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Check out the v.257 - Tallahart: Grave of the Gods Patch Notes
Anyone else NOT looking forward to Pathfinder?
Now, this is going to sound kinda bad and doom and gloom but hear me out...
I’ve just returned to MS after taking a pretty huge break. I came back briefly for Cadena or whatever her name is, but I haven’t SERIOUSLY played since making my new DW main back when Cygnus Knights just got their revamp. Now, I was fortunate enough to have gone through Singapore at that point, and get things like the Ghost Ship badge with potentials on it. This badge makes up a HUGE chunk of my range, and I don’t think it would be possible for me to find anything remotely close to being an upgrade over it.
Now, I only just recently found out that not only has Singapore been removed, and as such Ghost Ship, but also that badges as we know them now are getting removed to be more in line with KMS.
This has made me NOT look forward to Pathfinder. I was thinking about trying a new main through the burning event, and then try Pathfinder and see if maybe THAT would be my new main (some issues with my internet now compared to back then makes it kinda hard to play DW), but I would be giving up a huge % of stat by NOT being able to get the Ghost Ship badge again.
Anyone else having this problem? Anyone else NOT wanting to play and invest in a new class because of this? Surely I can’t be alone.
lol not really. Sure it sucks big time that potable badge is gone, but that doesn't really have to do with enjoying a new class. I, for one, is looking forward to playing copy pasted skills of Pathfinder xD.
Copy pasted skills? I havne’t seen too much of Pathfinder nor do I play archers ever so what do you mean by that?
It started off as minor criticism in kms because the first pathfinder skill showcase video had several skill effects that were similar to other jobs' skills (WA's howling gale and trifling winds, Mercedes' Irkalla's wrath, Marksman's piercing arrow, Mihile's shield of light and etc) and PF was memed to be "mixed breed". Then it became dead serious and hilarious outcry when players found out that they actually did copy&pasted skill coding for WA's howling gale to PF's raven tempest skill, which resulted in raven tempest having same # of hit bugs as howling gale. It pretty much confirmed that devs actually did straight up copy and pasted other job's skill to new job's skill and simply changed design detail.
I’d say that gives me less reason to play PF but I haven’t played any archers besides Merc for the link so I guess I can at least think of PF as a sampler platter. xD
I mean, it took them how long to bang together a third explorer archer?
It's a re-skin, just like how almost every class has their own version of Flash Jump (originally exclusive to Hermits (Rogue -> Assassin -> Hermit). There will be other skills, but those are the most notable to make feel you as if Pathfinder won't be unique. And did you really expect that Nexon Korea would still be pumping out fresh, new ideas for a game that's almost 16 years old? Every "new" class is built off of the four original Explorer classes: Warrior, Bowman, Thief, and Magician.
For me, I'm gonna stick with Crossbowman because I've been wanting to make one for a while now, but I might try out Pathfinder because I have some female Bowman equipment saved up.
It also bums me out that despite the numerous ideas players have given for a 3rd archer in the past, they decide to use another standard bow-type class and rename it as a "cursed bow" weapon type.
I’ll try and find something here in a minute, but for starters, they removed Singapore which means Ghost Ship Exorcist badge is no longer available. I believe badge removal mostly revolves around that and the fact that pottable badges will no longer be made available to keep them more in line with KMS badges.
That's just one instance. I think CrystalOra thought you were making a generalization, claiming that all other existing badges that don't exist in KMS but do exist in GMS, will be removed in the near future. A major factor as to why Singapore was removed is because botters/hackers practically populated all channels for MP3 and inside the Ghost Ship itself.
I sure do miss battling against Capt. Latanica and Krexel though. And remember when Truckers gave the same amount of EXP as Dead Scarecrows did? Those were the good days of post-BB. Players level 40+ would train at Haunted House until they hit level 130 or above.
That’s where I’m getting to at this point. Even with classes I have like Evan where I have GSE and a perma heart and decent gear, having to re-do things like Arcane River and start my AbsoLab grind over just really makes me not want to play them outside of links and legion...