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[Pink Bean] Mission Failure Condition Broken?


  • L4d2jpnL4d2jpn
    Reactions: 2,060
    Posts: 200
    Member, Private Tester
    edited May 2019
    I asked ghilbee and it is confirmed to be a bug, now will it be resolved during maint idk would have to wait for maint notes to be updated

    Thanks for the unofficial update. I take it whether they can correct the proper failure of escort quests or not in time to be the factor of if it's going to be fixed Friday or not.
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited May 2019
    The event goes until JUNE 11th so we have quite a bit of time to finish the quests. Yet even if it is not a rush situation, I would like to finish and be done with it!!!
  • GhibleeGhiblee
    Reactions: 3,795
    Posts: 684
    edited May 2019
    Just wanted to update everyone that we are fixing the Pink Bean's "The Bitter Taste of Failure" mission bug with today's maintenance!
    Our maintenance post was updated with additional fixes: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/47674/updated-may-1-scheduled-maintenance-may-3-2019
  • CamperCamper
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 42
    edited May 2019
    Ghiblee wrote: »
    Just wanted to update everyone that we are fixing the Pink Bean's "The Bitter Taste of Failure" mission bug with today's maintenance!
    Our maintenance post was updated with additional fixes: http://maplestory.nexon.net/news/47674/updated-may-1-scheduled-maintenance-may-3-2019

    Thank you now we are able to figure out and complete it :D
  • CamperCamper
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 42
    edited May 2019
    Complete, thanks for the fix again :D
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited May 2019
    I went into Kenta pq and my partner in my party quit. Then I escorted Kenta to death in the second stage! DONE!!!
  • CamperCamper
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 42
    edited May 2019
    CrystalOra wrote: »
    I went into Kenta pq and my partner in my party quit. Then I escorted Kenta to death in the second stage! DONE!!!

    you could just do the orginal one with pollo and the other guy, same effect :) but nice to hear you are done, i just need my bean in level 200 and kill pink bean and then im done :D
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited May 2019
    Some people are not lucky enough to get that pollo map right away. Once your 200 you don't want to sit and grind for a chance at getting the last quest finished. Killing Kenta only takes a few min and then your done.
  • CamperCamper
    Reactions: 600
    Posts: 42
    edited May 2019
    CrystalOra wrote: »
    Some people are not lucky enough to get that pollo map right away. Once your 200 you don't want to sit and grind for a chance at getting the last quest finished. Killing Kenta only takes a few min and then your done.

    You could buy a ticket in the big bang shop :) if i remeber correct its 20 14th coins :)
  • YinYangXYinYangX
    Reactions: 3,995
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    edited May 2019
    Camper wrote: »
    You could buy a ticket in the big bang shop :) if i remeber correct its 20 14th coins :)

    Problem with that is it's still random chance which mission you get and it's like what, 1/6 chance?
  • TavoTavo
    Reactions: 400
    Posts: 2
    edited June 2019
    Guys, You could to fail in Stage 1, 2 o 3 on kenta PQ. Remember, you must to be Party Leader for done this quest.
  • CrystalOraCrystalOra
    Reactions: 3,135
    Posts: 666
    edited June 2019
    Kenta is a one and done! I was done with my quest book as soon as they fixed the quests!