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Simplify Worlds, Improve Population & Stability.

Reactions: 1,020
Posts: 49
edited September 2017 in Suggestions, Feedback, and Requests
After the World Leap Event Nexon should look at each World and realize it makes no sense having all those worlds.

Like many of others players I'd like to see a Simplified World Selection and More populated servers, so the obvious solution is merging some of the servers.
Something like:

Being that new world a merge of all the Server Alliance, many of us could agree that making those Alliances was a terrible idea, come on... having one world with multiple access is not just unnecesary but a terrible choice.

Also as many of us dream to see the server and the CLIENT with a decent stability. Fixing not just the connection issues but the client is very important for a while the launcher/client has been a pain, not only having troubles to open the game taking years to load (I still can't understand why it's so slow) but also having tons of problems with the stability or perhaps Windows compatibility since the client is constantly crashing and showing the "program no responding" message from windows.
  1. Do you dream with having 4-5 real worlds on selection & a decent Client / Server stability?30 votes
    1. YES!
       93% (28 votes)
    2. No.
       7% (2 votes)


  • KurobarahimeKurobarahime
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 5
    edited September 2017
    I agree. It also does not make sense that you can world leap only to the 'main' server of the alliance but then say that the alliance is the same server nor be able to share your cs (especially when there is nx transfer),storage,legion,link skills just because they are on the same alliance but not the same 'server'.
  • KurobarahimeKurobarahime
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 5
    edited September 2017
    I agree. It also does not make sense that you can world leap only to the 'main' server of the alliance but then say that the alliance is the same server nor be able to share your cs (especially when there is nx transfer),storage,legion,link skills just because they are on the same alliance but not the same 'server'.
  • joweryjowery
    Reactions: 420
    Posts: 5
    edited September 2017
    that is one of the hugest problem the maple community as you stated.i do wish nexon should consider looking forward to making an improvement for those things as you stated. alliance worlds should be included and available for world transfer or world alliance servers should share the same storage,legion,link skills, and cash shop inventory. since i dont understand why pre-world alliance patch nexon use to have these world transfer thingys in the cash shop that allow you to transfer into any world you want and then limited it.
  • UnforgivennnUnforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
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    edited September 2017
    Should just have 4 this whole time

    Reboot, Scania, Bera, and Windia

    The people from other servers have to choose to move in either Scania, Bera, or Windia and then delete the other servers

  • ZouyiroZouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited September 2017
    Should just have 4 this whole time

    Reboot, Scania, Bera, and Windia

    The people from other servers have to choose to move in either Scania, Bera, or Windia and then delete the other servers

    No need to delete, just merge them into Bera or Windia~
  • UnforgivennnUnforgivennn
    Reactions: 1,555
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    edited September 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    Should just have 4 this whole time

    Reboot, Scania, Bera, and Windia

    The people from other servers have to choose to move in either Scania, Bera, or Windia and then delete the other servers

    No need to delete, just merge them into Bera or Windia~

    not deleting would just be unnecessary space and memory, why would you want more stress on the server hosts.. we don't need 10+ servers

    merging fixes the population problem, but not stability

  • ZouyiroZouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited September 2017
    Yes. I clearly saying there are 3 things (actually 4) Nexon should do.
    1. Simplify the worlds merging instead of making World Alliances.
    2. Improve population making only 4-5 worlds.
    3. Improve the stability on the connection.
    (4. Improve client stability / compatibility too much problems, "not responding" "stopped working" on windows causing the client to crash)
  • HaltishPowerHaltishPower
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 5
    edited September 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    Yes. I clearly saying there are 3 things (actually 4) Nexon should do.
    1. Simplify the worlds merging instead of making World Alliances.
    2. Improve population making only 4-5 worlds.
    3. Improve the stability on the connection.
    (4. Improve client stability / compatibility too much problems, "not responding" "stopped working" on windows causing the client to crash)

    We just can hope.... and wish~
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
    Reactions: 6,160
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    edited October 2017
    Post-transfers it would appear the original poster's suggestions are not aggressive enough.

    We're down to the population of 3 worlds.
    "the rest"

    obviously reboot is it's own thing, as is luna.
  • ZouyiroZouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited October 2017
    Yeah, after the world leap event.. Windia is pretty empty. So now we should only have Reboot, Scania, Bera and a Brand-New-World.

    Being that new world a Merge of Windia with all the AllianceServers. Is better if they do that merge instead of "Alliance Servers", is not hard to apply rules like the biggest Storage Keeper of all the merged worlds will remain, CashShop will be fused, All characters into a single world & biggest characters slots will remain. Things like that.
  • JushiroNetJushiroNet
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    edited October 2017
    Whole New World ~ with magic carpet icon.
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    Yeah, after the world leap event.. Windia is pretty empty. So now we should only have Reboot, Scania, Bera and a Brand-New-World.

    Being that new world a Merge of Windia with all the AllianceServers. Is better if they do that merge instead of "Alliance Servers", is not hard to apply rules like the biggest Storage Keeper of all the merged worlds will remain, CashShop will be fused, All characters into a single world & biggest characters slots will remain. Things like that.

    Brand new server being all of the other servers combined with a new name, correct?

