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Changes to Drop Rate Formula Confirmation


  • ScoopScoop
    Reactions: 310
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    edited August 2017
    Haha suckers. This is why you should have just stayed an unfunded bum like me for the entirety of your Maple career. Changes such as these mean nothing when you never bother cubing gear and rely solely on coin shops for nodestones.

    Finally, I get to have the last laugh.
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
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    edited August 2017
    Scoop wrote: »
    Haha suckers. This is why you should have just stayed an unfunded bum like me for the entirety of your Maple career. Changes such as these mean nothing when you never bother cubing gear and rely solely on coin shops for nodestones.

    Finally, I get to have the last laugh.

    Good for you, no one cares.
  • BobbyWeaveBobbyWeave
    Reactions: 1,615
    Posts: 31
    edited August 2017
    It would have been nice to know the rate change. If node drop rate is 1 in 1k and it's being changed to 1 in 500, but drop rate is half as effective, then there's no change for end game players and new players will have an easier time catching up. Unfortunately there's no way we're getting the rng information and it's probably going to be an overall nerf anyway.
  • EtriaNoeEtriaNoe
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    edited August 2017
    Arwoo, I highly doubt you care or can do anything about it, but this is a poor decision that will lead to many maplers quitting. This could literally start the downfall of gms. People with high drop rate who have experienced several issues with this game before will likely be pushed over the edge and quit. I know this update happened in kms as well, but please. If you have any way to influence this at all, please provide preventative matters.
  • NitenNiten
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    edited August 2017
    Nerfing drop rate is not just hurting players with drop gear but those without it as well in Regular servers. I am sure Nodestone prices will go up an insane amount and those people that have no drop gear and were just farming a few nodestones an hour and buying the rest would be hurt a lot. Nodestone prices are probably around 30m~ give or take. So with this nerf with less nodestones coming into the economy prices could sky rocket upwards to 100m+.
  • JulyJuly
    Reactions: 2,720
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    edited August 2017
    So next you gonna change damage formula so those who have 40%+ items will do same damage as those who have 20% items? It's doesn't matter that they spent lot of cubes to get it.. need to balance. Do it and decrease the amount of hp&def on bosses
  • BooberpuppyBooberpuppy
    Reactions: 3,415
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    edited August 2017
    Oh, just imagine my shock.

    I've been seeing/saying this all along- Nexon HATES Reboot and regrets ever putting it in. Just another nail in the coffin...
  • LolaBunnyLolaBunny
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    edited August 2017
    LMAO All the people who spent all that money to get drop rate gear are now rekt ROFL This is the game you spend your life on and you will get over it because their is nothing you can do about and it's not like you can quit the game sure you'll leave for a few weeks or months but you will be back.

    I can't wait till the rekt other % gear like att and stats I mean why not?

    Based on your other posts, nice troll comments you make.
  • SpiritSpirit
    Reactions: 1,365
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    edited August 2017
    Peep wrote: »

    Yet they had no problems shoving tyrant gloves into Marvel etc did they?

    It's all bad news. You only need 60% to start seeing decent returns for nodestone farming. You probably are not aware but those changes to the nodestones isn't all great. Sure we get the skills we need which is good but most people don't get is they also increased the amount of exp required to lvl by a pretty decent amount. This doesn't make drop gear better. Not sure how you came to that conclusion.

    Marvel Machine has always had unfair things in it for as long as I can remember. It's not like they handed everyone tyrant gloves just for using Marvel. It's heavy rng and luck based at that. But Marvel Machine is another story altogether tbh.

    The change makes drop gear better, as in it's much less of a necessity now and it doesn't have to be completely relied on. Which imo is the way it should be. Lastly, I'm not sure where you got the increased exp from. I don't recall seeing that in KMS patch notes. If I missed that part, my bad. I still don't think this is all that bad.
  • PeepPeep
    Reactions: 3,950
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    edited August 2017
    Spirit wrote: »
    Peep wrote: »

    Yet they had no problems shoving tyrant gloves into Marvel etc did they?

