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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
[Announcement] Regarding Kanna's Haku's Blessing
Apparently there was a bunch of skills of different classes affected by these unnecessary 'Airborne' additions.
Unsurprisingly, we're the magician version of Jett in terms of damage output. Yay!
Actually, we are worse than Jett.
"Beast Timer" is right below us.
i love google translateAlso I never knew BaM was ranked 25. Jesus, what on earth happened?
I wasn't expecting anything but still feels bad m8
Or it could be a ruse to cover up the nerf from new players.
probably forgot to change the icon
Umm... I can o-o
Next time please read the whole sentence before you post anything. Majority of kannas can only dream about one shotting at clp ( with drop/meso gear) while the other classes can do it easily with much less funding.
I don't understand what you are talking about, I am speaking for the majority, I too can 1 shot at clp but that isn't the point. As a veteran kanna main myself, I am saying that it is impossible to 1 shot at clp as a kanna main unless you are heavily funded.
I got your point and I support what's you say. It was respond for RolfMayo " Yes I can" because it sounded like it was super easy to one shot mobs at clp as a kanna. While 99% of kannas can only dream about it. He just forgot that he is heavily funded kanna with arcane fan. Nexon is probably looking at this topic and such posts will not help us.
after playing my kanna, I rly confuse why my range decresed so much , and I was thinking there's a bug on haku.
When I saw this thread, I know kanna has dead, haku has dead.
Kanna was full of bugs since she was born, skill bugs, dc, lag, crash... I still love her, although she's not the best, low skill %, no element ignore, no boss% for skills (the blue barrier makes party member see nothing so I rarely use it). And we have to prepare 2 fans for her, one for kanna and one for haku. (Haku's fan even don't accept boss% and def ignore%)
I just can't accept this nerf, it's too much , and totally destroyed my maple life, I can't do any bosses now.
It's not funny nexon, Could you change it to the old kanna , I don't need any party buffs.
all the classes are enhanced one by one and patch by patch, why kanna nerf so much in one patch? nearlly half of my dmg has gone.
I shall watch and see, I just don't want to waste my money on her now.