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wondroid nerf for B1 an B4 pls


  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited May 2017
    Lol @ the people that are actually doing this.
  • UnforgivennnUnforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
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    edited May 2017
    Tuba wrote: »
    Lol @ the people that are actually doing this.

    Lol @ the people who aren't
  • SebastianEvaSebastianEva
    Reactions: 430
    Posts: 6
    edited May 2017
    we should have the thing for who "cannot" do it due to lag or ping or just overall bad at jump quest to participate in the event since it so called "best in slot" gear for end game.
    i get that it more reward for those who can completed it good for you but there are thousand of player who cant even get through the B4 so dont event talk about B1 it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to get anything from the event.
    event suppose to be fun not frustrating imo
  • ZambookiiZambookii
    Reactions: 815
    Posts: 40
    edited May 2017
    Can you please fix the elevator dcs? The worst is the last elevator.. 50% I always dc... really a downer
  • PonPonPonPon
    Reactions: 1,265
    Posts: 53
    edited May 2017
    The game needs to have some really hard events like this so players with skills can shine. For me I rescued Aster within 30mins, from B4 to F1. It's not so hard for me after all.

    This B1 for Rhea is harder than Aster. I spent 1~2hours figuring out how to do it. And then finished it in about 6 minutes. Not-so-hard.

    Patience and timing are the key factors here.
  • SilvaSilva
    Reactions: 1,085
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    edited May 2017
    Arwoo wrote: »
    We've collected and sent the feedback from the community along with suggestions. We do see that much of our audience is currently experiencing a hard time getting through the Wondroid Jump Quest stages.

    Can you please report the following "glitch" or however you want to call it too?

    I was so excited when I finally cleared B1 too, now I am beyond heartbroken...
  • thrakkesthrakkes
    Reactions: 2,135
    Posts: 364
    edited May 2017
    PonPon wrote: »
    The game needs to have some really hard events like this so players with skills can shine. For me I rescued Aster within 30mins, from B4 to F1. It's not so hard for me after all.

    This B1 for Rhea is harder than Aster. I spent 1~2hours figuring out how to do it. And then finished it in about 6 minutes. Not-so-hard.

    Patience and timing are the key factors here.

    Lol I used to do a part on top when returning back to beginning on both androids. My buddy told me he was doing same way as you. After doing my second android, he finally told me how he could easily returning from convo way. I dont know if I am wrong, but I keep thinking this is not the way to actually complete JQ, but top part with laser lol, but on midway I had to do a little part at bottom and come back to top from rope. But before going down I made sure to send android on top as left as possible so I can grab it back after taking ladders (like we see at 1:15).
  • EsoumEsoum
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 10
    edited May 2017
    after stay up all night and trying countless times to do B1 my internet crashed at 1 am. Nexon please dont ever put items behind jump quests its not worth risking my health for it. Other wise I'll quit all together
  • AK712AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited May 2017
    This is complete nonsense. Would you boycott the Olympics because 99.9% of the world can't compete? Should we get rid of all professional sports because not everyone can get drafted? Of course not! Just because one of the events is extremely difficult and requires a lot of trials, effort, and skill doesn't mean it's bad. Maple Runner and Maple Music Festival were exactly the same, and they didn't get "nerfed". The same SHOULD happen with this event. It's only the very beginning of the event, so you can't be sure that it's "impossible". There have been people who have gotten one and even two of the roids rescued - doesn't seem impossible at all.

    In short, if you can't do it, you won't get the rewards. Does that make you "worse off"? No. There will be other events that you will succeed in that others fail. Everyone has different skills. Personally, I'm glad we are finally getting events that take skill, and not just countless "defeat 300 monsters" events.
  • WatcherCCGWatcherCCG
    Reactions: 1,570
    Posts: 43
    edited May 2017
    I'm not even gonna touch the apples-and-oranges comparison to the Olympics...

