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Sorry Nexon

Reactions: 2,205
Posts: 221
Member, Private Tester
edited January 2018 in Off-Topic Discussion
I'd like to apologize for saying mean things about you during the horrid server stability week.
We were all angry and bitter at you for not communicating with us, but after that maple memo read; you did good.
I feel like everyone else should apologize for saying cruel things to you during the unspoken week.
  1. Are you sorry for what you said?36 votes
    1. Yes, i am truly sorry.
       14% (5 votes)
    2. No, I am not sorry and i stand by what i said.
       86% (31 votes)


  • iHateForumsiHateForums
    Reactions: 560
    Posts: 42
    edited September 2017
    Nexon, Stay unspoken in 2k17
  • mrskannaxmrskannax
    Reactions: 740
    Posts: 37
    edited September 2017
    LOOLLL first you make drama and then come talking like a dog with its tail between his legs.
  • AlbinorockAlbinorock
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    edited September 2017
    mrskannax wrote: »
    LOOLLL first you make drama and then come talking like a dog with its tail between his legs.

    I never started drama? I just said they don't communicate with us and they're a joke. Where do you see drama kiddo?
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited September 2017
    As a techie I never got too angry because I get how hard it can be to accurately diagnose a problem right off the bat. Especially internet problems. Those tend to be a real pain because so many things can go wrong. The repeated maintenances made perfect sense since they can't know for sure a patch worked until they put it back up. I was a bit perplexed by the lack of communication, but I guess they had their reasons.
  • NyvorNyvor
    Reactions: 1,720
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    edited September 2017
    I actually got very angry but tried to just not insult or saying senseless stuff like "you are doing nothing" or "give me 1 000k MPs for compensation or i quit", just let them know how this affects me as a player. I'm glad they finally communicate us what were they doing, what was happening, that's pretty much what a lot of players were asking and feeling dissappointed when we just felt like they didn't care, cause I know lot of us got that sensation.

    I'm glad this is part of the past now, cause as they stated "we can be confident we find a permanent resolution to the recent instability issues", so now we can all play this great game again :)
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
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    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    Not until they fix Hayato, dood.

    Just stop dude. Please.
  • bootlickerbootlicker
    Reactions: 1,475
    Posts: 158
    edited September 2017
    Wow, what a suck up.
  • RollsRolls
    Reactions: 3,220
    Posts: 177
    edited September 2017
    They had a job to do in 1 maintenance, and took 7+ to do it. It doesn't warrant an apology that they finally fixed the problem.
  • NyvorNyvor
    Reactions: 1,720
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    edited September 2017
    I think is just enough with the complainments, is it not possible to feel any kind of gratitude for fixing the problem that was bothering us for so much? I know it's their job, but if you read the announcement, u can see it wasn't that easy to fix it. We always speak when we are unhappy with some content but you can't when it actually works fine?
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited September 2017
    I appreciate the memo as well. First time i see a game really communicate with the players. Appreciate it. Good memo. At least we know that the Developers actually doing their best. Keep it up.

    For people who said harsh words, Just ban them. HAHA! Jokings!
  • ZNinjaBagZZNinjaBagZ
    Reactions: 400
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    edited September 2017
    I was never upset because it is hard to find the problem when it comes to tech stuff. Especially code or internet problems. Once you fix the code/internet problem you get like 30 other problems because now you have to see if your fix actually did the trick or if you just made it worst. All of these maintenances made sense since they didn't know if a patch worked until Maple was online.
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
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    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    DeeMon wrote: »
    Not until they fix Hayato, dood.

    Just stop dude. Please.


    If you want to whine about hayato being nerfed, make your own thread.
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    DeeMon wrote: »
    DeeMon wrote: »
    Not until they fix Hayato, dood.

    Just stop dude. Please.


    If you want to whine about hayato being nerfed, make your own thread.

    I already did: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/15798/revert-hitokiri-strike-cooldown-cutter-change
    Are you blind?
    Still waiting for an official answer from nexon themselves.

    I don't read every single thread dude. Keep the Hayato stuff there or in any threads that are relevant. I get you're upset, but spamming it everywhere is only going to annoy people.
  • TheOutlanderTheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
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    edited September 2017
    Royal Hair + Face coupons from compensation Hot Week.

    Yea I'm good, all is forgiven, just don't let it happen again...
  • Roni777Roni777
    Reactions: 1,180
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    edited September 2017
    Hayato just gotten new 5th job skills that give 100% final damage boost. Pls nerf hayato more. 100% final damage, there are no class who has that op 5th job skill. Need to nerf hayato more ;p
  • TheOutlanderTheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
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    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    I don't understand how me ranting annoys people. You don't even have to read my comments, dood. I'm just trying to get a damn answer from this lazy company that doesn't respond to us players directly. Sure, they made a post on the main website about how crap the servers were, but where are they on the forums? Are they hiding? Are they scared of something? Who knows?

