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Wonderoid Jump Quest Difficulty

Reactions: 1,760
Posts: 40
Member, Private Tester
edited May 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
Please reduce the difficulty for the Wonderoid Jump Quest. Or give us a way to skip it after failing 100+ times. This difficulty is just ridiculous, I'll break my keyboard in half in anger before I ever get past B4, let alone FOUR levels of that.
HakufuArhousEsoumthatplantxNailKaiserkrskemperor52PissedOffWatcherCCGDoughand 1 other.
  1. Nerf it?67 votes
       75% (50 votes)
    2. No - quit whining and figure it out like I did
       25% (17 votes)


  • CatharanthusCatharanthus
    Reactions: 1,115
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    edited May 2017
    The difficulty is ridiculous. I've spent four hours on B1 alone because it's long and has no save point.

    Edit: I did complete it eventually, but I still would very much like a checkpoint at the fake door or something.
    VimiHakufudeadend5193thatplantkrskRikoLattéemperor52PissedOffMaplersDoughand 2 others.
  • TheHoATheHoA
    Reactions: 2,210
    Posts: 337
    edited May 2017
    check reddit - it mentions backtracking on the conveyor belt for B1 to make it easier (tossing robots ftw) but yeah it really is considerably hard. Reminds me of the MMF event last year (P.S. both events have something in common~)
  • HakufuHakufu
    Reactions: 1,155
    Posts: 99
    edited May 2017
    Honestly, I wish they would add checkpoints or just set the instant kill traps to a percentage of your hp. I've been stuck in room b1 for the past Eleven hours and I'm still attempting to clear even as I'm typing this. I've tried all the mentioned ways to clear it, like going through the way you're expected to or walking against the conveyors. If a timed event is going to stay this difficult they might as well make it permanent content. ~Rant
    VimiRollsdeadend5193ArhousJettLuvsUthatplantkrskCatharanthusPissedOffSlicedTimeand 6 others.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    Please for the love of Nexon...decrease the difficulty.
    HakufuVimiArhousthatplantkrskgvnalmanzaRikoLattéemperor52PissedOffShadowParadoxand 2 others.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited May 2017
    Nothing important in this game should ever require a jump quest to obtain. And if there just has to be one, it shouldn't be a main part of it, let alone as ridiculously hard as this one.
    HakufuVimiPetalmagicEsoumthatplantPissedOffgvnalmanzaRikoLattéemperor52ShadowParadoxand 2 others.
  • EsoumEsoum
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    hey nexon why in the the love of eveything that is holy make it so you can only buy thing when you beat that stupid jump quest? please at least remove the restriction on buying the IMPORTANT items. its like that one state farm commercial were the guy has a dollar on a fishing pole Really nexon?????
  • HakufuHakufu
    Reactions: 1,155
    Posts: 99
    edited May 2017
    I finally cleared the first one after 12 hours, but it still needs to be made easier.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    Esoum wrote: »
    hey nexon why in the the love of eveything that is holy make it so you can only buy thing when you beat that stupid jump quest? please at least remove the restriction on buying the IMPORTANT items. its like that one state farm commercial were the guy has a dollar on a fishing pole Really nexon?????

    Or at least make the content accessible for those of us who are not the most agile jump questers in the game. Seriously, if I could transfer my permanent Lidium heart in Reboot..I would not have cared for this event. I got that heart when I came back to the game...no jump quest, no anger required.
  • EsoumEsoum
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    Esoum wrote: »
    hey nexon why in the the love of eveything that is holy make it so you can only buy thing when you beat that stupid jump quest? please at least remove the restriction on buying the IMPORTANT items. its like that one state farm commercial were the guy has a dollar on a fishing pole Really nexon?????

    Or at least make the content accessible for those of us who are not the most agile jump questers in the game. Seriously, if I could transfer my permanent Lidium heart in Reboot..I would not have cared for this event. I got that heart when I came back to the game...no jump quest, no anger required.

    honest;y i feel like quitting MS if i cant have access to the items by other means just allow me to obtain it without getting me on some meds is that too much to ask?
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
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    edited May 2017
    Esoum wrote: »
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    Esoum wrote: »
    hey nexon why in the the love of eveything that is holy make it so you can only buy thing when you beat that stupid jump quest? please at least remove the restriction on buying the IMPORTANT items. its like that one state farm commercial were the guy has a dollar on a fishing pole Really nexon?????

