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Please keep P2W out of Reboot


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited May 2017
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

  • XeratetsuXeratetsu
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 43
    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    I actually love that saying. It fits this situation very well.

    o/t: What language is that from?
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    You guys have the right to voice your emotions on the matter, and I have the right to voice my opposition to your emotions.
    The problem with that is that theyre feeling, not thinking. Theres a bigger picture at hand. Nexon arent our friends either than can just hand us things we want, they have investors and licensing fees to pay off. And you said it yourself, to me, if i dont want to farm mesos, I cant expect to have legendary 15 starred legendary items, did you not?
  • XeratetsuXeratetsu
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 43
    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    You guys have the right to voice your emotions on the matter, and I have the right to voice my opposition to your emotions.

    Your opinion is short sighted and unhelpful to the current situation at hand. its the age old "Just because you have the right to say something, doesnt mean you should." your opinion on what is or isnt p2w in reboot doesnt matter at all when you dont play in reboot. Just because you may like to bow down to nexon and take their s**t doesnt mean the rest of us will.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited May 2017
    Xeratetsu wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    You guys have the right to voice your emotions on the matter, and I have the right to voice my opposition to your emotions.

    Your opinion is short sighted and unhelpful to the current situation at hand. its the age old "Just because you have the right to say something, doesnt mean you should." your opinion on what is or isnt p2w in reboot doesnt matter at all when you dont play in reboot. Just because you may like to bow down to nexon and take their s**t doesnt mean the rest of us will.

    Im actually on reboot right now. so there goes that theory
  • DemiheartDemiheart
    Reactions: 1,360
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    edited May 2017
    I understand where you're coming from DarkPassenger, but I do have to say I disagree with you.
    You started out by saying if it's a p2w aspect it should be expected to be expensive; It will be expensive at, let's say 50m each attempt, seeing as you might need a lot of attempts, don't you think?
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited May 2017
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    You guys have the right to voice your emotions on the matter, and I have the right to voice my opposition to your emotions.
    The problem with that is that theyre feeling, not thinking. Theres a bigger picture at hand. Nexon arent our friends either than can just hand us things we want, they have investors and licensing fees to pay off.

    No one's saying you have no right to voice your own opinions. The point is that the majority has the opinion against the boxes. A single person minority opposition holds close to no weight in the entire argument, and is essentially negligible. If the majority wants something, it's more important that they get what they've been asking for than what the vastly smaller minority wants.

    Yes, it's true. Nexon has to make a living somehow. But they won't get it treating the community like this. Their only income left will be whales and shills if this is allowed to continue.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    You guys have the right to voice your emotions on the matter, and I have the right to voice my opposition to your emotions.
    The problem with that is that theyre feeling, not thinking. Theres a bigger picture at hand. Nexon arent our friends either than can just hand us things we want, they have investors and licensing fees to pay off.

    No one's saying you have no right to voice your own opinions. The point is that the majority has the opinion against the boxes. A single person minority opposition holds close to no weight in the entire argument, and is essentially negligible. If the majority wants something, it's more important that they get what they've been asking for than the vastly smaller minority wants.

    If a single person had no weight in their opinion, we wouldnt see that the earth revolves around the sun.
  • XeratetsuXeratetsu
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 43
    edited May 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    AKradian wrote: »
    @DarkPassenger : There's a saying in my language: "If ten people tell you that you're drunk, go to bed."

    Everyone on all these threads, here and on the subreddit, disagrees with you.
    The vast majority of Rebooters feel differently than you do.
    It's possible that you're the only one with sense.
    But it's more likely that you're "drunk".

    You guys have the right to voice your emotions on the matter, and I have the right to voice my opposition to your emotions.
    The problem with that is that theyre feeling, not thinking. Theres a bigger picture at hand. Nexon arent our friends either than can just hand us things we want, they have investors and licensing fees to pay off.

    No one's saying you have no right to voice your own opinions. The point is that the majority has the opinion against the boxes. A single person minority opposition holds close to no weight in the entire argument, and is essentially negligible. If the majority wants something, it's more important that they get what they've been asking for than the vastly smaller minority wants.

    If a single person had no weight in their opinion, we wouldnt see that the earth revolves around the sun.

    If you had actually read what they said, you would have seen they said "Close to no weight" meaning that your opinion has weight and is being seen, But doesn't hold a candle to the amount of people outraged by nexons decision. next time you try to be philosophical, make sure you know what you're talking about.
  • TsukiBakaTsukiBaka
    Reactions: 1,910
    Posts: 69
    edited May 2017
    Don't forget.. he never knew what he was talking about from the beginning. The moment he shared his opinion on what P2W was to him. The discussion became moot. If he is too stubborn or unwilling to understand our viewpoints with just that aspect alone. Then there is absolutely no way for anyone to convince him otherwise. As already proven with 8 pages worth of posts.
  • DaxiDaxi
    Reactions: 1,800
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    edited May 2017
    It's important for everyone to get their chance to speak. Even if we
    Daxi wrote: »
    TsukiBaka wrote: »
    Stop posting here.

