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Falsely Banned and Suggestions

Reactions: 1,180
Posts: 256
Member, Private Tester
edited March 2018 in Rants and Raves
Falsely Banned

1. Main : RedNightW , lv 226 NightWalker
2. The Kanna I used for farming : xxkishkannax, lv 158 kanna

As yesterday I had been falsely banned for using Macro or Auto-Keyboard. And my suggestion is for you to add more work before you charge your customer cheat in game and made them quit your game to avoid false ban. As this below, I have given a lot of prove that I didn’t do macros or auto-keyboard, but still accused using macros. Even if I have to forcely quit this game that I love, but if I have to show Maplestory that Maplestory need improvement in the system, I would do it. As I am hapy if I can contribute to the community as I have always do. Below I will show the prove I could get and hopefuly it can let the GMs to see what changes they need to make.

As this is the best I can show as my prove that I didn’t use any macros or auto-keyboard. As I didn’t do any of the things you accuse me of, but I will state it below what I did before I got banned and what I did after to get as many prove as I can get. You want me to wait until the ban is over without lifting the ban, and want me to accept it as a truth that I did what you accused me of, I am not willing.

As I have been wrongly accuse on my account that I have been working so hard for over 1 year and 2 months. As I hope you can lifted the false ban on my account, but if not, I will not playing Maplestory anymore as I am not going to waste my time playing a game who accused player without enough prove as in the future I might getting false ban again and might get permanently banned because of it. I am not wasting my time playing a game that making me worried to get falsely banned again even if the facts that I have given out is more than enough for you to check that I clearly didn’t do any macros or auto-keyboard.

I really love the reboot community and players, but as the system itself doesn’t support the community who have been playing it legally and easily doing a false ban, I would rather go out there find another game to enjoy. This is some prove, the best I can give you. This is the list is what I did before I got banned. Hope you can analyse it, maybe learn from it and finds out what improvement need on your banning system. I have added some more facts I can think of in here too.

1. Firstly I didn’t use any macros or auto-keyboard as if I have done it, I would have been a top players in the Reboot server. I started playing around 24th December 2016. And it has been around 1 year and 2 months until now. My main char only have around 4.3mill damage range clean and I have just managed to do my first solo chaos Vellum few days ago. I played averagely around 6-10 hours perday and almost everyday. I believe you have connections to some top players in Reboot. You can ask them. To have 4.3mill damage range for NightWalker over 1 year and 2 months while playing around 6-8 hours perday in Reboot server is not that something impressive and I have just managed to solo Chaos Vellum few days ago after 1 year and 2 months.

2. I ussually farm using my kanna. What I did usually is just pressing teleport and kishin and let my pet loot the mesos, while I laid down on the bed or sometimes watching movies or read some novels. The skills I have on my pet on the time I got banned was all of the moving extension skills, ignore item skill, and auto hp pot skill. I put all of the kanna teleport and kishin buttons I use near each other so I can press them with just 1 hand.

A lot of my friend at Reboot have told me that I will not become very strong if I farm very slow, but I just enjoy it. I am not really that kind of player that play just for the power or to be the best. Even some of the people like to compare how much mesos they can gain perhour. But me, I just don’t care. I play mostly to just enjoy it. Sometimes if I sleepy, I missed the runes. But after a while I take it if I realise the rune was there. But as I can remember, on the accident day when I got banned, I clearly remember I picked up the runes too, more than 5 times. You can check the log personally that I did activate the runes several times.

I also gained around 600-700mill over 2-3 hours. I remember I started at around 30-40mill and the last time I remember I had around around 600mill-700mill before I get banned. And this amount is normal (I have 100% mesos buff from gear, 20% mesos buff from Inner ability and 2x mesos coupon). You can ask the other players that you know of in Reboot. To get around 600-700millions of mesos in around 2-3 hours is normal. But I don’t know if the ban related to the runes. Or the amount of mesos I gain too high which is I don’t think so.

Or is it because I have 100%+20%+100% mesos buff?

But I don’t think macros or auto keyboard will help me claimed the runes? And I won’t get any mesos from farming too. I actually was just trying to enjoy the game as this rune actually made the game less enjoying coz I have to stress my self to go over the rune, take it and press several movement keys for the mini game.

For a very first early days after updates, this runes is okay, but after doing it several times, it actually becomes annoying. But if I am not doing it, I won’t gain any mesos. So I still doing it. You can check my account, I did activate runes several times and get around 600-700 millions mesos as I was there farming, taking the curse runes off and getting mesos.

3. I also did the 7 missions event. As you are the only one who can check it out, as I can remember, I did around 5 or 6 out of the 7 missions. I picked the missions to kill 500 monsters so I can grab those mesos 2x coupons to boost my mesos gain. You can once again using this to check my account. I did those 5-6 missions and claimed the mesos coupon around 5-6 times and used it while I was farming. I did the missions and used several of the mesos buff before I got banned. If I use macros or any auto-keyboard, I don’t think it will help me do it. You can check my account log about this.

4. I did Conversation on Alliance Chat while I was farming. Several of the chat was talking about making 2nd discord group for carrying people. I also saw some of the guild members were going for Chaos Root Abyss so I said “Good luck on CRA” on them few mins before I got banned. You can check my alliance chat conversations history. As I believe, Macros or auto-keyboard will not help me doing it.

