Jojo's Pokémon Adventure...?
That anime sucks.... Apparently it gets better after the first season, but gods it's awful in the first season. Every dialogue is
Dio: *does something dastardly*
Jojo: Dio you villian! I will never forgive you!
Yeah, considering his name is Gol D. Rabbit and he said something about becoming "king of the pirates", it's more than likely an intentional One Piece reference.
I wouldn't put it past them. Just look at the new Mushroom Kingdom questline.
Yeah... I take the story for granted sometimes, but there are so many games out there with much worse stories. For the heavily aged, bizarre and cartoony world that Maple World is, it has some fairly interesting lore and characters with a story that…
Well... honestly if you don't care about damage I don't know what to say, because it's kind of impossible for me or anyone else to tell you which class you personally will enjoy more.
If I were you I'd just make both and stick with the one I like be…
Started in 2009 or 2010... either way it was a few weeks before Aran came out, and that ended up being my main for the next few years until I quit.
I came back for reboot though.