TLDR at the bottom
Ever since December 12th, when Jett first got their new 5th job skill, it has been glitched and Nexon's handling of it has been horrible.
When we first got the skill, it worked fine from level 1-25 besides the fact that Jett's Mastery is not applied to the skill (that has yet to be addressed at all, but one step at a time I guess). Players wrote on the forums that this was the case and Nexon responded to it in the next set of maintenance notes:
"Fixing an issue where Jett's "Allied Fury" skill would cause a crash." -Wednesday, December 19, 2018
We were very excited to see this and hoped to be able to use our skill from level 26-30. Well it did not go that way... on December 19, Nexon broke the skill even more, so that it could not be used from level 1-30 without DCing. It was worse than before the fix. We let Nexon know in the bug reporting section of the forums that this was the case. This is how they responded:
"Fixing an issue where Jett's "Allied Fury" skill would crash when the skill level was over Lv. 25." -Thursday, January 3, 2019
So Nexon completely ignored our written articulate bug reports and still showed they did not understand that the skill didn't work for any skill level after the first fix. Savage Ace acknowledged the skill in his recent memo on January 4, 2019:
"Although we attempted to fix issues with some skills such as "Draco Surge" and "Allied Fury" causing crashes, we understand that some players are still experiencing issues with these skills. We are still looking into the cause of these and will provide updates as we have them."
I guess this is a good response, but I am questioning what kind of testing was done on this skill each time they claim to have fixed it. It just seems to get worse every time. Finally, we have the maintenance notes for Thursday, January 10, 2019 and they are... dissappointing to say in the least.
"Fixing an issue where using the "Allied Fury" skill at Lv. 26 or higher would cause the game to disconnect."
Notice how, even after players have made bug reports EVERY week since the skill was released, Nexon is not acknowledging in the maintenance notes that the skill is glitched at all levels, there is either not proper communication between whoever reads the bug reports, and whoever writes the maintenance notes, or Nexon is ignoring our cries for help. Whoever is testing the bug fixes needs to be aware that there is SEVERAL issues with this skill that are not addressed, and according to Thursday's maintenance notes they do not understand the issues STILL after us typing reports every week. If they tested this skill for 5 minutes on the real servers, they could see all the issues this skill has. Maybe it works fine on their test servers but for us, we cannot use it properly.
Almost a month later I hope Nexon will step their game up and listen to their players.
Current glitches with the skill:
Only the second part of the skill is applying damage. The first part is only doing client-sided damage.
Jett's Mastery is not applied to this skill. That makes it a lot weaker than it should be when Jett needs all the damage she can get.
The skill dissconnects the user at any level when attacking multiple mobs.
TLDR : Jett hasn't been able to use our skill for a month and Nexon has not been proactive in fixing the bugs with this skill, along with having piss poor communication between the diff nexon departments themselves, and also the players about this skill. What the fawk, Nexon?
UPDATE : January 10, 2019 Jett is still glitched. Everything that was glitched before the maintenance is still glitched.

We're not asking for immediate revamp or return of 0 CD Starfall; just some bug fixes, that's all.
I know Jett is a complete joke, but is that too much to ask?
I'm just praying that this coming maintenance will fix the crash issue once and for all, so we can actually use the damn skill.
We can only hope...
How much damn feedback do these developers need to realize their something wrong with their games "EXCLUSIVE CLASS?" They've had multiple updates saying they've fixed it when they haven't done jack. On top of that this class is still buggy and has skills that need buffs in order to make it viable in bossing. Constant update after update and a damn class they made (didn't even make it, it's just a god damn reskin) has not been given any attention. The class isn't bad looking and it has cool looking skills, but its on the verge of unplayable. Why don't you devs stop sitting on your asses and actually do your jobs. You've made to much mistakes for to long Nexon. Get your "EXCLUSIVE CLASS" in order.
While I disagree on aesthetic terms (I think Zen and Old Jett look miles better than new jett new jett looks awful), I agree on everything else. Of course Jett is going to fall behind all of the other classes. It doesn't get updates when the other classes get buffs etc. and even when it does? It's not enough because of all that it's missed. We still haven't been updated to have any final damage in our kit and I don't expect a QoL change like that to come out any time soon. Theres so much we lack. Being a part of the regular development cycle of the game you'd think would be the first step.
Just wanted to let you know I'm looking into this. I apologize for the inconvenience that Allied Fury has been causing for all of you.
Thanks for the report!
Thank you very much.
If you would like, I can provide you with everything I know about Allied Fury, including video proofs.
Let me know if you need any of them.
They actually fixed it, it seems. Im using it in game and is working as intended. Its just not in the patch notes.