The chances of Nexon being sued are PHENOMENALLY low, and the chances of the person suing actually winning is even lower.
Not just that if they were to sue nexon, the probability they would win is in the decimals. not because of the power of nexon but because the terms and agreements limit the liability they would face.
I brought up the attorney general and Da to make fun of you. the terms and agreement begin at inception, when you create the account.
I seem to notice you're grasping a straws. It's illogical anyway you put it, blaming a game developer for someone huffing helium. Game developers handle PR through forums, not the same way as bigger companies do. If you were to sue Nexon for your kid huffing helium, youd lose.
it's parallel to the "games cause violence", it never sticks in arguments or cases. it'd be negligence on the parents part for not teaching the kids the dangers of those types of activities. Nexon isnt telling you to do helium. Helium is in the for the purpose it serves in real life, to blow up balloons.
As far as pr is concerned, it wouldnt be much done to the reputation of nexon, it wouldnt be their fault.
I dont have to convince you. It is what it is, you personally may try to hold them responsible, but it wont stick. trying to convince you about a fact is like trying to convince you grass is wet in the rain, you can clearly see it's wet.
what would your evidence be that supports the claim nexon would be responsible?
i am pretty small, Im 5 ft tall