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How was your IGN invented?
I was wondering how you guys invented the IGN of your mains. Does it mean anything special to you, was it random, or plain cool looking?
Please tell me the story behind your IGNs :P.
Reason: I love limes.
Pretty straight forward
Neo(pets) + "Spector" = Neospector
As for my main, "Artulian", I think I pulled if off of a fantasy name generator and tweaked it until it was accepted. That's typically how I do all my character names now.
My IGN's mostly have the name ROSE in them, because I love that name, and I love that flower, too.
On my Farm, I am naming some of my monsters after the animals that I had while growing up or have had over the last years.
So, that is how my names are established.
LOL I used to prepend "Neo" to words and use the result as my IGN too. My first RuneScape (and MapleStory) char was named Neopian1, but I got a lot of hate cuz neopets was a "baby" game lol. So for later chars I just used "Neo" plus whatever. I wasn't very creative though. NeoMaging for an i/l, NeoSniping for an xbowman... before that I used Neothedude and Neotheguy, cuz I had a friend who named his chars Jackthedude or something.
My old main was a marksman named PhineasFlynn, cuz I was into Phineas and Ferb at the time. Even had a robo named Perry.
My current name is Amayzee, cuz Amazy Dayzees from Paper Mario. No idea why. I guess I was into Paper Mario at the time? I loved the original and TTYD. I feel like changing it though. I wanna change to Gumball, cuz TAWoG, but it doesn't seem to suit my char...
And forum name is the best pokemon ever. Would LOVE to have it be my main's name, but it's taken. I do have the version with just the accented i, but I dunno how I feel about using accented characters lol.
Angels, radiant beings commonly renown as bringers of hope, strength, and guidance during dark times of great strife. I wanted to play as someone who could mends wounds and lovingly support others even if becoming completely inept at fighting. Naturally, this would draw me towards choosing the cleric branch. A decision this avatar would never reconsider even when swayed from observing others performing spectacular abilities during training sessions.
Then there's scholar...An intellectual dedicated to studying the fields of science, mathematics, and fine arts, discovering lost logic interwoven between various concepts and applying new found knowledge in solving some of today's toughest problems. Even if commonly stereotyped wearing glasses and carrying a book of some sort, this was an accurate representation of myself having been born near-sided and developing a love for mystery novels. If not carrying a mystery novel, at least a notebook of some type for organizing thoughts or recording journal entries even when on the go.
Both concepts share a common thread. It is to help others solve problems and through helping help others in return, finding one's own place in life. Even after 10 years, 2 college degrees, and countless adventures later, our goals and means have remain unchanged: strive for a place to start a new chapter in life and a brighter tomorrow through assisting others. Maybe someday, we might find our own little piece of heaven.
I like to cosplay characters that I see in Anime
The first part of my name is "Daxter." He is named after the Ottsel, Daxter from the Playstation series. I didn't use the name Jak because Jak didn't have dialogue except for his fighting sounds.
Daxter's death commentary is hilarious, but the way he speaks to NPCs is so rude but funny at the same time. When the Fisherman in Forbidden Jungle wondered why couldn't catch anything, Daxter commented that it was probably that the Fisherman had bad breath. He also gives Jak funny advice.
Before I explain further, I DO NOT AND PROBABLY WILL NOT CONSUME ANY ALCOHOL. The part "beer" from a Jak and Daxter video with The Beer Song by Weird Al Yankovic. It combines
All characters I create have the "Dax" in the either at the end, front or middle of their name. Some of my first characters from the Alliance update don't have the name "Dax" in them. The name "Dax" is considered a "royal name" as I never create mules with the "Dax" in its name unless they are in the same Nexon ID (my mules aren't considered worthy of the "Dax" title.)
Its2Sharp4U = I'm pretty darn sure this was self explanatory. Originally came from Dual Blades and you have two sharp weapons, a Dagger and Katara. I have another character made before this named Itis2Sharp4U but I quit that world. I didn't expect to become so strong as of today, but I'm not the best.
I also am a big fan of Kingdom Hearts.
A few years later, I made a new character which I named Xelthine which is an Anagram of Enethil plus an X, which is how the names in Organization XIII is decided.
I've stuck with this name ever since.
Well its my real life name in reverse with some letters switched.
Remix came from nowhere.
The first one originated from Beyblade actually. I loved the Libra top, and I named my second character (My first was an aran I only got to 50 in Zenith so I don't count it
The other source of names were character names from a book series I was super into around 7th grade called "Warriors" Which was about a bunch of ridiculously self aware cats that formed communities and fought a ton. Imagine four tyrants with a deputy all living together in an area. It doesn't go well. Anyways, the characters have cool names like "JayFrost" or "LionBlade" Kind of cheesy, but still ok.
I had always been into Maple fashion and I wanted my character to embody a piece of art, and I thought of the name Mosaic. It has a nice sound to it and is an artsy name. It doesn't even necessarily go with the class.
Hey, where is our painter class!?
OmnidroidDax (Mechanic)- My signature "Dax" + The Omnidroid from the Incredibles
MitosisATTDax (Shade)- My signature "Dax" + mitosis based off Shade's ability to spit monsters
Mine is just because my first name is a single letter, by birth. Trying to register a single letter on just about anything is impossible, and I kept having to explain "It's not J-A-Y, it's just one letter".