    This is a timed event with content we are unlikely to ever see again, not permanent endgame content which, rightly, ought to be hard as hell. Most timed events in MMO's are tuned so that a majority of players are able to see at least most of the content, given enough effort. Jump quests have never been the domain of the "average" Mapler. They are meant for those handfuls of players who want to go beyond the norm and tackle something radically different from just killing mobs and running around playing FedEx. They're meant for showing off, absolutely, and I have a lot of respect for those who've grown to trivialize jump quests. But by becoming masters, you often forget where you came from, which is where the majority of this game's players are. Jump Quests got phased out of required content because they never caught on with the majority of players, only a select few who, much like real life parkour runners, dedicated themselves to making completion of these brain busters into an art form. Gating a major event, complete with limited-edition items and one of the best storylines this game has seen in quite a while, behind a niche feature that the majority does not have the skill nor the patience for is a recipe for disaster. Maybe if the Wondroids became a permanent fixture of the game could the extreme difficulty of the JQ be justified - much as I hate this implementation, I honestly think the game needs something brand new that also acts as a throw-back to the early 2000's, to help show newcomers and returning veterans like myself that Maple Story still has its roots. But as a limited event, where the stress of the time limit only further exacerbates the other issues I stated above, it is a mistake. Should the JQ be removed? Hell no, it has a great deal of potential to bring them back in a much less headache-inducing form for future content, restoring the game's platformer roots. Should it be made easier? YES. There is too much in the way of demands for precision timing and lightning reflexes, and extreme punishment of failure, that I would expect from a custom-built private server jump map, or a high-end Japanese shoot-em-up. It doesn't need to go away, in my opinion, but it needs a heavy-handed thump from the nerf bat.
  • TomerTopTomerTop
    Reactions: 770
    Posts: 11
    edited May 2017
    I don't think the event itself should be made easier, but I do think that Nexon should make the option for players to choose to have it be easier.

    It feels like theres alot of "gatekeeping" going on, people basically saying "git gud scrub" whenever we complain about the event - just because they're better at JQs.
    And while I understand why people would try and do so, it is important to remember that the game is made for everyone, not that small sub group. Just like the game can't get away with making content only for level 200+, because the majority of players are on the lower levels.

    The problem that arises from making adjustment to the event in order to make it easier is that you're opening it for gold farmers and hackers to farm for those high-end rewards, while also diminishing the rewards for those truly skilled enough to pass the JQs in its state right now, by making it possible for everyone (or at liss less skilled players) to get it.

    I do think that skill players should be rewarded for their effort, and I'm really happy Nexon is willing to reward them with such expensive and hard to get gear.
    While on the other side, I don't think that having that reward should gate everyone from enjoying this event.
    So the best solution, IMO, is just give the players the option, after a couple of deaths, to open a shortcut/a portal/a checkpoint in the level while warning them that they might gate themselves from some rewards, with the abillity to repeat the level on the harder (noraml) difficulty later

