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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
GMS-Raising Star Cap, Rebirth Flames & Neb Revamp?
my point exactly (i forgot CMS had those)
the flames system can be implemented in P2W ways, yet people have faith in it, but people act like the Neb system is completely doomed/ irredeemable because of how it's currently implemented in GMS when it could definitely become non-P2W with some minor tweaks. They don't have to replace eachother either, because that was never even officially the reason (until someone official on the team says so and updates/ amends the last official statement as to why they were not added) so that argument is irrelevant.
I'm all for having more options in terms of equipment upgrades, As long as they are not P2W if there is a P2W and a F2P version then that's fine ( but they should be equal, so people who choose to P2W won't get +100 times better or stronger , so let's call it [Pay For Convenience].
as long as the P2W and F2P options are the same then i'm fine with nexon wanting to make extra $, but not at the expense of the F2P players.
Also if they want to improve nebulites , then they need to make it more accessible to F2P , remove the need for a diffuser , remove the junk D Ranks ( remove d rank nebulites ) , inculde them in events / Events Shop ( talking about Random B / A / S Rank Nebulites ) , revamp the fusion system ( make them more comparable to : Eternal Rebirth Flames ) , and not just release a higher rank nebulite.
make them a truly great and F2P ( with P2W options ) system, that is both fair and rewarding to use , and that gives nice amount of stats / boss / etc boosts.
and not remove them in exchange for flames , but also introduce Rebirth Flames , Make so that both of those systems would compliment each other.
( Preferably Keeping Rebirth Flames , just like from KMS ( Minus the scissors count , ie : not nerfing them like MSEA did.) and making them available from crafting, and events / event shops )
the nebulite system does needs a total overhaul though.
Also the majority of the people who are pushing to request the 25 star system are mostly unfunded non high end game players who are not heavily invested in the game, who don't add much support to Nexon and they tend to make suggestions out of jealousy. In most circumstances to ruin the efforts and cash shelled out that current high end game players have put forth to get to where they are! I could just imagine the comments that would be going on in game chat if they changed the system to 25 stars... "OH you paid 300-500 dollars to 15 star each of your tyrants LOL what a waste you dummies"
If they did implement flames it would be a better idea to WATER DOWN THE STATS the flames can add such as stats no higher than like +10 to a stat/+50-100hps/5 wa/5% boss/dmg 1/2% crit so forth AND KEEP THE CURRENT NEBULITE SYSTEM AS IS SO WE CAN HAVE BOTH THE FLAMES AND NEBULITE SYSTEM STACKED ONTO EACH OTHER! or just modify/adjust current nebs to be more on par with the power we are lacking.
In ending,
I feel any changes that Nexon implements should be in consideration with the affect it will have on the high end top tier paying players, as to not inconvenience or ruin them. Causing them to remake items like all tyrants for something better after such an enormous investment went into creating them. The new changes should be nothing but additions that will further improve their range along with everyone else's, without drastic gear changing involved.
mind you its free to play game
why we need p2w things and call other jellous that dont want spend on a game(unles cosmetic)
you are not better/end-top tier player(or what ever your call it) if you pay for your items thats why many leav
but if you are right ( hope not)
then nexon should change the FREE TO PLAY to PAY TO PLAY
so all will be fair you will enjoy your pay to play , me(we) will enjoy play other game
very simple
Just to dispel some nonsense,
Level 200 items only (22 stars):
145 all stat, 106 att (gloves are 113 attack)
15 star tyrants:
115 all stat, 150 attack
Take for example tyrant cape vs 22 star arcane cape:
With fully primed slots, and either 15 star for tyrant or 22 star for cape you will have:
Tyrant: 205 all stat, 180 attack
Arcane: 270 all stat, 112 attack
I'm fairly certain the stats on tyrant are still better if you managed to get it to 15. There are however more things to consider such as the set bonuses, sweetwater transpose, and higher potential tier.
If they did give us the 25 star system and decided to nerf the sweetwater system 22 star arcane will be better eventually due to the set bonuses. But it's a long difficult road to get all 4 (cape, shoe, glove, hat and you'd use weapon and shoulder either way) slots to 22.
Now on the other hand if they give us 25 star and don't ruin transposed sweetwater (ie, allowing us to transpose from a tyrant to a normal item and then getting 22 stars on that item) tyrants continue to be best in slot.
If there's a third option: they somehow manage to only nerf tyrants transposed to sweetwater (ie, we'd still be allowed to 22 star a transposed hat because it was never a tyrant) in this situation 4 set sw is going to be very competitive with arcane gear.
I haven't looked into flames and how they scale with level so that may be worth considering as well.
Star values were taken from here so if they're wrong I am sorry:
the free 2 play business models all have cash shops for micro purchases... thus in actually they are not "FREE 2 PLAY" maplestory is pay to be one of the top dogs and u cannot get there with out doing so, completely impossible jfyi. reboot aside
Which brings me to the age old saying... If it ain't broken don't fix it! do not bring this really dumb 25 star force system which is completely unneeded on gms, it would just cause a disruptive upset, and for sure causing many to quit playing. there are other ways to make widely available a boost in power that won't be disruptive to current gearing set ups and that will be prosperous for all players not just non paying and paying players but both in kind. that kind of change should be put forth since it would be mindful of us paying players and what we have invested.
magnus rage because it's a low level ring, and my shield because there's a slightly higher level one that can get 20 stars.
I don't really understand the people who keep claiming this will entirely affect our gearing. It only means we can get more stats from the higher stars. It doesn't cost nx to do this, but it will cost a lot of mesos and encourage use of higher level items.
whats the thing now, spend lots $ to get #1 on ranking ? 300$+ per eqp GG WP
i cant say much without this looking as "flame/bash at nexon..."
but look at fortnite
do they sell em guns with extra stats ? or BoD that gives them lifes ? frenzy that increase weapon drop spawn higher ?
they sell cosmetic and let players fight for the good gear equaly no matter if they did spend $ or not
yes we need flames and 20 or 25* to keep that poor balance from paid things
i would never do my bpot spending $ just to get better DMG, i hope on flames and 20/25* system to bring a bit equality in funding and doing content , i dont see myself a content-challange that i just bought
you talk about people quit , did you ask the one that already quit whats the reasons ?
and that is why for people like yourself they created Reboot, have fun
U r taking it way too personal, buddy. I am not trolling nor am i toxic. I have every right to express my opinions on these forums as do you. But name calling is childish in general, and i am above that. I am glad u disagree with my opinion as it's your right to voice your opinion. But it was not cool to attack me in a such a senseless fashion as you have so chosen. I was not being disrespectful to you and would appreciate to be treated with the same respect. Thx u kindly, mr. fluorescing... I wish i could be a kid again that would be great lol.
There's no question in how condescending you've been sounding in this forum. You're above that? Maybe because you're so narcissistic that you can't see yourself being a bigot. I love how you try to act the victim after how you act to other people lmao. Maybe you should take your own words of advice and apply them to everyone else
since GMS and JMS are/ were the only regions to not have at least the 20 star limit, we might be getting it.
untill then i keep fight like others for free fair team play with paid cosmetic ONLY !
we will see when it come in JMS,that could be GM/private server , we got the flames and stars in GMS allready in fact we can see them almost evry patch at event list/notes before they remove so yea
that's from JMS's official twitter highlighting the next update. so it's confirmed that they will be getting at least up to 20 stars, however this cryptic update post on the official site has 25 stars through out it
which points to them maybe getting the 25 stars