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Attendance ended early?

Reactions: 1,000
Posts: 83
edited April 2017 in General Chat
I thought today was the last day for attendance check in. I was supposed to get the damage skin box today, but it is no where in my event list.


  • NeospectorNeospector
    Reactions: 9,860
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    edited April 2017
    The Spring Heatwave Attendance ended on time:
    April 5 - April 18
    This event starts after the maintenance and ends at midnight UTC.
    It is currently 12:58 AM of April 19th, UTC:
  • BelloPallyBelloPally
    Reactions: 1,905
    Posts: 99
    edited April 2017
    Neospector wrote: »
    The Spring Heatwave Attendance ended on time:
    April 5 - April 18
    This event starts after the maintenance and ends at midnight UTC.
    It is currently 12:58 AM of April 19th, UTC.

    I can still see the Attendance Check on the event list, and it clearly states that it lasts till 19th of April.

    But you are totally correct; the patch note says 18th was the last day.

    So... when the game and the patch note give us two different information, which one are we supposed to trust?
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited April 2017
    Neospector wrote: »
    The Spring Heatwave Attendance ended on time:
    April 5 - April 18
    This event starts after the maintenance and ends at midnight UTC.
    It is currently 12:58 AM of April 19th, UTC.

    The in game Event List showed, at reset at least, 23 hours remaining; so that is where the confusion is coming from. I'm sure many people use that as their main guide, rather than going to this website and looking up the particular event.
  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited April 2017
    Oh wow, so there weren't any spare days? Even though we only had like five hours for the first day? And those five hours were when most people on the west coast were at work?

    Arwoo wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    Also, will the attendance that ends on the 19th be extended? Its one extra day was already eaten up by the long maintenance on April 5th.

    We will discuss possibly extending the attendance by an extra day due to the maintenance.
    Wha? I read that as them thinking of extending it because two days (the 5th and the 19th) were gonna get bogged down by maintenance, rather than just the 5th. But I guess Arwoo was also talking about the 5th?

    EDIT: wait, AKradian clearly said "extra" day, so they must have been talking about the 19th maintenance eating up a day, too.
  • PhoenixKumoPhoenixKumo
    Reactions: 2,730
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    edited April 2017
    Listen, I could absolutely tell you right now that having the event end on April 19 makes no sense. The attendance had two weeks' worth of prizes. That's 14 days. How in the blazes do you suppose we get the prize for the 14th day when we only have 13 days to complete it (thanks maintenance)? Are we supposed to bend space-time?
  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited April 2017
    Listen, I could absolutely tell you right now that having the event end on April 19 makes no sense. The attendance had two weeks' worth of prizes. That's 14 days. How in the blazes do you suppose we get the prize for the 14th day when we only have 13 days to complete it (thanks maintenance)? Are we supposed to bend space-time?

    It actually is 14 days. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 = 14 days I think. But still, there was only like 5ish hours to do the first day so most people missed it due to work, school, etc.

    I personally can't complete it either way, but it sucks for the people that thought they could despite missing the first day.
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited April 2017
    Yeah, I missed the first day because the maintenance ran long, but thought it was going to be okay since we'd still have enough time running through the 19th. I guess neither the website info or in game event list can be relied upon. :(
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited April 2017
    i only had the time to complete 1 day QQ
  • SilverswornSilversworn
    Reactions: 1,440
    Posts: 31
    edited April 2017
    I was afraid something like this would happen. I was really looking forward to that damage skin box :'(
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,235
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    edited April 2017
    I thought we had another day so i did not claim all my other items =[
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited April 2017
    Both the in-game event list and the attendance calendar itself said the last day was the 19th.
  • SabbmonsterSabbmonster
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 59
    edited April 2017
    The Teeny White Monkey Attendance thing says it starts today but I don't see it in the Event Star.
    These last few events were a little depressing. I couldn't do the Maple Rain, the Maple Museum is enormous, the attendance didn't have an extra day, I haven't seen a single Franken in the towns, I can't kill the Frakens outside of town, and I can't complete the achievement box either.
    Dare I say, these events haven't been fun.
  • DesiraeDesirae
    Reactions: 300
    Post: 1
    edited April 2017
    I agree, I am angry as well... I have been trying to read and keep up with the game news but I was still in the thought that it would end tomorrow....... and i also had other problems with the event. Some problems the same as everyone else such as with the frankenbalrog. But i also had problems with all my rocket booster points disappearing on 3 different characters. As well as one of my attendance days didn't register so i had to repeat the 2000 kill twice for 2 of my characters (so i lost an extra day, thought i had tomorrow to make it up)......... Super not impressed with these events. when i emailed customer service they said they checked and noticed nothing wrong with the attendance check for the character i asked them about.
  • GeminiaGeminia
    Reactions: 2,370
    Posts: 258
    edited April 2017
    Awesome. I was going to claim all my gifts on the last day and now my time has been wasted.
  • TashieTashie
    Reactions: 1,450
    Posts: 122
    edited April 2017
    And I really wanted that dmg skin..................again they mess up times I honestly wish things would correlate with one another instead of have two different end dates like many have posted most of us were following the event guide in game rather than check the site..........and again most people had limited time to finish the 1st day....tbh I wish you guys gave us some extra days to do these things so yea I'm pretty dam upset that now i have to go spend coins on the one dmg skin i was eyeing T_T
  • BellamazedBellamazed
    Reactions: 1,235
    Posts: 71
    edited April 2017
    Pretty poor form if you ask me. If you make a mistake and list two different dates, you should stick to the later date out of courtesy - especially considering the later date was the in-game date and many players would go off this, not everyone visits the website.

    Not to mention day 1 was actually 5 hours or so worth of time, not a whole day. There was only 13.25 days to complete this 14 day check-in :/
  • FennekinFennekin
    Reactions: 2,941
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    edited April 2017
    The Teeny White Monkey Attendance thing says it starts today but I don't see it in the Event Star. .
    Would be hilarious if there aren't any extra days for that attendance either lol, since we won't be able to start it until the maintenance ends (AT 12 PM PDT.......... y'know, 5 hours before reset, when most people are still at work/school :/ )

  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited April 2017
    Dang, I was going to accept some cubes from the attendance. Guess I was a little too late...
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited April 2017
    Fennekin wrote: »
    The Teeny White Monkey Attendance thing says it starts today but I don't see it in the Event Star. .
    Would be hilarious if there aren't any extra days for that attendance either lol, since we won't be able to start it until the maintenance ends (AT 12 PM PDT.......... y'know, 5 hours before reset, when most people are still at work/school :/ )

    You can start it right now if you want to.
    Could have started it five hours ago, in fact.
  • SabbmonsterSabbmonster
    Reactions: 990
    Posts: 59
    edited April 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    Fennekin wrote: »
    The Teeny White Monkey Attendance thing says it starts today but I don't see it in the Event Star. .
    Would be hilarious if there aren't any extra days for that attendance either lol, since we won't be able to start it until the maintenance ends (AT 12 PM PDT.......... y'know, 5 hours before reset, when most people are still at work/school :/ )

    You can start it right now if you want to.
    Could have started it five hours ago, in fact.

    I didn't see it when I logged on earlier. It showed up about an hour or two after I was logged on.
    I am glad it's only 200 this time.