    Its been done in the past with both Lotus and Damien's boss battles, where you're giving the option to weaken them, and with "skill based" section such as the shooter 'em up section on Black Heaven.
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited May 2017
    It is true. We need challenge in this game. All end game equip should be because you earn it. It even took me 8 hours before i can finish all the JQ, but it is worth it. With all the tips and tricks how to do the JQ provided from friends, finally i finish them all. If you want to play easy game, go play tetris. Or if you want to play easy maplestory, don't go for best equip. Just use Utgard lv 140,. Don't aim for permanent heart, use the heart that expire. We are talking about best equip here. This game should have a hard challenge for all those end game equip. The community has become so active, everyone socialise, helping each other because there is a challenge to everyone. When everyone get everything in game so easy, noone talks anymore. The community getting colder, they don't care about others coz they don't need others. People start socialising, treat others nicely when they face big problems, big challenge and they cannot solve it alone. Because they need others. When they don't need others, they stop caring. Not everyone though, but i think most are. I barely can read my chat coz everyone is talking about this events and how to solve them. Everyone has become so active and heping each other. Noone force you to have end game equip. It is not like you will get banned coz your damage is low or coz you don't have the heart. You just need time and keep learning. Also, I believe a lot of people now can finish this JQ without failing even once. 1 of my friend only took him around 2 hours to finish it on his first JQ. 3-4 people can finish it around 4 hours on their first JQ. Last one i did my jump quest again (which was my 2nd finishing it), only took me 1 death through all B4-1st floor, then i finish it. Maybe the next time i do it again, i can have 100% completion with 0 death. It is very easy once you know how to do it. just Need to learn how to do it.
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited May 2017
    Agree Pon-pon. We need challenge in this game. All end game equip should be because you earn it. It even took me 8 hours before i can finish all the JQ, but it is worth it. With all the tips and tricks how to do the JQ provided from friends, finally i finish them all. If you want to play easy game, go play tetris. Or if you want to play easy maplestory, don't go for best equip. Just use Utgard lv 140,. Don't aim for permanent heart, use the heart that expire. We are talking about best equip here. This game should have a hard challenge for all those end game equip. The community has become so active, everyone socialise, helping each other because there is a challenge to everyone. When everyone get everything in game so easy, noone talks anymore. The community getting colder, they don't care about others coz they don't need others. People start socialising, treat others nicely when they face big problems, big challenge and they cannot solve it alone. Because they need others. When they don't need others, they stop caring. Not everyone though, but i think most are. I barely can read my chat coz everyone is talking about this events and how to solve them. Everyone has become so active and heping each other. Noone force you to have end game equip. It is not like you will get banned coz your damage is low or coz you don't have the heart. You just need time and keep learning. Also, I believe a lot of people now can finish this JQ without failing even once. 1 of my friend only took him around 2 hours to finish it on his first JQ. 3-4 people can finish it around 4 hours on their first JQ. Last one i did my jump quest again (which was my 2nd finishing it), only took me 1 death through all B4-1st floor, then i finish it. Maybe the next time i do it again, i can have 100% completion with 0 death. It is very easy once you know how to do it. just Need to learn how to do it.
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited May 2017
    That was what made old maplestory was so good compare to now. They have all the hard challenges on the end-game contend to keep players playing and coming back. To keep end game content not so boring. I still remember all those old zakum prequest JQ, including getting 7 keys. How you also need 6 people party with good damage to kill zakum just to get a OP zakum helmet. or 3 players with huge damage at least. They did cursing zakum JQ for being so hard for players, but they keep coming back for the challenge because in the end, those zakum helmet was the prove and the pride for having end game equip. All those hard time farming for 5-10 hours for just a single lv 100 weapon drop from monsters. All those times when people have to kill papulatus everyday just to earn a little bit of mesos to survive haha. All those challenge at kerning pq which requires you to track for free channel and to be fast clicker. Those tough moment are the one that makes me remember and still love maplestory and still playing it until now. Love Maplestory forever <3
  • TomerTopTomerTop
    Reactions: 770
    Posts: 11
    edited May 2017
    Roni777 wrote: »
    Agree Pon-pon. We need challenge in this game. All end game equip should be because you earn it. It even took me 8 hours before i can finish all the JQ, but it is worth it. With all the tips and tricks how to do the JQ provided from friends, finally i finish them all. If you want to play easy game, go play tetris. Or if you want to play easy maplestory, don't go for best equip. Just use Utgard lv 140,. Don't aim for permanent heart, use the heart that expire. We are talking about best equip here. This game should have a hard challenge for all those end game equip. The community has become so active, everyone socialise, helping each other because there is a challenge to everyone. When everyone get everything in game so easy, noone talks anymore. The community getting colder, they don't care about others coz they don't need others. People start socialising, treat others nicely when they face big problems, big challenge and they cannot solve it alone. Because they need others. When they don't need others, they stop caring. Not everyone though, but i think most are. I barely can read my chat coz everyone is talking about this events and how to solve them. Everyone has become so active and heping each other. Noone force you to have end game equip. It is not like you will get banned coz your damage is low or coz you don't have the heart. You just need time and keep learning. Also, I believe a lot of people now can finish this JQ without failing even once. 1 of my friend only took him around 2 hours to finish it on his first JQ. 3-4 people can finish it around 4 hours on their first JQ. Last one i did my jump quest again (which was my 2nd finishing it), only took me 1 death through all B4-1st floor, then i finish it. Maybe the next time i do it again, i can have 100% completion with 0 death. It is very easy once you know how to do it. just Need to learn how to do it.

    And again we're getting to that "gatekeeping".
    basically saying "I suffered - so either you suffer with me or you let me brag about my suffering". Maplestory is a game, and as a game, its supposed to be enjoyable.
    Can challenges be enjoyable? absolutely. Can Jump quests be anjoyable? again, absolutely. Does it necessairly means that this event is somehow enjoyable? No, its terrible, and the fact that people managed to drag themselves through it doesn't change that.

