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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Black Kaiser Armor Isnt In The Color Change Coupon
I know everyone has been saying it does exist and some claim they have gotten it, but I'm starting to think these guys are trolling.
First of all I haven't seen a single SS from anyone who claims they got the black armor. When I asked they didn't provide proof.
Second of all I've made exactly 70 attempts and I still haven't gotten the black color armor. Is it supposed to be that hard to get?
If it's supposed to be extremely rare Nexon should at least say something like " Try your luck to obtain the unbelievably hard to get, rare black armor! "
That way we at least KNOW it's going to take over 200 attempts to get
Can someone actually provide proof the black armor is possible to get? I don't wanna see some VFM just say it's possible without some documented proof either.
There would be your proof, as the color change coupon was only released once many years ago and was never released again until now.
(No recent video/screenshot of a kaiser obtaining black color exist because no one thought it was important enough to warrant it own video/screenshot, so you might have to wait a few week for your proof from someone who don't have the color who want to prove it to you)
(Ask them to check their MapleStory folder for a picture that show their armor color before April 3, there has to be at least one picture taken by the auto screenshot in their armor)
For example someone on reddit said they got the black armor from this current event 1 week ago, I asked them to show me their black armor, and other people asked too, but they didn't want to prove it. Same thing for a lot others who claim they got the armor from this event within the last week and a half.
I'm not asking about the black armor that was available long ago, I'm asking about the one that's supposed to be available in the coupons this current event.
Another method of proof is to ask for the screen shot of the date they obtain their first medal (usually the day they make their characters), if the date is after the date that the color change was released and removed (after Feb 2013), then it is safe to assume they got the black color during this event.
There's not typically a reason why black armor would only be available in Reboot. Typically, any differences between Reboot and regular servers are noted in the patch notes or event notices, so as to make sure players don't expect certain items that aren't available in Reboot. Additionally, the only items that differ in Reboot are usually boost items (I.E. scrolling does not exist, so attendance events will give meso sacks instead of scrolls in Reboot). The color coupon does not fit this criteria.
How many coupons have you used to get that?