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Where exactly is the World Tree and Sleepywood?

Reactions: 7,250
Posts: 1,028
edited October 2017 in General Chat
I know how to walk to them, but I have a really hard time visualizing how these two places occupy Victoria Island since they aren't visible from Victoria Island's map. Are they underground or are on the ground but hidden by the dense vegetation surrounding the Six Path Crossway?


The Dark World Tree is very tall, but how come it isn't visible from Victoria Island's map and only visible from Sleepywood's map? The Dark World Tree is very tall, but how come it isn't visible from Victoria Island's map and only visible from Sleepywood's map? If the tree is so huge, it should be more noticeable. I was expecting the tree to grow from the ground next to the Six Path Crossway but have dwarf the Six Path Crossway while viewing Victoria Island's map.


On the "surface," I see stone structures and tree stumps. Assuming these are above Sleepywood's tunnels and above the temple, can some identify if there was suppose to belong to a town not mentioned in the game? The ruins above the temple don't resemble any regions in Victoria Island. Would these runes be near the regions of Victoria Island (the dense vegetation area) or be underground?


  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    I think I can make a fairly safe theory about two of your questions (As the world tree is just for gameplay reasons).

    First because the sleepy wood trees before the cave are similar to Ellinia, It's safe to say it's around that area. As for the fact that you enter in through a tree, take a look at the top left of the Sleepywood map, the path is exiting from a cave, which means that it could lead to the Ellinia area from the large tree you enter to get into town.

    Second, I'd assume that the ruins scattered about in the map are just parts of the underground ruins. I feel like it'd make more sense to assume that than some other town we don't know of.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,250
    Posts: 1,028
    edited October 2017
    I think I can make a fairly safe theory about two of your questions (As the world tree is just for gameplay reasons).

    First because the sleepy wood trees before the cave are similar to Ellinia, It's safe to say it's around that area. As for the fact that you enter in through a tree, take a look at the top left of the Sleepywood map, the path is exiting from a cave, which means that it could lead to the Ellinia area from the large tree you enter to get into town.

    Second, I'd assume that the ruins scattered about in the map are just parts of the underground ruins. I feel like it'd make more sense to assume that than some other town we don't know of.

    Hmmm so those roots are Ellina's Roots? If someone were unfortunate to fall off a tree in Ellina, would they fall in Sleepywood?
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
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    edited October 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    I think I can make a fairly safe theory about two of your questions (As the world tree is just for gameplay reasons).

    First because the sleepy wood trees before the cave are similar to Ellinia, It's safe to say it's around that area. As for the fact that you enter in through a tree, take a look at the top left of the Sleepywood map, the path is exiting from a cave, which means that it could lead to the Ellinia area from the large tree you enter to get into town.

    Second, I'd assume that the ruins scattered about in the map are just parts of the underground ruins. I feel like it'd make more sense to assume that than some other town we don't know of.

    Hmmm so those roots are Ellina's Roots? If someone were unfortunate to fall off a tree in Ellina, would they fall in Sleepywood?

    well considering that the Ellina and Sleepywood were actually connected years ago in old maple (you would have to walk through ellina to get to sleepywood) I would say that yes, they are connected and below ellina.
  • foussiremixfoussiremix
    Reactions: 2,335
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    edited October 2017
    Maybe the world tree is kinda anchored in a other dimension.
    I mean its possible since its needs protection.
  • DaxterbeerDaxterbeer
    Reactions: 7,250
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    edited October 2017
    Catooolooo wrote: »
    Daxterbeer wrote: »
    I think I can make a fairly safe theory about two of your questions (As the world tree is just for gameplay reasons).

    First because the sleepy wood trees before the cave are similar to Ellinia, It's safe to say it's around that area. As for the fact that you enter in through a tree, take a look at the top left of the Sleepywood map, the path is exiting from a cave, which means that it could lead to the Ellinia area from the large tree you enter to get into town.

    Second, I'd assume that the ruins scattered about in the map are just parts of the underground ruins. I feel like it'd make more sense to assume that than some other town we don't know of.

    Hmmm so those roots are Ellina's Roots? If someone were unfortunate to fall off a tree in Ellina, would they fall in Sleepywood?

    well considering that the Ellina and Sleepywood were actually connected years ago in old maple (you would have to walk through ellina to get to sleepywood) I would say that yes, they are connected and below ellina.

    Could the areas below Ellina (the ruins above Sleepywood) be made into a theme dungeon in the future instead of it being an inhabitable zone?
  • 엘소드엘소드
    Reactions: 775
    Posts: 50
    edited October 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »

    Could the areas below Ellina (the ruins above Sleepywood) be made into a theme dungeon in the future instead of it being an inhabitable zone?

    They seem to be focused more on expanding the story (Arcane River) or revamps on areas currently locked.

    I mean it's possible, but that's on Nexon Korea to come up with a concept and all the planning and design needed for it.
  • MageOfBattlesMageOfBattles
    Reactions: 4,280
    Posts: 576
    edited October 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »

    Could the areas below Ellina (the ruins above Sleepywood) be made into a theme dungeon in the future instead of it being an inhabitable zone?

    Isn't that pretty much what First Time Together is? I mean, of course it's not as fleshed out as a theme dungeon would be, but there's still something there.
  • FrozeFroze
    Reactions: 1,395
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    edited October 2017
    Daxterbeer wrote: »

    Hmmm so those roots are Ellina's Roots? If someone were unfortunate to fall off a tree in Ellina, would they fall in Sleepywood?

    Correct .. In pre Big Bang times you used to be able to climb to the top of the tallest tree in Ellinia then jump off and land in Sleepywood.
  • bumbertyrbumbertyr
    Reactions: 6,610
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    edited October 2017
    Froze wrote: »

    you used to be able to climb to the top of the tallest tree in Ellinia then jump off and land in Sleepywood.

    This was such a fun thing to do XD
  • pandabunniespandabunnies
    Reactions: 1,955
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    edited October 2017
    bumbertyr wrote: »
    Froze wrote: »

    you used to be able to climb to the top of the tallest tree in Ellinia then jump off and land in Sleepywood.

    This was such a fun thing to do XD
    I remember being low level and getting stuck down there somehow. Getting out was an adventure in and of itself, lol.

  • azzacuraazzacura
    Reactions: 765
    Posts: 36
    edited October 2017
    Pre Big Bang you'd walk from a village trough the ruins to Sleepywood, but it seems that map was removed... Am I correct or is there a way to still get there?
  • Its2Sharp4UIts2Sharp4U
    Reactions: 6,020
    Posts: 884
    edited October 2017
    azzacura wrote: »
    Pre Big Bang you'd walk from a village trough the ruins to Sleepywood, but it seems that map was removed... Am I correct or is there a way to still get there?

    Back then there were three or four ways to get to Sleepywood:
    • Kerning City through Swamp of Despair and Dangerous Croco, ending up in Damp Tree-Forest.
    • Perion through the Deep Valley and Perion Dungeon Entrance, ending up in Deep Forest.
    • Henesys through the Road to the Dungeon and Henesys Dungeon Entrance, ending up in Swampy Land in a Deep Forest.
    • Ellina through Top of the Tree that Grew, ending up in Sleepywood. This was added much later into the game.

    Since Sleepywood is directly connected to the Six Pass Crossway after Big Bang, the above have been removed except for Kerning Swamp but ends off with a dead end in Deep Mire.