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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
"Utah's Bountiful Harvest" quest - no reward
Bug type: Quest
Brief bug summary: The "[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Utah's Bountiful Harvest" quest does not give rewards
Steps to reproduce: Start the "[Cluck, Cluck, Bean] Utah's Bountiful Harvest" quest, kill 200 monsters near your level, and then complete the quest. No reward will be given.
We have given compensation for the first 3 days of the Utah's Bountiful Harvest event. This means you will get a total of 6 Bountiful Harvest Gift Boxes and credit for the first 3 days. You can claim your rewards from the attendance calendar. You will be able to press claim 3 times.
Please make sure to first login on the character you want to claim the boxes on.
So I usually claim calendar gifts all on the last day instead of daily. Can I still do that or will that mess with the compensation? (Asking cause the "Please make sure to first login on the character you want to claim the boxes on," makes it sound like the compensation will break if I don't claim on my first login.)