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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Closed Marriage to a Few Wives Simultaneously.
What? there's already religion (Christian) in the game.
And as Crystal said, there is polygamy in the United States, check out Utah.
I feel as if the only reason people are against this idea is that they are just either don't like Muslims or they just know that not a single lady will marry them so they're jealous. lol.
Your issue is that you feel more than you think. I haven't said if I'm for it or against it, I said for his reasoning not to be based off religious practices. As for your jealousy remark; I would hope no one's ultimate goal is to get married on a video game.
As far as other religions are concerned in the game, theyre either part of lore or they are shown through skills; but they don't have a grand theme in the game.
And it doesn't matter if polygamy is practiced in Utah. The point im making is to not base your reasons off religion. Since it's a topic that can get people into trouble; especially when there's people like you that go to the extreme of " you guys against it just don't like muslims".
Again, "arguably sexist", as I said before and I'll say it again, you're only saying this because you were born in a different place with different education... so therefore, to YOU, it seems weird and "arguably sexist", it's not because it really is arguably sexist but because this is how you see the reality because of the place and education you were born with.
Why at a wedding, we have a bishop and all? I'm not Christian. and what if someone is atheist?
You really just look at Christians and put them first basically while ignoring 30% of the population in the entire world.
So basically, to you, as a Christian (or whatever you are) it seems "arguably sexist", but to 1.8bil people, it seems absolutely fine.
You know how you should call this? a different culture... that's it.
To me, I can also call barbaric action that Christians put their baby in some holy water or something like that, but I don't call it like that.
I call it a different culture, this is what they believe and I respect that. unlike you.
Also what's your problem that we'd have such a thing? no one will force you to marry a few wives, so what's the big deal?? why you're so against it???
Then maybe we should remove everything that has cross it, remove the bishops in the wedding, and everything else that's related to Christian.
And what about the class Bishop? all of its skills are absolutely related to Christian.
Christian is also a religion.
Again, the problem is that some people just can't (or maybe even hate) other people for their different race and religion, which I find really sad because this is 2018.
And we all should accept the different and the other.
I have many Christian friends and I love and respect them.
Why you can't do the same thing? it really seems like you are against it, even though you didn't clearly say that, so what I really am wondering is why you're so against it? what is your problem that other people will be able to do what they believe in?
Slavery, for example, used to be considered perfectly fine, everywhere in the world.
Also, there is no State-recognized polygamy in Utah. The Federal government put its foot down and forbade it, and the Mormons folded.
As for Muslims in the USA, as far as I know, they only have one official wife listed by the State authorities. But of course there is no law forbidding any number of people from living together and sharing whatever they wish.
While there might be 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, they are a tiny minority in GMS. GMS serves primarily the Americas (North and South), Europe, and Australia. Yes, there is a representation for the UAE, and for Israel, but the vast majority of GMS players are either Christian or grew up surrounded by Christian culture, so seeing a Bishop officiate at a wedding is normal to them. Amoria used to have the option of a non-religious wedding, but the revamp did away with that.
Real-world considerations aside, implementing this suggestion would take developer effort. "Marriage" in Maplestory right now is defined as a link between two characters. Turning it into a one-to-many data structure requires changes in many places in the code. Allowing only polygyny but not polyandry (one wife, several husbands) would also break the current status of the game as completely egalitarian: unlike some RPGs where males and females inherently have different stats, in Maple there are no functional differences between them.
I honestly can't see the developers making such a big change to this already-deprecated content (Weddings) for the sake of a few players, especially when such a change is opposed by a larger number of other players, as can be seen in this thread.
As a workaround, you can marry your various girlfriends on different characters.
This is exactly why I said not to bring up religion as your main reasoning for it. Im not answering any loaded questions, I dont care what religion youre part of is all I'll say.
You joined a KOREAN MMORPG.
Korea doesn't care about your muslim multiple wives shtick.
So either deal with what Korea has set in place, or quit this game and find another with multiple wives in it.