    It's all bad news. You only need 60% to start seeing decent returns for nodestone farming. You probably are not aware but those changes to the nodestones isn't all great. Sure we get the skills we need which is good but most people don't get is they also increased the amount of exp required to lvl by a pretty decent amount. This doesn't make drop gear better. Not sure how you came to that conclusion.

    Marvel Machine has always had unfair things in it for as long as I can remember. It's not like they handed everyone tyrant gloves just for using Marvel. It's heavy rng and luck based at that. But Marvel Machine is another story altogether tbh.

    The change makes drop gear better, as in it's much less of a necessity now and it doesn't have to be completely relied on. Which imo is the way it should be. Lastly, I'm not sure where you got the increased exp from. I don't recall seeing that in KMS patch notes. If I missed that part, my bad. I still don't think this is all that bad.

    Yes but you can see where I'm going with that comment. Anyway the change doesn't make it better because this drop rate change is a nerf across the board with or without drop gear. Go have a look at iislingz vid as one example but the Koreans have already done the tests and the results are in. They may have increased the nodestone drop rate but because of how drop rate is calculated now it's still worse than what we currently have.

    That's the thing. It wasn't in the patch notes. They tend to leave out a lot. Thanks once again to the Koreans and their testing they found out how much it has been raised each lvl and it's a lot higher than before so expect to use more to lvl each skill up.
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
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    edited August 2017
    Spirit wrote: »
    Just remember, we will always have it better than KMS. They don't have other drop buffs outside of drop gear like we do (lucky winter, big spider, etc) and they don't have the blessing that is kishin. So our drop rates will still be better than seen on KMS.

    Just because one region is doing better than another doesn't mean they should just stop there. Many players feel as if GMS never gets enough due to the horrible lack of change for "A Better Maple".

    Sure, they may have made the change for nodes obtainable to be usable but this penalizes the market and progression of anyone who've invested into drop rate of any form whether it would be equipment, use item boosting effects, or inner ability. Because of this announcement alone in my sever one nodesone that use to be 20 million is now 50 million mesos. The only person(s) who would benefit ever-so-slightly are people with zero drop rate, but more-so to botters and hackers. The nodestone base drop rate increase probably shouldn't even be considered as a substantial increase.

    It's quite hypocritical, lets dive a bit deeper into the announcement post.
    Arwoo wrote: »
    We have confirmed that these balance changes will be a part of our v188 update. We’re aware of the initial feedback that the community had towards this change and we’d like to share the reasoning behind this decision. Progression for each Mapler is different and this progression was heavily divided by how fast and efficient an individual could farm for items.

    From the release of new content, a visible line could be seen between those with a great deal of drop rate gear to those who could not acquire such gear. It is the intention of this change to address this widening gap and the balance of content completion across all Maplers.

    If they really thought that progression was unfair why haven't they made any other variants to Kishin or Frenzy by adding an item that can be obtained through in-game methods? What about the Firestarter Ring, Breath of Divinity, Prime Scrolls, [A] Nebulites, Bonus Potential, No-Boom AEEs? How about the fact there's a hack that can disable quests which can make farming many times faster than a legitimate player? The list goes on and on.

    Many have expected progression to be better over patches, not for it to be worse. This is why almost no one does Kritias Invasion in GMS and most likely buys Tyrant Gloves in the Black Market with real-money-trade. Players will adapt overtime regardless of the outcome but on this path that they're consistently taking doesn't bring trust or unity for the link between community and developers. It does the complete opposite which generally invalidates every other good thing that they going to do in v188. It's not because those good changes are no longer good, but because of one bad change causes a a bigger voice for concern.

    Players generally want to talk about what is bad about the game and how to continuously make it better. If we turn a blind eye and only compliment about the good things in MapleStory this game can never move forward. If that doesn't get people to budge there's no other reason to convince those otherwise.

    GMS is better than KMS in several ways, but GMS can always be better than in its current state.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
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    edited August 2017
    Peep wrote: »
    Anyway the change doesn't make it better because this drop rate change is a nerf across the board with or without drop gear. Go have a look at iislingz vid as one example but the Koreans have already done the tests and the results are in. They may have increased the nodestone drop rate but because of how drop rate is calculated now it's still worse than what we currently have.