    That's easy m8, you see I agree to your choice to express your disappointment over a nerf to what seems to be your #1 choice of greatest class of all time, but the thing is that you've been complaining about it in the wrong place. You see a board where people are complaining over server failures, Nexon's lack of player feedback (regarding server failures), and talks speculating at what the server failures were all about, yet you come to those boards and complain about a character being nerfed rather than posting your own thread in "Rants or raves" or the "Suggestion Board" where some may actually be inclined to listen to your opinions.

    So yea, tldr: Wrong place to be complaining about that, dood.
  • NyvorNyvor
    Reactions: 1,720
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    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    Roni777 wrote: »
    Hayato just gotten new 5th job skills that give 100% final damage boost. Pls nerf hayato more. 100% final damage, there are no class who has that op 5th job skill. Need to nerf hayato more ;p

    I don't even care about damage because I'm not a nerd like everyone else who plays this game, for numbers. I barely use this useless skill, it doesn't even make a difference for me. nexon can delete Iaijutsu Phantom Blade if they want, I wouldn't care. I just want the cooldown off of Hitokiri Strike again.

    All you people just care about damage and dpm charts, you never see how fun a class can be just for their skills. It's nexon's fault for making potential and cubes, they already brainwashed every single one of you to hell, except me. This is why I'm different and why I don't fit in with anyone. No one cool plays this game anymore, just a bunch of nerds.

    >not a nerd
    >crying for a skill on a "nerd" game.
    LOL, you can stop reading this guy, worst bait ever btw.
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
    Posts: 344
    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    Roni777 wrote: »
    Hayato just gotten new 5th job skills that give 100% final damage boost. Pls nerf hayato more. 100% final damage, there are no class who has that op 5th job skill. Need to nerf hayato more ;p

    I don't even care about damage because I'm not a nerd like everyone else who plays this game, for numbers. I barely use this useless skill, it doesn't even make a difference for me. nexon can delete Iaijutsu Phantom Blade if they want, I wouldn't care. I just want the cooldown off of Hitokiri Strike again.

    All you people just care about damage and dpm charts, you never see how fun a class can be just for their skills. It's nexon's fault for making potential and cubes, they already brainwashed every single one of you to hell, except me. This is why I'm different and why I don't fit in with anyone. No one cool plays this game anymore, just a bunch of nerds.

    Wow, are you for real man? That's some ego you got there.
  • UnforgivennnUnforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
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    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    Roni777 wrote: »
    Hayato just gotten new 5th job skills that give 100% final damage boost. Pls nerf hayato more. 100% final damage, there are no class who has that op 5th job skill. Need to nerf hayato more ;p

    I don't even care about damage because I'm not a nerd like everyone else who plays this game, for numbers. I barely use this useless skill, it doesn't even make a difference for me. nexon can delete Iaijutsu Phantom Blade if they want, I wouldn't care. I just want the cooldown off of Hitokiri Strike again.

    All you people just care about damage and dpm charts, you never see how fun a class can be just for their skills. It's nexon's fault for making potential and cubes, they already brainwashed every single one of you to hell, except me. This is why I'm different and why I don't fit in with anyone. No one cool plays this game anymore, just a bunch of nerds.

    You can't always get what you want man... just because the changes doesn't suit you doesn't mean it is the same for others

    you already know the answer for the changes, its obvious but you're denying it so what you're doing is pointless and making youself look butthurt lol

  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
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    edited September 2017
    DeeMon wrote: »
    @Nyvor MapleStory is not a "nerd" game, it's just you people who play it that obsesses over numbers and dps.

    @Unforgivennn Every Hayato wants Hitokiri Strike to have no cooldown again, like how it's always been since we got hyper skills. I don't know what you're talking about me knowing the answer already, nexon didn't say anything yet.
    How would you like it if nexon removed something from a class that you mained for 5 years and you felt like you wasted all that time because you don't like the class anymore and because nexon can't do anything right?

    You people, and nexon, don't understand anything, dood.
    i know you are banned but

    they have literally done this to every class at least once

    if you really like the class beyond the 1 skill or feature of a skill being nerfed, you learn to adapt and move on; if you didn't like it beyond that 1 skill you change mains.

    agree that the Cooldown cutter was nerfed harder than it should have been (like come on at least give 60% redux) but i knew they would eventually change the cooldown cutter from a spammable skill.

    I feel that bellflower barrier can not be compaired because of both the fact that it simply is not useful with the effected area that a single instance of the skill gives as well as the "mana" consumption to cast the skill being pretty fair and costly.

    the most you can hope for is hayato getting some skill to reduce cooldown when doing combos (like zero's normal skills) or a future skill that can reduce cooldown even more for a short period of time.