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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Why Adding 10 Channels Won't Solve The Problem?
The thing that has been missed is reasons for botting, bots in reboot just bot for mesos and probably just transfer them to their main.
A youtuber was banned last year I believe and he made a video admitting he used to bot for mesos because in his words " I'm not going to sit around farming."
The bots in Reboot most likely are tied to active users while normal servers are just bots connected in a system of computers dedicated to botting mesos to sell.
It doesn't matter.
Nexon must take action against those botters and quickly.
They've been doing nothing for over ten years now, but I guess later is better than never.
Why address me with that? I'm clarifying, not giving any input on it. You don't have to quote anyone whenever to want to comment on a thread you know
You haven't really refuted my claim. I didn't say they had no market in Reboot, I said it was much smaller. You must agree with me that buying a new account with meso on it and starting over is far, far less attractive to most players than buying meso on your main account.
Does that make me 'dishonest people'? Lol.
Also a pretty bold statement to say the biggest problem facing this game is hacking. There is a solid argument to be made that the hackers are the backbone to this game for alot of players without them realizing it. The heavy emphasis on pay to win as well as the dying community compromise much of the gameplay and frankly hackers have the potential to alleviate this problem. Not that I condone it, I just want to point out the irony. Hackers are supplying illegitimate 'nx services' where they commit some sort of fraud and get players abunch of nx for way cheaper than Nexon offers (ever catch those bots megaphoning this service?). They sell mesos for significantly cheaper than Nexon does through their meso sacks.
Hackers also dupe items for scrolling, crafting and everything else which in turn accommodates the lack of these items due to the dying population. Less population means less people farming items, which means without hackers duping them and farming them, players wouldn't have access to alot of items they currently do (atleast not to this scale) and would end up paying a premium, and would simply not have access to many of them in some instances. By adding ten extra channels, the players still have all these options which Nexon is seemingly turning a blind eye to, and also have more maps to choose from that ultimately spreads out hackers thinner for the legit players convenience.
Note I don't condone these illegitimate practices, just pointing them out. But really, you'd have to be pretty naive to not think all those stacks of clean slate scrolls in your dead servers market are just conveniently there in stacks of 100 that we're all farmed legitimately.
I like realistic people. for example.
We all understand that the majority in Bera are hackers/botters, and yet, there are actually a very few people in here who disagree with that fact.
It's either they're living somewhere else, or they have no idea what they're talking about, or maybe they're just lying on purpose?
You're right, but then now, Nexon won't even bother to get rid of them, why? because less trouble with hackers.
That's the whole point, you give more channels, but then again, hackers won't disappear, they'd just divide into the new channels.
It's like saying, let's add more 50 channels. legit players will see more and more free maps and they'd actually be able to train, but then again, have the hackers disappeared...? no...
In regards to your first reply, I think even if there are a lot of botters in bera, there is still way more active legitimate players in Bera than other non reboot servers. So the market is bigger relative to the other servers markets. The people who are 'living someplace else' are actually just in one of the many smaller servers, where bera is seen as a very populated server.
And considering everything I said that you're replying to, I think a lot of players would ask the question, 'do we even want the hackers to disappear?' I mean if they're providing all these options that make the game more affordable and accommodate short quantities in the market(from over saturating markets with farming and duping to providing meso and nx services) the only direct conflict left is they take maps away from legitimate players. That problem is alleviated with more channels. So you really have to weigh out the benefits that hackers provide to a underpopulated and very expensive market (for end game gear) to the moral indignation you might feel toward people hacking in the same server you're playing in. Is a moral dilemma really maplestorys biggest problem right now?
You gotta start making more sense. Literally no one in here said anything of that sort.
What I said about Reboot specifically is fact, nobody there is competing with hackers for high demand maps. They are a non-factor.
If you disagree, I'd be glad to hear some examples of such maps. Just don't call people liars because you don't share the same point of view as them.
Before update, on 2x event, almost 90% of arcana maps is full leaving only worst map which is almost similar to good map without 2x event. But now everyone is happy with this. Good Job nexon
Regarding hackers, i think that is a different issue. But yes, That is another homework for Nexon. I don't expect the game with no hacker at all as i think it is hard to do. But at least I hope 99% of players is legit. Because at the moment, from what i heard, even regular people can use the hack. Though i can't confirm if it is true or not. Just rumour.
In short, Hackers is the source of problem. They were the one who create this. If there is no hacker, item prices will slowly geting normal to the amount of normal mesos that players can farm. If Nexon able to do this, normal server will be crowded once again. But for now, the super expensive items pushesmost of the players to quit. This is one of the biggest homework for nexon if they want Normal server to be alive again.
He's right though, I'm really getting tired of those annoying botters...