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Check out the v.256 - The Dark Ride: Limbo Patch Notes
Closed Marriage to a Few Wives Simultaneously.
In English, it's called "polygamy".
So I understand that Nexon is from the USA but this game isn't USA Maple or something like that, it's GMS, Global MapleStory, which mean we have to take into account people who come from different countries. I know a LOT of people from the Middle East, especially UAE.
I know the game wouldn't be the same without that tremendous number of players from the Middle East and UAE.
As someone, including my friends in real life, who live in the UAE, we don't see any reason as to why we shouldn't get Polygamy.
In UAE, we're able to marry up to 4 wives.
So really, I think we need to have this kind of option, or at least for people from UAE only.
I also don't mind if you wanna make it like when you can marry 1 girl per 1 wedding coupon so in case anyone wanna marry more, he'd have to waste more NX for 1 more coupon.
Thank you for reading and please let me know your opinion below.

What is your problem that people like me will have a few wives?
You understand you don't really have to do that, you can just marry one but let others decide their own decision.
I'd not call it like that.
I'd call it polygamy, it's really not something new.
I could say the same thing about having the same-sex marriage.
And as I said to the other guy above us, what is your problem that people like me would have a few wives? I really don't think it's supposed to bother anyone.
Why not? I actually like this kind of idea.
I like this idea too.
Finally something refreshing and new in this game.
I understand what you're saying, and I also understand that you're saying that because of your view of the world.
This is only because of your view of the world, but try to see it from my observation.
I live in Dubai, and there are quite a lot of people who are doing this, and I've seen it since I was a little kid, so to me, it seems just like a normal thing and fine.
Keep in mind that no one force no one, the women might agree and might not agree, we all have our own decisions.
So why not let people like me (and my friends) have that kind of option?
What you are asking is like bringing religion to MapleStory. What does it have to do with the gameplay at all?
They would have to invent a new function for it which is complicated. Otherwise, why expend the effort?
I can understand why having multiple wives in REAL LIFE would make a difference because it is a custom to have females work at home and serve the bread-winner in some places.
But unless MapleStory is a career of yours and you are providing for these vitural wives through it then I don't see the point and you haven't made one yet.
I am all for non-monogamy which means being able to love more people other than the one, but it's not the same as being served by the person like polygamy suggest. Friends-with-benefits if you will. If you know anything about that anyways.
I can be kinky on my own time outside of a silly kids' game. Do you think teenagers really need to worry about multiple wives?
Polygamy seems like you would use one wife for cooking, another for cleaning, another for intimacy, and another for grocery shopping. None of that has a place in MapleStory.
I would like to APQ, but my partner is not a male and shouldn't have to create one for us to get married. She should play a female character and I should too; we should be able to be wife and wife as equally as any hetro-couple is as husband and wife and Party with them. We CANNOT. And haven't been able to for many years. Now, I have a Forever-Single Medal because I am NOT allow to get married to my partner.
However, you can still marry a wife and have many girlfriends as you wish. But, I can NEVER marry a woman? Why not?
It is unfair. And for you to take it personally and compare it to my situation is pathetic.
I'd like to see you say anything similar to my argument.
If they allow multiple wives, it doesn't mean more females are going to be attracted to you. You're going to have 4 hearts on you Character Information, all 4 of your ring slots will be occupied by wedding rings or sit in your inventory. Where is any of this making any sense?
So again, what is your point? Why is polygamy important to MapleStory?
Just because you're used to it doesn't give it any moral credibility. There have been a lot of awful, degrading, sexist customs in different nations over the course of history, but they've been abandoned for a reason. So instead of trying to drag the western world back, you could instead try to think a bit critically of how things work in your country, particularly from a woman's point of view.
Im sure this is some sort of joke, that is why I upvoted
I need to marry with a latina, asian, arab and european.
As far as same sex marriage, while it is legal in America; Koreans are more traditional. KMS has to approve it first.
I've already answered this by saying that this is simply your point of view, and therefore you disagree with it.
No one said that women are property, nor I said that. and of course the answer is no but you forget that nobody force anyone to marry him and in Muslim countries there are many women who like to marry a man even though they know he'd have a few wives, everyone is completely fine by it.
But then again, to you it might seem really strange and weird because you were not born in a Muslim country so you've never seen such a thing, you didn't get used to it and it seems to you as if the women are property, which is completely wrong.
And what do you mean by "don't try and inject it into the game"? do you have any idea how many Muslims are playing MapleStory? so what about us? what about our rights?
I have many Christian friends and unlike you, they're completely agreed with me about it and said that everyone should just "live and let live".
No one will force you to marry a few wives, and no they're not property, in fact, we respect women the most, therefore they're they go modestly.
There are a lot of things that related to Christianity, and yet no one is saying that "remove it, it's religion".
Frankly, I don't understand what is your problem and why you just can't, for once, accept the other, accept the difference.
It seems like you didn't read much of the history.
But there was a lot of really really insane and ruthless things that was related to Christianity...
And what you're saying is absolutely insulting.
Frankly, I don't understand what is your problem and why you just can't, for once, accept the other, accept the difference.
Not really, not at all.
Then why do we have a lot of things which related to Christianity? isn't it also a religion?
Sure there were, and they are no longer present in modern day Christianity, so you are proving my point.
Not every difference should be accepted, not one that is toxic to society. Racist, sexist and homophobic tradition should not be respected, it should be uprooted.
I'm sorry that me asking you to consider women's rights and value is insulting to you.
You do realize that when one wants to get married in GMS, he's gonna go through a Christian wedding, right? with a bishop and everything...
And yet, I respect that, but what about us, the Muslims?
A lot of Americans don't see it because of time zone but really without Muslims and others from the Middle East, the game wouldn't be the same at all.
We're not talking here about a couple people, so please try to accept the difference and the other, whether he is a Muslim, or a gay or anything like that.
This is who we are.
And again, this is only your point of view that you answer like this, but if you were born in other country and grow up in a different way, then your answer would be different.
And don't forget, there are 2.4bil Christians in the world, and yet, 1.8bil Muslims in the world. Islam is the religion which grows the fastest and will probably win over Christian.
Islam making up about 30% of the world population... you can't just think of yourself and Christian while ignoring 30% of the population of the world.
There are crosses, etc and so many other things in GMS while there's not a thing that's related to Islam.
So what about us?? people can't just say "don't bring religion into the game" while there is already religion (Christian) in the game...