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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Going to use the R word here, but it smells like a roll back :^)
Sure the heck is, man. Extended Maintenance, etc. I was only getting 2x I believe. lol
The game was up for like 30 mins, what are you going to lose?
Yeah basically lmao, but unless you got a lot accomplished in the short amount of time that the game was up, I don't think it would effect you. And I'm hearing a lot of people got crap from the boxes lolol.
I really don't feel like suffering the grind from 1-30 against the wave of new characters again. lol Also, knowing Nexon, I won't get my Zero 30 box, or my new player box xD
Choose your words more carefully before you realize that rollbacks are not always good things. Besides it only affected EXP, it's not like every monster way exploding items everywhere... get real guys.
Well I didn't get my returning player gifts so I guess I'm on their hit list or something lol
Well seeing there weren't a ton of people online right after the game went up because the maintenance was extended so long, that's highly unlikely, and I'm pretty sure people aren't going on huge boss runs right after a ton of new events come out. I don't understand the last part of what you said because it wasn't very coherent.
Oh well, it doesn't surprise me lol.
were you inactive since feb 2017?
Oh wow nvm lmao. I thought you had to be active since Feb 11th.
There were no events for me to do outside of the crossover stuff that has absolutely nothing of interest to me, so I did my bosses right after I got on.
Edit: I was also wondering why said bosses were giving me 7-10x bonus EXP, apparently a lot of buffs were broken somehow to give exp boosts?
I WISH. It's not a big deal to me if it doesn't happen though, because I only spent 20k nx on crap re:zero boxes. It could have been a lot worse lol.