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Just say "No"

Reactions: 40,340
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Member, Private Tester
edited January 2018 in Rants and Raves
This isn't about drugs, or anything else in real life.

This isn't about Nexon Customer Support stonewalling ban appeals.

This isn't about any of the serious issues that Nexon keeps "monitoring" and "discussing" and "looking into" until we give up hope of them ever being addressed.

This is about the perfectly ordinary issue of certain medals not registering in the medal collection.

As can be seen in the linked thread, there are a bunch of medals that don't register in the collection. Some of them are old, from before the collection came into being, and some are new but (usually) non-KMS. It's an annoyance to medal collectors to have to keep these in inventory.
But we put together a list, and the VFMs forwarded the list to Nexon, and we (or at least I) felt confident that it was just a matter of time before Nexon adds these medals to the collection. They've already done one round of such additions in the past. It's an easy enough change, just not very high priority, so it could take time. Fair enough.

But yesterday, when the issue got mentioned on Discord, Arwoo showed up with news.
"I do have some information in regards to the medals"
"Well, it might not be good"
"Actually, it probably isn't good"
"The intention wasn't that every medal would be made with the ability to be registered"


I'm sorry but I'm having extreme difficulty wrapping my mind around this absurd statement. It was delivered about 9 hours ago, of which I slept about 5, and I am still just, just, I can't[\i].
Why would it be intentional to hand out medals, untradeable and with no useful stats, that can't be registered in the collection? What "intention" lies behind it, except the lazy intention to skip coding the one line that adds them?
Why is Nexon's answer always "NO"? (when it isn't complete silence, that is)
If that's how they respond to trivially straightforward issues, what hope is there for complex ones like game stability, bans, Haku, world populations, Jett, drop rates, meso farming, inventory clog, and so on and so forth?

Arwoo then went on to say, in response to our unhappy reactions:
"Yes, so that's what we're trying to solve with our delivered feedback"
"perhaps something could be added to the ones that can't"
"Ideally though, we'd like to see if it can be developed so that every medal can be registered since we're sure that's what you guys want"
"but I can't be certain of this promise"

Yeah. What "you guys" want. Like it's not a matter of proper game design (if you have a medal collection, it should include all medals), it's a special QoL perk that Nexon might be generous enough to grant us spoiled children. Why, when I was your age, I had to carry 50lb of medals on my back while trudging six miles through the snow every day, uphill and against the wind both ways!

Yes, I'm mad. Maybe having 20 medals clogging my Equip Inventory has something to do with it. And maybe I'm just sick and tired of the way this company pats itself on the back for solving one issue (and a dozen typos) a week, while the backlog just continues to build and the population continues to drop.
FennekinShadowParadoxHHG1CatoooloooArgentHeyaBabycakessongokuuuuSlicedTimePhantomMasterThiefDankNugsand 2 others.


  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2018
    Oh, and maybe I'm also mad because I can't edit my own posts on the forums. Been months but nobody has gotten back to me about it. And they can't even blame the turnaround time to Korea on this one. Pure Nexon America internal issue. Just nobody cares.
  • InvulgoInvulgo
    Reactions: 4,620
    Posts: 544
    edited January 2018
    I do agree that medals added to the game should register or else there isn't much point having them in the first place.

    I care about this issue and topic!
  • ArwooArwoo
    Reactions: 17,755
    Posts: 498
    edited January 2018
    Hi AKradian, I do apologize if what we discussed over Discord yesterday upset you in how I phrased it. When I say "what you want" I don't say it out of spite or belittlement towards the issue. I say it knowing that my role is to make sure that what the community wants is delivered and I consider your word the word of the community. We want to make sure that what is wanted by the community is fixed or addressed. If every medal registering is the request, then we will do as I've stated and we will try.

    As promised, the discussion was opened up further from yesterday's exchange and I do have further insight into the intention behind certain medals being left out from the medal collection. The reason is that most of these medals are events medals and a good number of our events are reoccurring ones. Should a Mapler acquire the special event at the end and register it, there wouldn't be as much incentive to run the event again.

