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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Don't nerf the drop rate system like KMS did
Where did I mention I got that with only drop rate potentials? I was actually using your own example of 8x rate. Most players at that stage would have in excess of 200% potential, wolf, and 2x easily available to them either way.
The new rate might be to harsh, but there needs to be a rework.
What ure saying now is what you werent stating on your last coment, on it you were saying that it will even out the field, and now youre completelly saying another thing, the fact that nexon is a company and needs to make money is pretty clear, but dont say that this change will even out the field because it wont.
The economy works like this:
Before the nerf:
-There is high demand of nodes but also high supply thanks to players that have high drop rate gear (and also botters and hackers) , so the prices are reasonable and stable.
After the nerf:
-There will still be high demand BUT low supply, this will increase the price of the nodestones which IS NOT unfunded player friendly at all, if anything it will make things even harder for a casual/average player to get any nodes at all (im not taking into account the farming aspect because im considering that if he is a casual/average player he/she might not have the time to farm hours and hours to get the nodes, since according to KMS opinions, even unfunded players were getting either the same nodes as before or maybe 1 more node than usual, which is not a big difference).
And once again as many other people have already stated, there are other items as important as nodes in the game like symbols, droplets or just event items( which may or may not increase your range but if any event item is amazingly hard to get people will lose interest on it and stop doing events).
The problem is not 8x drop rate.
The problem is those people who, on top of having 8x drop, also clear entire maps as fast as Frenzy can repopulate them. They get 10x the kill rate of those who are too weak to 1-hit everything with their widest AOE skill.
So you get 10x kills and 8x drop and end up with 60x as many nodestones per hour as the slow killer with a Big Spider.
Making drop gear less effective won't change their kill rate, so they will still be getting 30x as many nodestones (and symbols, and droplets) as "unfundeds".
But Nexon isn't going to take away their Frenzy Totems, or the Primes and no-booms and bonus cubes that they use to make themselves strong enough to clear maps easily while wearing drop gear. Because those things are Cash Only. But drop gear can be made using in-game cubes (I've managed 5 pieces already, myself), so that's got to go, in the name of "balance".
You have a point since GMS decided to bring over broken elements from TMS, but just cause imbalances exist in other forms doesn't mean other aspects of the game should not be balanced. Like I said earlier, the drop rate nerf was too much, but it still should have been balanced.
From a business standpoint, what theyre doing is a brilliant strategy, you brought up a brilliant point about the cash only items. I'll wager that the profit margins arent what they hope they would be so they are nerfing the items that one can cube themselves, in order for consumers (playerbase) to buy more cash only items,or try to get the items thatll help them like frenzy totems etc to be able to clear the maps with their nerfed drop gear. Mathematically, on paper this business move was innovative. But for consumers, as we can see in the forums, it hurt the consumers. When the dust settles, it's up to the consumer to decide what theyll do next.
I don't get how they dare calling it "balance"... I bet its a mistake like they did with the jett's starfall skill.. they called it "buff" and few weeks after "bug".
If they really want to "balance" this game between poor and rich players, they should fix the damage formula, not the drop rate.. fix it so players with 40%+item will do same damage as players with 20% items.. and reduce the hp&def of bosses.
I really can't understand the reason for this disgusting nerff to drop rate.
daily bosses used to give me about 4 cubes a run. Now i'm down to 0-1 per day. It is also harder to gear my mules now that boss accessories aren't dropping as frequently. http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/15844/occult-cubes-as-boss-drops#latest
After 3 hours of training i got 0 symbols... I don't know if its intended or a bug...
I hope Nexon thinks about increasing this value because it is too absurdly low. They should increase this value by +20% or something marginally noticeable.