    Theres a big difference between having this socailizem of "everyone should get everything", and saying "everyone should have the chance to do everything". You don't have to be a top runner to be able to experience a marathon, and likewise, you shouldn't be a "MLG 360-no-scope pro jumper" to be able to experience the Mechanical Hearts event and storyline.

    I don't think anyone would argue that "Yeah I should be able to just skip through the JQs and still get the heart LULUL", the rewards should be given to people with the skill to get them. But you can't use that as an excuse to gate people from enjoying that whole event
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    WatcherCCG wrote: »
    I'm not even gonna touch the apples-and-oranges comparison to the Olympics...

    This is a timed event with content we are unlikely to ever see again, not permanent endgame content which, rightly, ought to be hard as hell. Most timed events in MMO's are tuned so that a majority of players are able to see at least most of the content, given enough effort. Jump quests have never been the domain of the "average" Mapler. They are meant for those handfuls of players who want to go beyond the norm and tackle something radically different from just killing mobs and running around playing FedEx. They're meant for showing off, absolutely, and I have a lot of respect for those who've grown to trivialize jump quests. But by becoming masters, you often forget where you came from, which is where the majority of this game's players are. Jump Quests got phased out of required content because they never caught on with the majority of players, only a select few who, much like real life parkour runners, dedicated themselves to making completion of these brain busters into an art form. Gating a major event, complete with limited-edition items and one of the best storylines this game has seen in quite a while, behind a niche feature that the majority does not have the skill nor the patience for is a recipe for disaster. Maybe if the Wondroids became a permanent fixture of the game could the extreme difficulty of the JQ be justified - much as I hate this implementation, I honestly think the game needs something brand new that also acts as a throw-back to the early 2000's, to help show newcomers and returning veterans like myself that Maple Story still has its roots. But as a limited event, where the stress of the time limit only further exacerbates the other issues I stated above, it is a mistake. Should the JQ be removed? Hell no, it has a great deal of potential to bring them back in a much less headache-inducing form for future content, restoring the game's platformer roots. Should it be made easier? YES. There is too much in the way of demands for precision timing and lightning reflexes, and extreme punishment of failure, that I would expect from a custom-built private server jump map, or a high-end Japanese shoot-em-up. It doesn't need to go away, in my opinion, but it needs a heavy-handed thump from the nerf bat.

    Yep yep triple yep. I wish I could see more of the storyline but my JQ reflexes are just completely out of energy =3=
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited May 2017
    TomerTop wrote: »
    It feels like theres alot of "gatekeeping" going on, people basically saying "git gud scrub" whenever we complain about the event - just because they're better at JQs.
    And while I understand why people would try and do so, it is important to remember that the game is made for everyone, not that small sub group. Just like the game can't get away with making content only for level 200+, because the majority of players are on the lower levels.

    The amount of elitism I've seen is disgusting. Hell, people in my alliance have tried to sell runs through the JQ, while at the same time saying "it's not hard, just practice more." You know a JQ is too hard when people are willing to buy runs, and you know everyone calling it easy is straight up lying and/or just stroking their own ego when they start to sell runs.

    There also comes the issue of "practice." Yes, if a JQ is hard, maybe you need to just practice. But this JQ is at the point where this "practice" takes several hours. "Just practice, it's easy" is not only hypocritical in that it disregards how long these elitists took, themselves (several hours), but it is an insult to how much of an achievement (that it really shouldn't be) it is to clear this ridiculously hard JQ.

    Already stated this, but I have cleared the thing. So to hell with all the "you just want it nerfed cause you're bad and can't clear it."
    It's not a small vocal minority making excuses for their lack of skill, it's a large majority rightfully complaining about a JQ requiring too much skill.

    And I wasn't there for pre Big Bang or whatever it was when JQs were apparently very relevant, difficult and entertaining, so I don't find this event enjoyable, and it's the same with many others. Yeah, the community might've been better, but as a game, Maple sucked back then. I can see how it'd be nice to have some occasional throwbacks to that, but extremely difficult JQs aren't the way to do it. If anything, that'd give people a worse impression of how the game used to be.
    Roni777 wrote: »
    It is true. We need challenge in this game. All end game equip should be because you earn it. It even took me 8 hours before i can finish all the JQ, but it is worth it.