    Or at least make the content accessible for those of us who are not the most agile jump questers in the game. Seriously, if I could transfer my permanent Lidium heart in Reboot..I would not have cared for this event. I got that heart when I came back to the game...no jump quest, no anger required.

    honest;y i feel like quitting MS if i cant have access to the items by other means just allow me to obtain it without getting me on some meds is that too much to ask?

    Same...I have played this for over 5 years...but this is just...too much for my temper.
  • MattyMatty
    Reactions: 2,120
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    edited May 2017
    B1 is a bit poorly designed but other than that it's really not that hard. Why do you guys insist on having everything served to you on a silver platter?
  • AmaterasuuAmaterasuu
    Reactions: 630
    Posts: 5
    edited May 2017
    I come to the forum to check for tips to complete these jump quests but only find most people are even more frustrated than I am. It's not really worth all of the trouble for me, so I guess I'll just be skipping this event.
  • EsoumEsoum
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    Matty wrote: »
    B1 is a bit poorly designed but other than that it's really not that hard. Why do you guys insist on having everything served to you on a silver platter?

    hey I never said i wanted it to be given i still want to earn it but if its a jump quest thats a big mistake to make. you have to rescue one andriod for the heart to be worth anything and its not like reboot makes easy to get anything but a damn jump quest is were I draw the line
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    Amaterasuu wrote: »
    I come to the forum to check for tips to complete these jump quests but only find most people are even more frustrated than I am. It's not really worth all of the trouble for me, so I guess I'll just be skipping this event.

    No kidding...I am still sitting with B1 after two hours...I am just not the best at Jump quests...
  • EsoumEsoum
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    Amaterasuu wrote: »
    I come to the forum to check for tips to complete these jump quests but only find most people are even more frustrated than I am. It's not really worth all of the trouble for me, so I guess I'll just be skipping this event.

    No kidding...I am still sitting with B1 after two hours...I am just not the best at Jump quests...

    maplestory's physics are not suited for jump quests
  • RadiantSightRadiantSight
    Reactions: 1,025
    Posts: 50
    edited May 2017
    I rescued two androids currently.
    From my experiences, the timing with passing through the stationary/moving lasers as well as some jumping across small gaps is really strict. They need to increase the interval time that lasers fire by 50% and slightly shorten some of the gaps that you have to jump over.
  • thatplantthatplant
    Reactions: 765
    Posts: 26
    edited May 2017
    Ugh, I pray for a miracle that they reduce the difficulty. I ended up giving up.
    At LEAST let us go back to where we were if we dc / want to take a break and leave to do our dailies.
    Having to restart the whole thing is extremely ridiculous.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited May 2017
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    No kidding...I am still sitting with B1 after two hours...I am just not the best at Jump quests...

    There has previously been absolutely no reason to go out of your way to practice jump quests, since there's only 1 time in the game you'll ever need to do them (Gollux). It can't be expected of anyone to be good at jump quests. Then they just throw in this gigantic spike in difficulty with B1. When people get stuck in the same jump quest for several hours, it's fairly obvious that it's too hard. No amount of "get good" or "you just need to practice more" is ever going to justify that. And we only have a limited time to do this.

    And they could've at least made it so you didn't have to do them all without stopping. Maybe I'd want to take a break before doing B1 after having done the other stages, or stop and come back to it another time, but of course I'd have to do B4-B2 again too.

    B1 needs to be changed. Jump quests should never be pivotal to accessing content. And if Nexon so desperately wants jump quests to be the main part, it should be doable in a reasonable amount of time.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    Petalmagic wrote: »
    No kidding...I am still sitting with B1 after two hours...I am just not the best at Jump quests...

    There has previously been absolutely no reason to go out of your way to practice jump quests, since there's only 1 time in the game you'll ever need to do them (Gollux). It can't be expected of anyone to be good at jump quests. Then they just throw in this gigantic spike in difficulty with B1. When people get stuck in the same jump quest for several hours, it's fairly obvious that it's too hard. No amount of "get good" or "you just need to practice more" is ever going to justify that. And we only have a limited time to do this.

    And they could've at least made it so you didn't have to do them all without stopping. Maybe I'd want to take a break before doing B1 after having done the other stages, or stop and come back to it another time, but of course I'd have to do B4-B2 again too.

    B1 needs to be changed. Jump quests should never be pivotal to accessing content. And if Nexon so desperately wants jump quests to be the main part, it should be doable in a reasonable amount of time.

    Yeah, and I dced and lost my progress...I gave up after crying for about an hour :T
  • LagTooMuchLagTooMuch
    Reactions: 1,985
    Posts: 122
    edited May 2017
    need a save point. Got freaked out man.