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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Lab Server Legion Block Reward Clarification
So do you get the 250 block for completing the 200 quest? Because that's damn sure how you're sounding rn bucko.
And here's the important clarification that I'm not sure if you've made yet: Will you still get the legion block reward from the level 200 quest if you die after turning it in?
If it was both he would have just said "250 for the 150" we get 55 ATT total.
On a side note I have a different question, how will these blocks be implemented, will they be on the board already, or will they be as a character card? If it just gets added to the board, what will happen if you accidentally take it out?
So then the only way to get the 250 block for the Legion Block is to actually reach 250...? Otherwise, reaching 200 is sufficient to get the 250 version of the Enhanced Legion Block ?
They lowered the lvl 250 requirement to just level 200 (but you must complete the Lvl 200 survivalist quest).
Will the rewards be automatically shown on legion board after the event, or will it appear in a gift box? I haven't reached 500 cumulative levels to unlock legion so I'm worried about not making the deadline on unlocking legion in my non-lab world.
Will each character duplicate their raid power according to their starforce, meaning we'll need to starforce our characters on the lab server to optimize their power?
Concise and clarification is very, very important to me, as well as any other player who wants to truly be optimal!
Thanks, Arwoo!
Just clearing things up about "rip daxi". At least his efforts plus that one guy that redeemed a Frenzy Totem on LAB wasn't completely for nothing. He'll get 60 attack instead of the 55 that majority gets.
Nope your wrong, everyone who completes the 200 quest will receive the maximum rewards and they RIGHTLY SHOULD BE GETTING IT, Nexon Robbed us of our daily Wilderness Hunter Buff(+100 wa/ma +10k HP/MP 30 min duration) with the permanent closure of Mr. Lee's Airline event due to the lab server having a bug problem with it! Anyone going over 200 is doing it just for fun now, even if they hit 250 all they will get more than anyone else is screen shots that they can use to brag how crazy they pushed on lab!
Arwoo says you can get 2 blocks.
He also mentions other blocks under 150 for people that didn't get to 150.
He doesn't specify if both blocks get to 250. Only the Enhanced Legion Block is confirmed to be lv 250 when you completet the lv 200 quest.
I'm asking if both blocks will be the lv 250 blocks. And if not does a person that gets to 250 get the lv 250 tier for the 1st Legion Block?
Otherwise the picture and the patch notes about the Legion Block were all a lie and it'd be false advertisement.
Aletai strikes again! RIP Daxi
There are 2 kinds of Block rewards :
1. Regular Block Reward : We can get it after completion of level 150 quest. The current highest is level 250 Block which give +25 attack
2. Enhanced Block Reward : We can get it after completion of the level 200 quest. The current highest is level 250 block which give +35 attack
1. If we have done the level 150 quests and also the level 200 quest, and reach level 200, will we get Regular Block level 250 that give +25 attack and Enhanced Block Level 250 that give +35 attack? Or do we only get Regular Block level 150 that give +20 attack and Enhanced Block level 250 that give +35 attack?
2. Do I need to reach level 250 in order to get maximum reward Regular Block level 250 (+25 attack) and Enhanced Block level 250 (+35 attack)?
I am asking this because from what i understand from your announcement, reaching level 200 will only give us level 150 Regular Block reward which give us +20 attack and level 250 enhanced block which give +35 attack. Need clarification. Thanks
It is not a false advertisement. Maplestory just decided to reduce the requirement because a lot of players complain that the level 250 requrement is too high for 20 days event. Not saying a lot of confusion on the quests because this is a new event for GMS. So after few days of the initial announcement, Maple decide to reduce it to level 200 only.
I have the level 200 survivalist quest in my quest log, but for some reason, it wasn't completed when I reached level 200.
If you died at any point after accepting the Survivalist quest (while fighting Von Leon for example) you have not completed the quest and will need to start over from level 10. Forfeit the quest and re-accept it after dying. Then level to 200 without dying, as the quest specifies.
Official post here: http://forums.maplestory.nexon.net/discussion/21471/lab-server-level-200-quest-not-completing#latest
It was also updated on the event page http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/34318/updated-august-22-lab-server-here-for-a-limited-time
You can only receive the quest at level 10, and then grind to 200 without dying
The same just happened to me and i'm pretty sure i took on the quest at level 10, yet nothing cleared once i reached 200.
Shouldn't the reward be given for reaching the level 200 goal? To clarify i didn't die at any point after i releveled to 200.
The question is whether you died at any point between accepting the quest and reaching 200. For example, while fighting Von Leon.
If you die, even while you were still level 10, you must forfeit the quest and re-accept it.
Unfortunately they coded this event rather shittily, and for some reason made it a requirement to accept a stupid quest to prove that you made it to 200 (not that having a level 200 character would be sufficient to prove you did it...) without dying, and if you die the quest gives no indication that it is now null and void and needs to be restarted.
This entire event has been one giant clusterfuck of misinformation, poor planning/execution, and no timely follow-up on any of the issues players have brought up. I'd like to say that this would be a learning experience for Nexon but... well, you're all aware I'm sure.
Same, accepting the quest was the first thing I did. But after that I cant find it in progress or completed tab.