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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
I thought today was the last day for attendance check in. I was supposed to get the damage skin box today, but it is no where in my event list.
http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/21660/updated-v-184-12th-terrorversary-patch-notes#heatwave It is currently 12:58 AM of April 19th, UTC:
I can still see the Attendance Check on the event list, and it clearly states that it lasts till 19th of April.
But you are totally correct; the patch note says 18th was the last day.
So... when the game and the patch note give us two different information, which one are we supposed to trust?
The in game Event List showed, at reset at least, 23 hours remaining; so that is where the confusion is coming from. I'm sure many people use that as their main guide, rather than going to this website and looking up the particular event.
Also: Wha? I read that as them thinking of extending it because two days (the 5th and the 19th) were gonna get bogged down by maintenance, rather than just the 5th. But I guess Arwoo was also talking about the 5th?
EDIT: wait, AKradian clearly said "extra" day, so they must have been talking about the 19th maintenance eating up a day, too.
It actually is 14 days. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 = 14 days I think. But still, there was only like 5ish hours to do the first day so most people missed it due to work, school, etc.
I personally can't complete it either way, but it sucks for the people that thought they could despite missing the first day.
These last few events were a little depressing. I couldn't do the Maple Rain, the Maple Museum is enormous, the attendance didn't have an extra day, I haven't seen a single Franken in the towns, I can't kill the Frakens outside of town, and I can't complete the achievement box either.
Dare I say, these events haven't been fun.
Not to mention day 1 was actually 5 hours or so worth of time, not a whole day. There was only 13.25 days to complete this 14 day check-in
You can start it right now if you want to.
Could have started it five hours ago, in fact.
I didn't see it when I logged on earlier. It showed up about an hour or two after I was logged on.
I am glad it's only 200 this time.