    If we would like to raise more questions concerning this topic, we can always discuss further and we'll keep the exchange going.
  • AKradianAKradian
    Reactions: 40,340
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    edited January 2018
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Hi AKradian, I do apologize if what we discussed over Discord yesterday upset you in how I phrased it. When I say "what you want" I don't say it out of spite or belittlement towards the issue. I say it knowing that my role is to make sure that what the community wants is delivered and I consider your word the word of the community. We want to make sure that what is wanted by the community is fixed or addressed. If every medal registering is the request, then we will do as I've stated and we will try.

    As promised, the discussion was opened up further from yesterday's exchange and I do have further insight into the intention behind certain medals being left out from the medal collection. The reason is that most of these medals are events medals and a good number of our events are reoccurring ones. Should a Mapler acquire the special event at the end and register it, there wouldn't be as much incentive to run the event again.

    If we would like to raise more questions concerning this topic, we can always discuss further and we'll keep the exchange going.

    Thank you for responding.

    The intention you describe, "Should a Mapler acquire the special event at the end and register it, there wouldn't be as much incentive to run the event again" means that all event rewards should expire, right? That Wondroid heart you just JQ'ed your fingers off to get? You won't want to do it again next year unless we make the heart go poof, right?
    Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

    Some events give a temporary medal. It says so in the event description.
    If an event gives a permanent medal, with or without perm stats, then that medal should register in the collection (and stay there when the event returns). Making the rewards non-permanent doesn't motivate us to run the event again. Rather, it motivates us to never run it at all. The only reason a medal with mediocre stats is an incentive to do an event is because we collect medals. If the medal doesn't register in the collection, it's not an incentive anyone would work for, unless they really want it for an anvil.

    (We also have an issue with other "permanent" rewards from events being reset when the event returns, like the Madhouse Diaries and the Kid Gamsper Ghost. But that's another thread altogether).
  • HHG1HHG1
    Reactions: 5,986
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    edited January 2018
    @Arwoo The thing about reoccuring events is that 9 out of10 times the medal associated with the event gets magically unregistered from the collection when the event returns anyway. Which is a bug that has been reported multiple times. If this is not deemed a bug then it's a horribly flawed design.

    Why would I put time and effort into an event when I know that the medal will just be removed from my collection when the event inevitably returns? It not only takes away the incentive to re-do the event, but also removes any incentive to do the event at all to begin with.
    In cases of time-limited stat medals, just have the medal be rewarded in inventory anyway, despite the medal already being registered. That way people with the medal registered still get the incentive to do the event for a refresh of the time-limited stats if they are so inclined but get to keep their collection number intact if they don't have the time or desire to re-do the event.

    Most medals that don't register to begin with now are from non-KMS content/events and special hotweek/registration rewards.
  • PirateIzzyPirateIzzy
    Reactions: 5,265
    Posts: 862
    edited January 2018
    Arwoo wrote: »
    Hi AKradian, I do apologize if what we discussed over Discord yesterday upset you in how I phrased it. When I say "what you want" I don't say it out of spite or belittlement towards the issue. I say it knowing that my role is to make sure that what the community wants is delivered and I consider your word the word of the community. We want to make sure that what is wanted by the community is fixed or addressed. If every medal registering is the request, then we will do as I've stated and we will try.

    As promised, the discussion was opened up further from yesterday's exchange and I do have further insight into the intention behind certain medals being left out from the medal collection. The reason is that most of these medals are events medals and a good number of our events are reoccurring ones. Should a Mapler acquire the special event at the end and register it, there wouldn't be as much incentive to run the event again.

    If we would like to raise more questions concerning this topic, we can always discuss further and we'll keep the exchange going.