    Also, just thought it would be a good idea to bring this up, if the idea is to merge servers rather than make more alliances, what happens to people that have characters in two or more servers? Will they have to delete characters? Will the character limit be adjusted accordingly? If so, will the additional slots be permanent?
  • TheOutlanderTheOutlander
    Reactions: 1,230
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    edited October 2017
    My say on this would be to decrease the amount of worlds like some of you suggest, however, add more channels to these worlds to prevent map hoarding due to greater population.
  • ZouyiroZouyiro
    Reactions: 1,020
    Posts: 49
    edited October 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    Yeah, after the world leap event.. Windia is pretty empty. So now we should only have Reboot, Scania, Bera and a Brand-New-World.

    Being that new world a Merge of Windia with all the AllianceServers. Is better if they do that merge instead of "Alliance Servers", is not hard to apply rules like the biggest Storage Keeper of all the merged worlds will remain, CashShop will be fused, All characters into a single world & biggest characters slots will remain. Things like that.

    Brand new server being all of the other servers combined with a new name, correct?

    Also, just thought it would be a good idea to bring this up, if the idea is to merge servers rather than make more alliances, what happens to people that have characters in two or more servers? Will they have to delete characters? Will the character limit be adjusted accordingly? If so, will the additional slots be permanent?

    As I said is easy to apply simply rules to those issues. Not many people will have more than 40 characters in same account different worlds, and if that the case Nexon can figure something out.
  • HaltishPowerHaltishPower
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2017
    Zouyiro wrote: »
    Yeah, after the world leap event.. Windia is pretty empty. So now we should only have Reboot, Scania, Bera and a Brand-New-World.

    Being that new world a Merge of Windia with all the AllianceServers. Is better if they do that merge instead of "Alliance Servers", is not hard to apply rules like the biggest Storage Keeper of all the merged worlds will remain, CashShop will be fused, All characters into a single world & biggest characters slots will remain. Things like that.

    Actually Bera is more populated than Scania now. All the others world are pretty empty so probably will be enough to delete all the others worlds and transfer everyone into Scania.

    Enough with Reboot - Bera - Scania.
  • AK712AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited October 2017
    There's absolutely no logical reason to merge so many.

    Notice that there are currently over 5,000 towns in the US with a population of less than 1,000 (city-data) What do we do? Does the US tell these towns "Hey, you're too small, so we're just going to force you to move to the big towns"? Of course not! A small population doesn't mean squat. Being in a small community just creates more friendships with everyone in that community. It's basically one big family, whereas in a large community, you have all of the major issues: crime waves, homelessness, unemployment, etc.

    Same with the smaller worlds here. I am VERY happy with Khroa right now. Nearly all the hackers and botters are gone, I'm making new friends with new players I hadn't known before, I can find training spots during 2x, etc. There are tons of reasons to stay in a smaller server.

    Combining everything into a couple/a few worlds is basically going to create the same panic that is currently happening in Bera. No one wants that.
  • HaltishPowerHaltishPower
    Reactions: 320
    Posts: 5
    edited October 2017
    AK712 wrote: »
    There's absolutely no logical reason to merge so many.

    Notice that there are currently over 5,000 towns in the US with a population of less than 1,000 (city-data) What do we do? Does the US tell these towns "Hey, you're too small, so we're just going to force you to move to the big towns"? Of course not! A small population doesn't mean squat. Being in a small community just creates more friendships with everyone in that community. It's basically one big family, whereas in a large community, you have all of the major issues: crime waves, homelessness, unemployment, etc.

    Same with the smaller worlds here. I am VERY happy with Khroa right now. Nearly all the hackers and botters are gone, I'm making new friends with new players I hadn't known before, I can find training spots during 2x, etc. There are tons of reasons to stay in a smaller server.

    Combining everything into a couple/a few worlds is basically going to create the same panic that is currently happening in Bera. No one wants that.

    Thats totally a different thing. You can't merge two towns into one. Servers you can.
    If there is no logical reason why Nexon did it so much time ago (with the Server Alliances)?? A lot of MMORPGs merge servers when facing low populations is the only logical thing to do.

    And .... sorry... WHAT? What panic at Bera... nice joke, nice one dude. I mean 'panic' wtf...?
  • AcgnoliaAcgnolia
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 153
    edited October 2017
    4 worlds is still way too much, there only needs to be 2
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Acgnolia wrote: »
    4 worlds is still way too much, there only needs to be 2

    What, so Reboot and everything else jam packed into one server? Do you even know what lag is? Because you'd find out if that were to happen.

    Reboot, Bera, Scania, Luna, and the rest of the servers combined should be enough. Worst comes to worst, if the population dips down again, they can merge again, there's no need to be hasty with merging. As we've seen, making actions without thinking can be disastrous with this area of things.
  • Retr0_Retr0_
    Reactions: 2,065
    Posts: 144
    edited October 2017
    It would be nice if threads like this would make a difference at all. But they don't...dispite the fact that the community manager always posts stuff like "we hear you guys [...]" ( followed usually by a "but" ), they seem to take the easy way out. They just seem to follow kms's and tms's steps without hesitation. Which kinda makes me think if NA's HQs really have a thing to say about the game or they are forced to follow the older brothers steps. Regardless of which one is, i agree with them saying " we listen to you, guys" and all that. You do listen, but there is a slight difference between listening and understanding what we want. And you always seem to fail at the second one.