    It is very easy once you know how to do it. just Need to learn how to do it.

    Nice self contradiction/quadruple post
    That aside, I'll get to the "it has to be hard" and "it has to take effort and skill."
    JQs aren't pivotal to anything anymore. People have had absolutely no reason to be good at them until now. To have one so hard is an immense difficulty spike from the few JQs that people encounter now, like Gollux prequests. Nexon can't expect most players to be good at them anymore. I wonder how this even got past testing, where difficulty is supposed to be checked if it's appropriate.

    With how much of a disaster this event was, I very well hope Nexon uses it as an example as to why they should never gate important content with excessively hard Jump Quests.
  • PetalmagicPetalmagic
    Reactions: 7,660
    Posts: 1,572
    edited May 2017
    Rolls wrote: »
    TomerTop wrote: »
    It feels like theres alot of "gatekeeping" going on, people basically saying "git gud scrub" whenever we complain about the event - just because they're better at JQs.
    And while I understand why people would try and do so, it is important to remember that the game is made for everyone, not that small sub group. Just like the game can't get away with making content only for level 200+, because the majority of players are on the lower levels.

    The amount of elitism I've seen is disgusting. Hell, people in my alliance have tried to sell runs through the JQ, while at the same time saying "it's not hard, just practice more." You know a JQ is too hard when people are willing to buy runs, and you know everyone calling it easy is straight up lying and/or just stroking their own ego when they start to sell runs.

    There also comes the issue of "practice." Yes, if a JQ is hard, maybe you need to just practice. But this JQ is at the point where this "practice" takes several hours. "Just practice, it's easy" is not only hypocritical in that it disregards how long these elitists took, themselves (several hours), but it is an insult to how much of an achievement (that it really shouldn't be) it is to clear this ridiculously hard JQ.

    Already stated this, but I have cleared the thing. So to hell with all the "you just want it nerfed cause you're bad and can't clear it."
    It's not a small vocal minority making excuses for their lack of skill, it's a large majority rightfully complaining about a JQ requiring too much skill.

    And I wasn't there for pre Big Bang or whatever it was when JQs were apparently very relevant, difficult and entertaining, so I don't find this event enjoyable, and it's the same with many others. Yeah, the community might've been better, but as a game, Maple sucked back then. I can see how it'd be nice to have some occasional throwbacks to that, but extremely difficult JQs aren't the way to do it. If anything, that'd give people a worse impression of how the game used to be.
    Roni777 wrote: »
    It is true. We need challenge in this game. All end game equip should be because you earn it. It even took me 8 hours before i can finish all the JQ, but it is worth it.

    It is very easy once you know how to do it. just Need to learn how to do it.

    Nice self contradiction/quadruple post
    That aside, I'll get to the "it has to be hard" and "it has to take effort and skill."
    JQs aren't pivotal to anything anymore. People have had absolutely no reason to be good at them until now. To have one so hard is an immense difficulty spike from the few JQs that people encounter now, like Gollux prequests. Nexon can't expect most players to be good at them anymore. I wonder how this even got past testing, where difficulty is supposed to be checked if it's appropriate.

    With how much of a disaster this event was, I very well hope Nexon uses it as an example as to why they should never gate important content with excessively hard Jump Quests.

    You deserve a medal.
  • HakufuHakufu
    Reactions: 1,155
    Posts: 99
    edited May 2017
    I actually like jump quests like all of Johns, Shumis, and Hersha. Not to mention I wasn't too bothered with the zakum, Ninja Castle, and Gollux jump quests that much. I kinda like doing them now. B1 is by far one of the worst masochistic jump quests they possibly ever added with the help of game breaking bugs that can invalidate all effort you put into doing it in a matter of seconds. B1 (And possibly F1/courtyard) needs a lot of changes, re-balances, and bug fixes before it can be considered fair.
  • JannaJanna
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 26
    edited May 2017
    Really tedious. I poured hours into Aster's rescue only to have the floor glitch on me and my character fall through the platform. The lack of save points is awful, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to complete this since I work very long hours and can only give enough time on weekends. Meh.