    Except that most event medals do register in the first place, and most of the time those events don't return anyway.
    It would also be nice if the medals DIDN'T get removed from your medal UI when certain events do return (cough*Mystic Fields*cough*).

    Plus, making the event medals not register in the first place does not guarantee a person doing that event again, especially if it was tedious to do so.
  • ArgentArgent
    Reactions: 3,090
    Posts: 272
    edited January 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    If that's how they respond to trivially straightforward issues, what hope is there for complex ones like game stability, bans, Haku, world populations, Jett, drop rates, meso farming, inventory clog, and so on and so forth?

    Apparently, there is none. Nexon’s response here shows that their commitment level to the players lies somewhere just above zero.

    The whole medal collection should have been a non-issue to begin with.
    Arwoo wrote:
    Yes, so that's what we're trying to solve with our delivered feedback"
    "perhaps something could be added to the ones that can't"

    There should be no need for “discussion” at this point. It is easy, just add all medals to the medal collection. It can’t get any simpler than that. The reasoning Nexon gives behind not having medals register is about as asinine as I could dream up. As AKraidian points out, Nexon is mistaken; non-permanent rewards disincentivizes us from participating in events. Why waste time on something that won't stick around.

    There are a whole host of problems surrounding the player's inventory and I’ve only seen three instances where it was remotely addressed: the last time more medals were added to the collection, the second chair bag and expiring use item stacking. The firsts two of those have been only half measures.
    Arwoo wrote:
    "Ideally though, we'd like to see if it can be developed so that every medal can be registered since we're sure that's what you guys want"
    "but I can't be certain of this promise"
    There is no promise here then. Just more of the “We’ll send in your feedback” kind of response we always get and then we wait months or years for a half-baked solution.

    I have been trying to gather my thoughts and type up a list of features for things that I’d like to see added to the game but given Nexon’s apparent resistance to constructive feedback then why should I even bother?
  • AK712AK712
    Reactions: 1,840
    Posts: 116
    edited January 2018
    Alright, AKradian. I've had enough of you, and I think I'm saying this for a lot of the users: STOP COMPLAINING.

    The fact that you've had more posts and reactions than at least half the users in this forum combined shows that you spend far too much time sitting on this forum complaining about every so-called "issue" that you bring up than you actually spend playing the game. Not to mention that if anyone disagrees with you, you immediately start calling them names, tell them they have no clue what they're talking about, they're just kissing up to Nexon, bla bla bla. And of course, you can't help but smash Nexon employees in pretty much every post, as if every single one of them is responsible for every error ever made EVER. Your favorite phrase appears to be "typical Nexon BS".

    In all reality, you're showing yourself to be a complete jerk. Especially in issues like this, insignificant issues that barely anyone cares about. Oh look, 30-50 of the 1000s of possible medals to get don't register. As Arwoo said, not all of them were meant to. Why can't you accept that as an answer? Does EVERYTHING have to go your way for you to be happy? Why can't you accept the choices of the developers? Since when are you the one who gets to say what does and doesn't happen?

    Honestly, I think you enjoy complaining. I think you enjoy all of the attention that you bring to yourself when you do stupid things like this. I also think that you're so used to getting your way that you're no longer capable of enjoying anything that isn't exactly the way you want it. And that is a very sad place to be. When you go into a game and you can't enjoy it until it's "perfect" by your standards, you will never have fun.

    So, if you really enjoy it, go ahead! Keep complaining! See if you can break 10K posts, or 50K posts, or 100K posts. See how many people you can get reactions out of. Meanwhile, I'll actually be playing MapleStory, having tons of fun, while you sit on this forum for the rest of your sad, lonely life.