5. I don’t know if this thing related to this ban or not, but I wil just mentioned it because this is the last thing I rememberred I did change on the windows system. In short, my LAN connection to Modem had a trouble and can’t be used. And I read on some forum that I can repair it by changing setting at Panel Home - Network and Sharing centre – Change adapter setting – Ethernet properties – Configure – Advanced – Speed and Duplex – 100 Mbps – Half Duplex. But I am not sure if it has any connection with this ban or not. This is the link I followed to try to fix my LAN conection. https://www.drivereasy.com/knowledge/fix-network-cable-unplugged-errors-in-windows/

6. This one, I am also not sure if it has any connection with this ban or not. Using my home internet, I haven't been able to connect to Maplestory official website for 3 weeks or more. I did all those Flushdns, renew and release thingy, but it didn't help. As i access this maplestory website using my mobile phones internet connections currently. I still can play the game using Maplestory launcher, i can still googling, browsing, watching youtube, facebook, discord, using my home internet. I just can't open Maplestory website. Happened to me around few months ago too. And somehow i managed to fix it. But this time, i can't. I can only connect to maplestory official website through my mobile phones connection.


After I got falsely banned for using macros or auto keyboard, I tried to calm myself and trying to think a way to let Maplestory knows I am not doing as what they accused me. As I was also trying to think what I did before to get me this ban.

1. The first thing I can think of is to make a screen shot of the time I got banned. I am not using est time, so I ussually go to google and type “EST time now” to see the current EST time. So I use screen shot to prove I was there farming and suddenly I got banned. If I were using macros or auto-keyboard, even though I don’t clearly knows what it does, I don’t believe macros or using auto keyboard will help me go into my browser, typing “EST time now” and screen shot the prove side by side with showing my maplestory got banned, to show that I was there farming and accused wrongly. And I don’t think we can change the time at google unless I own google. Which I am not.


2. 2nd thing I could think of is to go to Maplestory discord. As I believe macros won’t made me do that. I don’t know if you can trace back the the time chat. But did chat at at Maplestory official discord time and I will put the screenshot below. If you can use the discord to trace back the time I sent the chat, you should know that I was there. I didn’t use any macros or auto-keyboard. I was farming there I didn’t know how you decide someone using macros but I was there farming. The time on the screenshot was using my region time. But it supposed to be near the time I got banned. But you can trace back the time i did the discord chat.


3. As I will say sorry before to GM Arwoo, even though I don’t know him personally or not very close to him, but the 2nd thing I can think of was to send personal discord chat to GM Arwoo to prove to one of the GM that I was there farming and I got banned falsely. I haven’t asked any permission from GM Arwoo about this,and this is my own idea and my own personal proof that I was there farming. But since he is the only GM I know of, this was my own decision to prove myself wasn’t using any macros or auto-keyboard, without approvement from GM Arwoo, but I was clearly there farming. The time on the screenshot is using my region time. But Maplestory team can, and with GM Arwoo permission, Maplestory can check the time I sent the chat there at GM Arwoo Discord too.


4. As I mentioned above, I did pick several runes, getting around 600millions-700millions mesos, did conversations on alliance chat, did 5-6 the new event, 7 missions, used the 2x mesos coupon around 5-6 times during my farming time. You can check all the history on that on my account.

5. You can check on my NightWalker (RedNightW). As I clearly stated, my NightWalker only has around 4.3mill damage range. Totalling probably around 2-4 billions of mesos all across my account including in storage as I don’t remember it clearly. But I surely don’t have that huge amount of insane mesos as most Macros user or auto-keyboard user have, and also I don’t have that Insanely huge damage or gain advantage over any other players . I have been farming this days by days for this over 1 year and 2 months.

6. I sent ticket to Nexon too and did live chat, but it didn't help me solve this this false ban

I don’t know if maplestory can check my account or not. But even if Maplestory officially want me to tell my Email and password to prove of some I said above, I can do it. But I need the request to be official to avoid accident.
And surely I will miss the 2x drop event that is coming. And also the 2x mesos coupon. This makes me really sad.
Anyway, Hopefuly Maplestory team can help me of that. As I stated above, I am not using any macros or auto-keyboard. I hope this false ban can be lifted. As you want me to wait until the ban time is over, I won’t. As I was not doing what I was accused on. As I’d rather go play any other games than continue using your services with a risk to get permanently banned in the future. I wasn’t gaining any advantage over any other players. I was just farming casually finishing the missions, using the 2x mesos coupons you gave me.


  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited March 2018
    welcome to the club.

    If you already sent a ticket and were told it was final, there is nothing you can do until your ban is over or nexon acknowledges it's system is a failure and unbans the falsely banned.

    My suggestion, either wait out your timed ban, or, uninstall maple and find a better game while nexon slowly continues to ban legitimate players until someone up there gets a brain cell or two working.

    all I can say is you were lucky it wasn't a surprise perm ban.
  • povertylinepovertyline
    Reactions: 615
    Posts: 3
    edited March 2018
    Another patch, another false ban. Like clockwork.
  • BunnyWriterBunnyWriter
    Reactions: 1,485
    Posts: 37
    edited March 2018
    I had quit :3
    Not going to feed this company my hard earned cash or my time.
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited March 2018
    I'm sorry to see that this is still happening. I am still banned also.
  • PeyPey
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    Wth i get excited to join back and the game is worse off than ever before..?
  • PeyPey
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 4
    I stil havent found this elusive send a ticket button anywhere, and i cant contact them it seems.
  • CatoooloooCatooolooo
    Reactions: 5,625
    Posts: 1,213
    edited March 2018
    Pey wrote: »
    I stil havent found this elusive send a ticket button anywhere, and i cant contact them it seems.

    main site, click support, click "submit a request", ???, Profit? (or be told lies)
  • OkhuraOkhura
    Reactions: 4,185
    Posts: 594
    edited March 2018
    Pey wrote: »
    I stil havent found this elusive send a ticket button anywhere, and i cant contact them it seems.

    Top right of the page.