    Don't tell them that, you're not allowed to bump threads and their posts have helped keep the thread bumped for the past week lol.

    thats why i didnt adress the user. what they said to me is insignificant in the big picture, when a post is met with opposition, it's a post that should be taken into account

    I hope you'll forgive me for not engaging, the extra posts are too valuable. <3
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited May 2017
    TsukiBaka wrote: »
    Don't forget.. he never knew what he was talking about from the beginning. The moment he shared his opinion on what P2W was to him. The discussion became moot. If he is too stubborn or unwilling to understand our viewpoints with just that aspect alone. Then there is absolutely no way for anyone to convince him otherwise. As already proven with 8 pages worth of posts.

    Eh... The problem is that arguments don't normally change people's opinions.
    Daxi wrote: »
    I hope you'll forgive me for not engaging, the extra posts are too valuable. <3

    Regardless of what idiocy propagates, I will agree that more attention to the issue is of utmost importance.
  • XeratetsuXeratetsu
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 43
    edited May 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    TsukiBaka wrote: »
    Don't forget.. he never knew what he was talking about from the beginning. The moment he shared his opinion on what P2W was to him. The discussion became moot. If he is too stubborn or unwilling to understand our viewpoints with just that aspect alone. Then there is absolutely no way for anyone to convince him otherwise. As already proven with 8 pages worth of posts.

    Eh... The problem is that arguments don't normally change people's opinions.
    Daxi wrote: »
    I hope you'll forgive me for not engaging, the extra posts are too valuable. <3

    Regardless of what idiocy propagates, I will agree that more attention to the issue is of utmost importance.

    I agree. the more attention this thread gets, Regardless of how ridiculous some peoples points are, the better off we are.
  • ZamnZaddyZamnZaddy
    Reactions: 310
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    edited May 2017
    The fact that the boxes in reboot are 500m each is ludicrous. It's very very obvious that they make it that high to force you into using NX, which is even more bs.
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 18
    edited May 2017
    Lesson from darkpassenger: If someone disagrees with you, they are just stupid and don't understand economics!

    Don't take him seriously, he is actually 12 years old, he admitted in another thread about this.
  • XeratetsuXeratetsu
    Reactions: 1,050
    Posts: 43
    edited May 2017
    ZamnZaddy wrote: »
    The fact that the boxes in reboot are 500m each is ludicrous. It's very very obvious that they make it that high to force you into using NX, which is even more bs.

    Thats another of the points we're trying to get across to nexon. If they remove the Nx box from reboot then there is Absolutely no reason for the box to be 500m. Even if they dont remove the nx box, charging 500m for the box is stupidly over priced and they fullwell know it.
    HASUEHAS wrote: »
    Lesson from darkpassenger: If someone disagrees with you, they are just stupid and don't understand economics!

    Don't take him seriously, he is actually 12 years old, he admitted in another thread about this.

    I had figured that, but the more someone who knows nothing speaks, the more likely they are to say something stupid, Which he did and he stopped replying because i caught him on it.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    HASUEHAS wrote: »
    Lesson from darkpassenger: If someone disagrees with you, they are just stupid and don't understand economics!

    Don't take him seriously, he is actually 12 years old, he admitted in another thread about this.

    I never actually called anyone stupid. Yeah, ok pal, Im 12 years old but Ive been active since 05. You guys did most if not all the insulting.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited May 2017
    Xeratetsu wrote: »
    ZamnZaddy wrote: »
    The fact that the boxes in reboot are 500m each is ludicrous. It's very very obvious that they make it that high to force you into using NX, which is even more bs.

    Thats another of the points we're trying to get across to nexon. If they remove the Nx box from reboot then there is Absolutely no reason for the box to be 500m. Even if they dont remove the nx box, charging 500m for the box is stupidly over priced and they fullwell know it.
    HASUEHAS wrote: »
    Lesson from darkpassenger: If someone disagrees with you, they are just stupid and don't understand economics!

    Don't take him seriously, he is actually 12 years old, he admitted in another thread about this.

    I had figured that, but the more someone who knows nothing speaks, the more likely they are to say something stupid, Which he did and he stopped replying because i caught him on it.

    Why would I continue to respond when the conversation went downhill when you guys started insulting instead of engaging in discussion.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
    Posts: 2,669
    edited May 2017
    whether you guys disagree or not, our opinions hold the same value no matter how right you guys think you are even if the majority of you hold the same opinion, the only ones that hold more value in assertions are Volunteer Forum Mods, and above that Admins. As long as I continue to follow the code of conduct and the rules, I should be able to continue posting even if you people think I'm 12 or an idiot.
  • link37890link37890
    Reactions: 1,430
    Posts: 31
    edited May 2017
    ZamnZaddy wrote: »
    The fact that the boxes in reboot are 500m each is ludicrous. It's very very obvious that they make it that high to force you into using NX, which is even more bs.

    Hopefully that was a typo and it's 500mil for 11 boxes and 50mil for 1 box
    Even with the NX option that's still heavily inflated compared to cubes