    Have fun,
  • NeonTwilightNeonTwilight
    Reactions: 860
    Posts: 23
    edited January 2018
    AK712, we should you or any of the people who read the forums care where AKradian chooses to spend his/her time? By calling him (her?) "a complete jerk" and telling them their life is sad and lonely it is in fact you who is doing the name calling and personal attacks.
  • HolyWatersHolyWaters
    Reactions: 1,030
    Posts: 29
    edited February 2018
    I agree with AKradian on this. All medals should be added to the medal collection and stay in the collection. All they have to do is make the time-limited stats ones not renew the stats when being re-redeemed from the collection, and would still give incentive to redo events like SadVirgin said.
    But hey, on the bright side at least you got a response, other issues have yet to receive a recent response (that I know of).

    Honestly it seems this game has more issues than National Geographic has magazines. (Humor.)
  • TubaTuba
    Reactions: 3,175
    Posts: 373
    edited February 2018
    AK712 wrote: »
    Alright, AKradian. I've had enough of you, and I think I'm saying this for a lot of the users: STOP COMPLAINING.

    The fact that you've had more posts and reactions than at least half the users in this forum combined shows that you spend far too much time sitting on this forum complaining about every so-called "issue" that you bring up than you actually spend playing the game. Not to mention that if anyone disagrees with you, you immediately start calling them names, tell them they have no clue what they're talking about, they're just kissing up to Nexon, bla bla bla. And of course, you can't help but smash Nexon employees in pretty much every post, as if every single one of them is responsible for every error ever made EVER. Your favorite phrase appears to be "typical Nexon BS".

    In all reality, you're showing yourself to be a complete jerk. Especially in issues like this, insignificant issues that barely anyone cares about. Oh look, 30-50 of the 1000s of possible medals to get don't register. As Arwoo said, not all of them were meant to. Why can't you accept that as an answer? Does EVERYTHING have to go your way for you to be happy? Why can't you accept the choices of the developers? Since when are you the one who gets to say what does and doesn't happen?

    Honestly, I think you enjoy complaining. I think you enjoy all of the attention that you bring to yourself when you do stupid things like this. I also think that you're so used to getting your way that you're no longer capable of enjoying anything that isn't exactly the way you want it. And that is a very sad place to be. When you go into a game and you can't enjoy it until it's "perfect" by your standards, you will never have fun.

    So, if you really enjoy it, go ahead! Keep complaining! See if you can break 10K posts, or 50K posts, or 100K posts. See how many people you can get reactions out of. Meanwhile, I'll actually be playing MapleStory, having tons of fun, while you sit on this forum for the rest of your sad, lonely life.

    Have fun,

    I feel it's not the fact that he's complaining, it's more so that he's a total hypocrite. In the past, when players on this forum had brought up their concerns with certain issues they had with Nexon, AKradian would go on their posts and tell them to "get over it" or "suck it up" offering literally no substance to the conversation. We should stick together as a community when issues or changes come up that we are not satisfied with, but when we have a select few of people on here (Akradian) telling others to simply "get over themselves" rather than trying to engage in conversation, it gets us no where. Not trying to throw personal attacks here but how do you expect Nexon to take you seriously, or how to you expect change to happen when you go around telling other people to stop complaining about their problems. You are literally contributing to the problem.
  • ManiOhManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
    Posts: 218
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    edited February 2018
    eazy fix for issue its change to be no issue :)
    is nice all medals to register i agree :(
    but am kinda sad to see that some medals wont register and claim as intended

    just why ?:( why not threat as bug-suggestion and future fix instead quick claim as its made to work like this :(

    the most of the medals are from events that wont ever come
    for example merge medals that was given to us as memory from our 2 old servers that got merge in to 1 named luna
    we got 1 kradia and 1 demethos medal to stay in our memory as collection
    and its not only this 2medals many other that we wont ever see agin or who knows when
    let us put in collection

    about event one they can code new medals and rewards for those that done the last time ?
    for example xx medal event 2, xx medal event 3
    Absolute Taste Grade 1 Chef Medal year 2016
    Absolute Taste Grade 1 Chef Medal year 2017
    Absolute Taste Grade 1 Chef Medal year 2018

    i hope this deccision its not final and thrown undercarpet there is allways better soultion
    if dont know ask what maplers think ? what makes them enjoy more ,collect and praticipate the events ?
    where is the chat with community?
    am sure many can give even better ideas and opinions then claim this as intended
    hope this gets consider agin :(
  • ManiOhManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
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    edited February 2018
    small update
    this 2medals got add with today patch
    hope other gets add step by step !

