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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing
they were thought out and applied by TMS, GMS just had to coppy it over.
It wasn't thought out because TMS has flame gears vs to GMS. They need to look at other factors as well to make it fair..
The fact that a devision was made to nerf the buff on Kanna shows a lack of knowledge of the basics of Kanna on the company's behalf.
Let's start at the beginning: Kanna was introduced as a bossing mage. Not a support mage, not a side kick mage, a bossing mage. It was given a unique set of skills and even a hurricane type attack! Personally, the unique animations and skills drew me to the class. It wasn't until the tune up patch that I felt Kanna could actually live up to its title as a bossing mage. Until that patch, our damage was feeble! At that time I thought you guys actually played the class for once.
I'll admit, Kanna was clunky for a LONG time, bit eventually we received QoL updates that made the playing the class more fluid. Tune up perfected the class. It was satisfying to be able to finally kill bosses that my counterparts in game could kill at ease. I also found that the patch made grinding to 250 a realistic goal. I was able to reasonably kill mobs at my level range.
Unfortunately with this uodate, the nerf took Kanna back to pre tune up. Even worse, we are weaker than ever. As a lv 240, with well maxed nodes, its embarassing to not be able to hold my own in lv appropriate content. Its quite clear to anyone who has experience playing the class that the nerf to Hakus blessing is detrimental to Kannas livlihood.
Now, to address some concerns about the skill.
1. Yes, its an op party buff. Solution, make it a solo buff
2. The people who complain about the damage boosts mages get from haku clearly havent played a mage class seriosuly enough to know how much they fall behind to their meelee counterparts. Kanna is a beacon of light for mage parties. No more do mages need to have a good friend to get into high level content. Instead they could band together and fend for themselves.
I strongly urge the team to reconsider this change. If the team is true to their word, they will see how difficult this supposed bossing class is to play now.
Wonders if they even look at this thread after they posted this.
It's simple. We have to wait until TMS rework the kanna and then wait until the GMS copy all the changes. They don't even bother to answer why they ruined a solo potential kanna instead of nerfing haku buff for other mages. In the end, kanna is one of the worst classes in Maple and mages still have advantage over physical attackers in the amount of 200 m.att.
Good job Nexon!
Go cry about your Hitokiri Strike elsewhere. Aren't Hayatos strong enough already even with their nerfs? I mean, even friends of mine still mained it after what happened to them. It's by no means deserved when Kannas don't even do a lot of damage before Tune Up.
I do agree that the only winning move is to move on to another game though.
Talking about haku buff discourage partying with att-based maplers. This change on Kanna, for all i can see, only discourage everyone to party with kanna. Why would they wanna party with Kanna? I don't even want to party another Kanna.
Sad.. i am just sad...
Just in case this is my last forum post before i quit maplestory as kanna, I want to thank nexon for listening and supporting.
Agreed dropped my range from 3.4 mil -3.5 mil down to 1.6 mil-1.7 mil how is this a fix Nexon just HOW is it a fix this basically puts Kanna back to my range before the last kanna fix.
The only thing i can say is Change it back make the party part of the buff flat rate and keep kanna's % because this is ridiculous i head a hard enough time at Chu Chu as it is. Now you just made everything Harder for me and all the other kanna loving players.
it's really disrespecting people who actually spending money on it (Before Vs. After)
Nexon can you stop ruining the game.
Because that's what this Kanna nerf is all about? And the numbers are what affects Kanna's ability to boss, do dailies etc.? Seriously, cry about your Hitokiri Strike elsewhere, you're going off-topic in this thread. And you can go roll a new class if you care about playstyle that much and think Hayato is not fun because of your beloved Hitokiri Strike.
Thats not really all they do.
If you call kannas "mob spawn slaves" then you have zero understanding about kanna class. There are significant amount of people who main kanna and we main & some fund it as serious as other people main other classes. Please respect that and mind your word.
This nerf is not just about numbers. Two patches ago, we were more balanced and competitive with other mage classes and now we are no where near 'weak', we are super weak. Lets ask nexon to reduce your hayato buffed range by 60%-70% and you become so difficult and depressed to kill bosses, do dream defenders, dojo, grinding, and no party wants you in it because you are weak and useless. (Oh wait! all your playstyle are still the same, yay you!). Lets see if you think numbers don't matter..
From your quote - You know, it's funny. Why was I the only one complaining about Hayato's Hitokiri Strike - Like Rennn said, you are in the wrong thread. Go elsewhere crying about your hayato problem.
Deemon, are you SERIOUSLY doing this again? Geez man let it GO already! You're just going to get yourself banned again if you keep this up.