    What Nexon's trying to do now is essentially a "calm down the masses" damage control campaign.
    "It's all going to be alright, this benefits the less funded player, down with the rich that are so far ahead! [ignoring the time and effort it took them to progress]"
    What is this, some kind of communist revolution?

    That's all an insult to the opposition's intelligence. It's very well known that this will be to no one's benefit, except botters, who can just raise their prices since they don't care how the nerf goes. They'll just come out with a few thousand nodes at a time regardless. Ironically, it's the unfunded that'll suffer even more. They won't be able to afford the suspiciously unchanged supply of nodestones [botters], and only the rich will be able to buy a feasible amount, let alone max their nodes.

    When KMS tells you it's going to be bad for everyone, you sure as hell better believe it's going to be bad for everyone, especially with the substantial amount of data and evidence they've collected. No amount of damage control and shillery is going to make anyone believe the lie that it's "decreasing the gap between rich and poor." Whoever's been told to say that, you've failed. You've had absolutely no chance to make a single person believe that.

    I made my earlier comment about "enjoying watching those above you be knocked down while staying in the same place" under the generous assumption that people with little to no drop gear wouldn't be at all affected. But that's not the case. It's far worse than that. This isn't just a cap to 300% on drop gear, this is a massive change to the entire formula, and not only that, but drop rate will only partially apply to important items like nodes, symbols, droplets and event items.

    To those trying to do damage control and assure the community that this is a good thing, you are all liars. You are doing no one but Nexon and botters a service with your futile attempts to defend the nerf. The opposition to this indefensible nerf has all the facts and all the numbers on their side. And I don't care if you're offended by how I said this all, because I'm just telling it as it is. I won't apologise, that's on you for trying to tell everyone that this is all to their benefit.

    And my statement to Nexon: Everyone in KMS hated this nerf, everyone but like 5-10 people in GMS hate this nerf. Take a damn hint. The direction you're taking this game is nothing but an artificial increase of playtime, by making everything more and more grindy. Don't think the community's too stupid to notice anything.
    Its2Sharp4UAkatsukiXPeepJuckingTorippiPirateIzzyKingofFurriesRennnkennyabsillipommepouffeand 4 others.
  • DoughnyDoughny
    Reactions: 320
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    edited August 2017
    perfect time to start playing LaTale, lads.
  • Nick008Nick008
    Reactions: 925
    Posts: 59
    edited August 2017
    On second thought... can we postpone this upcoming patch indefinitely somehow?
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
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    edited August 2017
    Oh no, people are getting (rightfully) pissed about the drop rate changes? Quick Nexon, summon some more bootlickers!
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited August 2017
    I have no drop rate and unmaxed nodes/arcane force, and it isnt a big deal for me. Just makes things more challenging. quit crying over it.
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited August 2017
    Theyre seeing a bigger picture. They usually do this stuff when they have plans for something that mitigates the changes, be it now or later on, theyll implement something.

    for example when they removed the older character skills like avenger, arrow rain etc they probably already had the blue prints for 5th job which resemble those skills. and that was years before the V update that they changed or removed the skills.

    When they removed meso up from assassin skill set, it was perhaps do the inception of reboot.
  • haymanhayman
    Reactions: 955
    Posts: 13
    edited August 2017
    Wait the heck one entry per boss per week instead of every day? Where is the link. ? Are you saying zakum is only once a week. What is there to do in maple then ? I am so confused with what nexon is trying to do. Are they really trying to wrap the game up ?
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,275
    Posts: 862
    edited August 2017
    I have no drop rate and unmaxed nodes/arcane force, and it isnt a big deal for me. Just makes things more challenging. quit crying over it.

    The bootlicker has returned.