  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited March 2018
    ManiOh wrote: »
    small update
    this 2medals got add with today patch
    hope other gets add step by step !


    Was so happy to see two more equip invent slots. xd
    (Please do the same for the Absolute Taste Medal(s) also, Nexon!)
  • PlasmaBeanPlasmaBean
    Reactions: 1,280
    Posts: 45
    edited July 2018
    Well, I think there are 3 main solutions to this problem:

    1° - Make all medals, without exception, register, but make the ones from repeating events as time-limited or having time-limited stats. This way, players that want stats will repeat it, collectors will not.

    2° - Make them year specific - I don't like this one very much, but you could make different medals for every year; Like Blablabla 2017 Medal / Blablabla 2018 medal. This way, collectors will repeat it, but, if the stats are the same, other players will not.

    3° - This one is cool, but requires coding and designing, so it's unlikely. Make a system where the medals don't have year variations, but they have some orbs denoting them. For example: You got the medal 1 time - 1 orb, you got the medal 2 times - 2 orbs. Then, if you got more orbs, the medal would get slightly improved stats, and it would have visual distinction between the same medals, but different orbs (not specific to every medal, instead something easy-to-do, to all medals, like some star or some orb close to the medal). This way, both collectors and players that want stats would be satisfied.
  • ManiOhManiOh
    Reactions: 2,155
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    edited July 2018
    PlasmaBean wrote: »
    Well, I think there are 3 main solutions to this problem:

    1° - Make all medals, without exception, register, but make the ones from repeating events as time-limited or having time-limited stats. This way, players that want stats will repeat it, collectors will not.

    2° - Make them year specific - I don't like this one very much, but you could make different medals for every year; Like Blablabla 2017 Medal / Blablabla 2018 medal. This way, collectors will repeat it, but, if the stats are the same, other players will not.

    3° - This one is cool, but requires coding and designing, so it's unlikely. Make a system where the medals don't have year variations, but they have some orbs denoting them. For example: You got the medal 1 time - 1 orb, you got the medal 2 times - 2 orbs. Then, if you got more orbs, the medal would get slightly improved stats, and it would have visual distinction between the same medals, but different orbs (not specific to every medal, instead something easy-to-do, to all medals, like some star or some orb close to the medal). This way, both collectors and players that want stats would be satisfied.

    yea i totaly agree with this
    specaliy with 1° and 2° i had simular suggestion and i think its not complicated/trouble maker for dev team and us

    maple right now its in chaos =(
    much bigr problems takeing place and dont think this will get atention very soon
    Reactions: 2,075
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    edited August 2018
    AKradian wrote: »
    This isn't about drugs, or anything else in real life.

    This isn't about Nexon Customer Support stonewalling ban appeals.

    This isn't about any of the serious issues that Nexon keeps "monitoring" and "discussing" and "looking into" until we give up hope of them ever being addressed.

    This is about the perfectly ordinary issue of certain medals not registering in the medal collection.

    As can be seen in the linked thread, there are a bunch of medals that don't register in the collection. Some of them are old, from before the collection came into being, and some are new but (usually) non-KMS. It's an annoyance to medal collectors to have to keep these in inventory.
    But we put together a list, and the VFMs forwarded the list to Nexon, and we (or at least I) felt confident that it was just a matter of time before Nexon adds these medals to the collection. They've already done one round of such additions in the past. It's an easy enough change, just not very high priority, so it could take time. Fair enough.

