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[Feedback] on Sugar Time Event

Reactions: 1,280
Posts: 30
Member, Private Tester
edited August 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
So after 10hrs of being logged in for this event only to not get any maple points out of it I feel disappointed in this event. This event is quite nice for the extra coins and 2,500 reward points however having to stay logged in for that amount of time only to not get any maple points doesn't feel worth it to me to be honest. With the current events going on right now getting 2,500 reward points is not hard and definitely doesn't take 10 freaking hours to achieve it. This event should have been with the last box the 500 reward points and 500 maple points minimum. At least if you were unlucky, you could get 2,500 maple points out of this event which isn't a lot but it's still something to at least make those 10 hrs feel somewhat worth it. If the purpose of this event was to get coins then the time for it needs to be reduced because 10hrs for however many coins it was ( I don't remember how much it was atm) is not worth the amount of time especially since the servers became laggy and buggy all of a sudden once this event started. I would defintely would like this event to return and looking at current kms patches it seems it will but I only ask that you either have the 4th box give both the reward points and maple points or to reduce the time for the event.
  1. Should the 4th box give both reward points and maple points ?21 votes
    1. yes
       67% (14 votes)
    2. no
       33% (7 votes)


  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited August 2017
    I'd rather this event never come back again if it's just going to be another 99% chance to get nothing but reward points. People should be guaranteed maple points in this event. Nexon's been fine with giiving away free maple points as seen with previous hot time boxes. For a 1 day event that you need to wait 10 hours for, sure as hell, people better be getting maple points. If not, it's a pretty pointless event as I see it.
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
    Reactions: 2,785
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    edited August 2017
    With the rollback resulting in loss of boxes, I gave up with this event. Nexon really enjoys screwing their players over.
  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
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    edited August 2017
    Honestly the rewards fit the amount of effort in my opinion. 2 (x5) hours of afking or doing whatever you were gonna do in-game either way for a lot of extra coins, 2x and free reward points with a small chance of a higher reward. And the clock didn't stop ticking every checkpoint like with takeover, but kept on going for the full 2 hours. And it counted across all characters without having to accept anything.
    The only thing that should be adjusted was the daily RP limit issue. I'll agree that the extra strain on the servers was very noticeable though.
  • ZeroBluxZeroBlux
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 80
    edited August 2017
    this event made me furious. it lasted one day and not to mention how you could only obtain this every 2 hours. Did nexon forget that players sleep? if this event returns, i want the rate that we obtain maple points to increase. because this event was utter garbage
  • MhatMhat
    Reactions: 640
    Posts: 14
    edited August 2017
    The event was 99% free to do, you only needed to click for the rewards.
    If being online is to much work for you, than why do you even bother. Be happy with the free stuff you got from it.
  • KushyDragonKushyDragon
    Reactions: 1,715
    Posts: 135
    edited August 2017
    Reward points are about as appealing as mesos...

    When you cap out, what's the point.

    Also, some of us bought all the useful things from the shop, and would of rather had the maple points to buy cubes, etc.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited August 2017
    apparently the msea bug wasn't fixed.

    If they just gave 500 mp instead of trying to be cheap and give rp there would be no rp cap shenanigans....
  • Nick008Nick008
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 59
    edited August 2017
    I didn't get any maple points :(
    should i be surprised?
  • scholar624scholar624
    Reactions: 3,315
    Posts: 314
    edited August 2017
    Loooove these types of feedback discussions. :)
    I had to work all day during the game's scheduled "sugar time" and was unable to pencil in even an hour in before the server clock reset.
  • iluvsuniluvsun
    Reactions: 1,280
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    edited August 2017
    scholar624 wrote: »
    Loooove these types of feedback discussions. :)
    I had to work all day during the game's scheduled "sugar time" and was unable to pencil in even an hour in before the server clock reset.

    I hope this feedback makes its way to the proper channels and just an aside kms has another sugar time event coming up that from what i understand gives both rp and a varying amount of maple points so I hope we can have the event run the same way.
  • iluvsuniluvsun
    Reactions: 1,280
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    edited August 2017
    My favor part of this event was watching 2 botters get 10 x 10,000 points was not surprise, Spend a ton of money on the game get nothing to be proud of honestly I feel bad for a lot of the MapleStory Community you guys have no clue how much of your life you've wasted on a game not to forget the money you've thrown at this game and all for what you call fun?

    I'll admit I'm addicted to this game but a lot of you have possibly done nothing with your life other then getting out of bed going to school and coming home only to get back on MapleStory.

    All for what?
    So you can come on Maple do dailies and boss runs then AFK in game?
    That's what you call fun?

    You see this picture
    That's fun not getting in my house playing a video game all day every day but hey it's your life don't take advice from someone who's been down that road you will be down the same path I took so laugh now.

    By the way you ask your well if playing with your telescopes is so much fun why are you on this forum and MapleStory, one Word.... Weather.

    cool story bro
  • ZeroBluxZeroBlux
    Reactions: 1,100
    Posts: 80
    edited August 2017
    My favor part of this event was watching 2 botters get 10 x 10,000 points was not surprise, Spend a ton of money on the game get nothing to be proud of honestly I feel bad for a lot of the MapleStory Community you guys have no clue how much of your life you've wasted on a game not to forget the money you've thrown at this game and all for what you call fun?

    I'll admit I'm addicted to this game but a lot of you have possibly done nothing with your life other then getting out of bed going to school and coming home only to get back on MapleStory.

    All for what?
    So you can come on Maple do dailies and boss runs then AFK in game?
    That's what you call fun?

    You see this picture
    That's fun not getting in my house playing a video game all day every day but hey it's your life don't take advice from someone who's been down that road you will be down the same path I took so laugh now.

    By the way you ask your well if playing with your telescopes is so much fun why are you on this forum and MapleStory, one Word.... Weather.

    why are you wearing socks outside?