Argent wrote: »
Well, patch notes are out and Kanna and the other non-KMS classes, have been forgotten once again. Not sure if that's for better or worse all things considered.
By now they more forgotten then Shade, sad times.
Comming week we get a new balancing patch, where most classes get made even stronger. Yet no news regarding non-kms classes balancing. If you have these classes in the game you responsible to balance them just as much with the other classes.
Making a char on a new server is not an alternative option I can agree on, also if they think european dates are late, it's poor planning and this event should have been introduced a while earlier.
Would love to see an update, we have had almost a 1/2 year of no updates and with Ark comming up next month it would have been a perfect time to squeeze in a balancing patch for the exclusive classes cause outside Kanna, Jett and Beast Tamer really …
I have a bigger problem that this event is excluding such a large portion of the playerbase. First off anyone who has 42 chars, won't be able to participate. This are the most dedicated players you have which you are neglecting by the way this event…
There are many players waiting on it just like you. It's a pitty that a large group of players on NA reboot are actually european players playing from europe with a high ping and subsequently are forced to either play reboot with heavy lag or play a…
A good start might be first to make guilds account based, instead of needing to have 42 chars of yourself in the same guild to be always representing your guild.
Welcome to the guild Krieger happy to have you. @Zara06 @MagicMushroom you both welcome to join our guild, feel free to join us on our discord and contact us there or send a guild join request in game. Please notify us before with what IGN you appli…
Hello Friends,
The guild has finished reorganising and is now back open for recruitment!
There are however a few things that have changed. The guild is not an only Maplestory guild anymore, but evolved in to a group of friends playing games to…
The Winter patch is officially over and a new patch awaits around the corner. Since we now enter a 6 months of period where barely any KMS patches have been released and most of them will arrive during the summer this might be the right time to take…
Strex wrote: »
While I'm asking questions... how does one go about properly funding characters nowadays? I believe back when I played before I made most of my mesos by selling scrolled Work Gloves if I remember correctly. I'm just gonna go out on …