    But yesterday, when the issue got mentioned on Discord, Arwoo showed up with news.
    "I do have some information in regards to the medals"
    "Well, it might not be good"
    "Actually, it probably isn't good"
    "The intention wasn't that every medal would be made with the ability to be registered"


    I'm sorry but I'm having extreme difficulty wrapping my mind around this absurd statement. It was delivered about 9 hours ago, of which I slept about 5, and I am still just, just, I can't[\i].
    Why would it be intentional to hand out medals, untradeable and with no useful stats, that can't be registered in the collection? What "intention" lies behind it, except the lazy intention to skip coding the one line that adds them?
    Why is Nexon's answer always "NO"? (when it isn't complete silence, that is)
    If that's how they respond to trivially straightforward issues, what hope is there for complex ones like game stability, bans, Haku, world populations, Jett, drop rates, meso farming, inventory clog, and so on and so forth?

    Arwoo then went on to say, in response to our unhappy reactions:
    "Yes, so that's what we're trying to solve with our delivered feedback"
    "perhaps something could be added to the ones that can't"
    "Ideally though, we'd like to see if it can be developed so that every medal can be registered since we're sure that's what you guys want"
    "but I can't be certain of this promise"

    Yeah. What "you guys" want. Like it's not a matter of proper game design (if you have a medal collection, it should include all medals), it's a special QoL perk that Nexon might be generous enough to grant us spoiled children. Why, when I was your age, I had to carry 50lb of medals on my back while trudging six miles through the snow every day, uphill and against the wind both ways!

    Yes, I'm mad. Maybe having 20 medals clogging my Equip Inventory has something to do with it. And maybe I'm just sick and tired of the way this company pats itself on the back for solving one issue (and a dozen typos) a week, while the backlog just continues to build and the population continues to drop.

    Okay i understand & agree with this, but it doesn't have to be just coding, registered or not, they should just make a BAG for it, you know what i mean ;D?
    No but in all seriousness, they've made bag's for herbalism because ETC becomes clogged in minutes, they've added Chair bag's for the Chair collector's, they've added anvils for the Equipment collector's so they can collect every piece of equipment or just the look of it.
    Why not make a Medal bag, take's up 1 slot in your inventory, or even at the bottom of your inventory where the Transfer Hammer is and stuff.
    When you click on it, It open's like the Chair bag but instead of 8-10-12 or 20 Slot's it has the maximum amount of Medals we have. Sound's corky and all but honestly what's the harm done? You open the UI and at the bottom of UI it should have like ADD ALL MEDALS in inventory & Replace All Medals or whatever the word im looking for. Like when you throw out a medal and want it back? :P.
    Anyways those are my thoughts.
    Terrible Wording, I do Sincerely Apologize.


  • AggraphineAggraphine
    Reactions: 19,415
    Posts: 3,553
    edited August 2018
    Okay i understand & agree with this, but it doesn't have to be just coding, registered or not, they should just make a BAG for it, you know what i mean ;D?
    No but in all seriousness, they've made bag's for herbalism because ETC becomes clogged in minutes, they've added Chair bag's for the Chair collector's, they've added anvils for the Equipment collector's so they can collect every piece of equipment or just the look of it.
    Why not make a Medal bag, take's up 1 slot in your inventory, or even at the bottom of your inventory where the Transfer Hammer is and stuff.
    When you click on it, It open's like the Chair bag but instead of 8-10-12 or 20 Slot's it has the maximum amount of Medals we have. Sound's corky and all but honestly what's the harm done? You open the UI and at the bottom of UI it should have like ADD ALL MEDALS in inventory & Replace All Medals or whatever the word im looking for. Like when you throw out a medal and want it back? :P.
    Anyways those are my thoughts.
    Terrible Wording, I do Sincerely Apologize.


    Because there is already a "medal bag" of the likes that you're describing. The goddamn collection window. It should be no greater task than flipping a variable on a couple dozen items. If Notepad++ is a thing in the nexon offices, it has a trivially-easy-to-use find-and-replace function which would theoretically make the whole process take maybe five or ten minutes.