    You have an incredibly warped perception on what makes something challenging; hint: more time consuming != more challenging. This isn't the first time you'd tried to make that point. Fact is, this is objectively worse because the Nodestone drop rate buff wasn't significant enough for KMS players (who have tested this). If anything, it affects unfunded players even more due to botters being unaffected by it, who will then take advantage of the inflated prices of Nodestones. Also, keep in mind that Nodestones aren't the only thing that people use drop rate gear for; Arcane Symbols, Arcane River Droplets (especially in Reboot), and cubes from bosses unrelated to bosses. The fact that you're one of the few people who actually tries to defend this change is laughable at best, since you're only defending it because you personally aren't affected by it.
    Theyre seeing a bigger picture. They usually do this stuff when they have plans for something that mitigates the changes, be it now or later on, theyll implement something.

    for example when they removed the older character skills like avenger, arrow rain etc they probably already had the blue prints for 5th job which resemble those skills. and that was years before the V update that they changed or removed the skills.

    When they removed meso up from assassin skill set, it was perhaps do the inception of reboot.

    Meso Up's removal and Reboot were years apart, I highly doubt that it had anything to do with Reboot.
    And comparing the removal of skills to this is comparing apples to asparagus, since those didn't heavily impact the game's economy to this extent. What bigger picture could they possibly be looking at here? And if so, why wouldn't they implement it sooner to counteract how drastic of a change this is? Those skill changes were at least replaced with something else that worked in the classes' favors. This type of change isn't something you just drop on the players without something to balance it.

    Like we argued about in the Weapon Cancel thread, you said that there should be some kind of change to replace/counteract the removal of Weapon Cancel. So why doesn't that logic apply here?
  • DarkPassengerDarkPassenger
    Reactions: 8,980
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    edited August 2017
    PirateIzzy wrote: »
    I have no drop rate and unmaxed nodes/arcane force, and it isnt a big deal for me. Just makes things more challenging. quit crying over it.

    The bootlicker has returned.

    You have an incredibly warped perception on what makes something challenging; hint: more time consuming != more challenging. This isn't the first time you'd tried to make that point. Fact is, this is objectively worse because the Nodestone drop rate buff wasn't significant enough for KMS players (who have tested this). If anything, it affects unfunded players even more due to botters being unaffected by it, who will then take advantage of the inflated prices of Nodestones. Also, keep in mind that Nodestones aren't the only thing that people use drop rate gear for; Arcane Symbols, Arcane River Droplets (especially in Reboot), and cubes from bosses unrelated to bosses. The fact that you're one of the few people who actually tries to defend this change is laughable at best, since you're only defending it because you personally aren't affected by it.
    Theyre seeing a bigger picture. They usually do this stuff when they have plans for something that mitigates the changes, be it now or later on, theyll implement something.

    for example when they removed the older character skills like avenger, arrow rain etc they probably already had the blue prints for 5th job which resemble those skills. and that was years before the V update that they changed or removed the skills.

    When they removed meso up from assassin skill set, it was perhaps do the inception of reboot.

    Meso Up's removal and Reboot were years apart, I highly doubt that it had anything to do with Reboot.
    And comparing the removal of skills to this is comparing apples to asparagus, since those didn't heavily impact the game's economy to this extent. What bigger picture could they possibly be looking at here? And if so, why wouldn't they implement it sooner to counteract how drastic of a change this is? Those skill changes were at least replaced with something else that worked in the classes' favors. This type of change isn't something you just drop on the players without something to balance it.

    Like we argued about in the Weapon Cancel thread, you said that there should be some kind of change to replace/counteract the removal of Weapon Cancel. So why doesn't that logic apply here?

    If there is a bigger picture, it is most certainly something you cant see. Youre mind is clouded by what you want. Not what should be.
    I just mentioned they usually place counter measures when they make these types of changes whether it be now or in the future.

    calling me a "bootlicker" isnt helping your case, when you throw around insults and then throw around the words logic and objectively. it makes your sentiments known not your reasoning. throwing a tantrum here isnt going to changes things, they arent your parents and they wont surrender to those tactics. Just brace yourselves for the changes, and adapt to the new style of play. The economy is already messed up so no point in bringing the economy into it.

    cant call yourself a hardcore mapler if youre taking this as a big hit to your playstyle. a hardcore mapler would accept the changes and continue, make the best of it. Find a way to thrive.

    ultimately, this is about the money you realize you wasted because of these changes. not just you but anyone that handed over thousands of dollars for the drop gear.

This discussion has been closed.