And no, It's not because you're a muslim. It's because your idea is stupid af and not welcomed in the western world's ideals, or korea's ideals.
It's the same reason there's no same-sex wedding options available within korea.
So get over yourself and accept you're playing a KOREAN MMORPG, and follow the rules.
Again, you're ignoring the facts.
There is already religions in MapleStory, including Christian.
"your idea is stupid af", no, you're not only very rude and racist but you're also absolutely wrong. this is not my idea but my religion.
Also there's polygamy in the USA, Check out Utah.
You seem to have completely ignored my previous response in this thread.
Polygamy is not legal in Utah, or anywhere else in the United States. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polygamy_in_North_America
People can live together in whatever combinations they want, but they cannot legally marry someone while married to someone else.
Just do what AKradian said and marry your alleged girlfriends on multiple characters. I'm simply against this idea now BECAUSE youre using religion as your reasoning for it. Not just your muslim faith but the very topic of religion.
Then let's have a polygamy, just for fun, forget about religions, let's just have it for fun. how about that?
People who don't like it, including females, just like you, don't have to do that... you can marry only to 1 person and that's it. as simple as that.
You can keep on repeating yourself saying we think as we do only because we don't live where you do. You're right. We think as we do because we live in societies that transcended past abusive traditions like the one you're describing. And don't tell me the women have a choice in this. You just forced this reality down their throats, plain and simple.
Requoting this because this is by far more relevant to have than having 10 marriage partners in a relatively children-oriented game. And before we reach this point, ages will pass, because these things will always be extremely controversial and you don't want people go enrage about a feature or content in your game, see the case of the Donald NPC.
Special snowflake treatment doesn't really exist in maple.
I mean ,90% of my family are muslims and some of them are in a polyarmourous relationship but adding such thing would cause ALOT of conflicts and trouble ingame.
So....which part of what he said is racist?
I'm just gonna assume you're a dedicated troll based on how much you want this to be a thing.
Actually, you do realize they have introduce other types of weddings so he has options, right? Without a bishop and everything. Be grateful since they have taken that step, they are far from updating Amoria at this point. Perhaps they can add a Nikah, but the multitude part is unlikely given that overall most people tend to lead one life and one love. You don't have to go through a Christian wedding, you can have a Shinto-style wedding, etc. Do you respect that?
No because y'all just taking stuff personally like we're against you. You aren't the center of the worlds, grasp it. I don't go out of my way begging for same-sex marriage because it doesn't affect my gameplay. However, your on-going argument over a real life privilege has no place in MapleStory; I cannot stress this enough.
You've suddenly turned this into a debate of religion which is better discussed else where. No one is ignoring you guys it's simply irrelevant, go make your own game if you won't contribute to the whole community. Because if Korean want to input "Christian" aspects and not "Muslim" then you have no jurisdiction over it. Your opinion doesn't matter since all of this is out of place, you may have to reach out to Nexon headquarters or become a developer. Some of these Christian inputs aren't necessarily in relation to the religion itself, but you have to understand religion is a guideline which borrows from how people have learn and developed the artificial constructs of right or wrong. And a majority of people around Earth follow it despite religious context. You act like there are no Muslim reference in MapleStory. Zakum is based on the Muslim belief in Zaqqum. And we love to Zakum. Do I even need to bring up Ariant? What are you offend about?
This isn't an Islamic game and was never intend to be ever such as it is not entirely a Christian game, it was formed in Korea and however they feel about your belief is up to them to decide whether to consider it and they have. Just enjoy it as it or find a new server; like you can design your own private server and rewrite the code to enable your multiple wives on a personal world which you have full control.
Nobody should need to relate to you as much as you are denying the fact that you are also disregarding others for a pointless gain. Ask them to improve something else worthwhile. Are you getting any of this? MapleStory, virtual, pixels, not real. Fake. Nothing to do with reality. It implements some aspects of reality but it's still a video-game. Stop trying to find "love" on MapleStory. Go marry 4 wives in real life, no one is judging you. At least I am not, I am judging the absurdity of this request.