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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Today I finished rescuing all wondroids and there was no reward. I completed all quests. The only ones I have left are the daily dose of rescue which is the daily save for 30 days that does not reward medal,; spencers research diary and the daily soak up the sun. The event list says there is a medal yet no way to obtain.
you get a daily pass from killing 300 mobs. Those passes can either be used for 1 entrance into aspire or into investigation. Most people have been using it as a 6th investigation entrance instead of aspire to rescue the wondroids. I also recieved another one from the 5 daily rescues. I failed some, but had enough passes to get the others.
yes besides the dailies which as name suggest you get each day.
I will, but they haven't even addressed the investigation glitches so I doubt this is on their list esp since noone else I know has used their passes to rescue all 8.
it's on the event list, but yea doesn't seem like there is. Alot is messed up in this event.
The problem is: they didn't mention the Medal in the patch notes -> http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/22709/mechanical-hearts-event-may-24-june-20
Maybe you have to unlock all accidents? I'm pretty sure that's not the case.
yes, I had 6 passes I believe and it wasnt in a row lol.
Yes, I've unlocked 18.
thatd be wierd if you needed all the accident reports. Wow i wouldnt even know were to fail tha tmany times
Yea, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case. It'd be pure 5500% cancer if it was true.
Edit: Btw, did you save Alora in Investigation Mode?
I've killed that boss already for some quest, I forgot the name tho. But I saw a guy with the medal right in front of me a few mins ago. So yea, you can get the medal.
Yea, I looked for that quest in the Completed tab, and I couldn't find it. I'm pretty sure Heineken didn't notice it and he's probably doing it right now lmao.
Hey question, Where did you find alora? Ive looked in the lobby during the investigation but never saw her. so is she in the rescue mission?
you buy the coupon from the shop for 50 coins
then there are too lobbies where you follow the quest line you move between them with the same guy that sends you to investigationa nd aspire.
TF is that? The coupon gives u anastasia. Wat is alora?
you follow the quest line and meet alora then and in the other lobby and she gives you a quest to go collect stuff in innvestigation