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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
What is your fav class and why?
I love my Wind Archer (210) because i find it easier to attack monsters in the map, and even-though i have tried all different classes, WA is the best class i can find suit to my liking, eventhough i suck in all chaos (Excluding Chaos HT) and I suck hell mode of Gollux (makes me nervous coz I can't attack at bottom i have tried unless anyone has tips minus the Emerald flower.....
I dont know why i like it,just because its the first class i chose when starting MS like 3-4 years ago
anywho my favorites bowmaster, been a bowmen for god knows how many years and i still love it to this day.
I like all the thief jobs, but Dual Blade is my fav.
Dual Blade, is mostly because of the dual wielding. I love that.
Generally I like thieves because of their nice mobility, high avoidability, decent damage, and just "ninja" themed.
Dual Blade had several unique skills when it came out, like slash/bloody storm, flying assaulter and tornado spin.
How can you not Love that??
Now they also have a really nice skill called Blade Ascension, which like you attack while jumping upwards.
Which is nice for some maps while grinding, if you hit high enough as the skill is onyl 175% dmg.
Mobility, avoidability, and cool skills is main reason why I play Dual Blade.
Fell in love with them since they came out in big bang patch and never let it go.
Were closed ranged mage with great avoid , and really high HP. Were a jack of all trade which kinda reminds of myself hahaha.
Were good at everything but we don't excel at anything .
And I really love the aura system, we have a aura for each situation we find ourself in.
My only complaint is the lack of useful hyper skills. I wish we got a +1 line on our main attack or even our teleport.
we got implemented hyper into finishing blow itself, the 20% crit and 20% PDR.
and we also get 1 more line on finishing blow via master of death hyper, albeit only for 30 seconds, but its still something.
and during 5th job we get our long awaited union aura back that will change our blows animation and lines.
the only time i find myself using dark aura is when i want to maximize my dps by aura swapping.
yellow aura is my personal favorite with debuff at bossing
I just love how mobile they are and the fact that I don't have to re-buff every 3 minutes is a great plus too.
Battle Mage!
I tried making it all fancy and in the middle, but it didn't work. I don't know how this HTML thing works.But anyway. I've mained a Battle Mage since they came out in December 2010.
I think they're the most balanced class out there and you can do pretty good damage with them.
They have a great party buff (the auras, which I still wish had a greater range), party shield that now is effective against % attacks, 1vs1 buff for bosses, the teleport is OP when mixed with Dark Shock, high HP, high MP, stance. What's not to love?!
And if you get bored you can always just switch out your skills and go full support. I also love the theme of the class and the fact that I can cherrypick explorer skills without having to play an explorer (arrow platter is great, but I don't enjoy bowmasters, etc).
They have a long distance tele (Shroud Walk), a backstep (Penombre) and double flashjump. And a movable 3-line hurricane burst (Tempest). Can steal monsters' DR and defense-ups.
And stealing hypers is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Sign me up for that paladin godmode hyper, yes please. Arkarium who??
I love my class.
It is currently my second main, but I love it more than my primary character. I find xenon to be a very versatile class because they have multiple ways of mobbing and great bossing ability. They also have stance and nice mobility. Something that I haven't noticed other players do is use the 2nd job attack skill for upwards mobility (the name escapes me at the moment).
To keep it short, I mained Shade for two years, got bored, moved to Evan following the revamps earlier this summer and enjoyed the hell out of it.
For Wild Hunter, I remember back when Resistance first released and I was caught between WH and BaM. I wanted to play WH more because you could ride a jaguar and attack while moving, but BaM was a mage and by that sheer principle, I must play it. In the end I chose WH because it looked cooler and I'm recently learning to fall in love with WH again.
And while Phantom requires an absurd amount of funding to get high damage, I find that I kind of enjoy the challenge of getting her gear and scrolls and then watching her output damage after I equip her with new shiny things, haha.