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Last Active
January 26, 1995
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If you can't make it the first time then try again!
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  • Eludiaxcs:"> I'm having some problem here too... I tried to login on my account on which I've already accepted all the terms and such. I managed to get past the channel selection on my second try and the character list started loading. But! Onc…
  • I'm having some problem here too... I tried to login on my account on which I've already accepted all the terms and such. I managed to get past the channel selection on my second try and the character list started loading. But! Once it was done lo…
  • Either way it seems like this will be a waiting game... ^^ But I don't mind the waiting really. What matters most to me is that my characters are safe. Espacially my UAs, since they can't be made anymore. None of us would want all the blood, swea…
  • I can't access the EU servers yet. When trying I get the same error massage as everyone else: "Having trouble logging in? Try logging in at maplestory.nexon.net or visit the Nexon homepage to view support options." I know that we who were a bit late…
  • I can't access the EU servers yet. When trying I get the same error massage as everyone else: "Having trouble logging in? Try logging in at maplestory.nexon.net or visit the Nexon homepage to view support options." I know that we who were a bit late…
  • Folling the theme of the thread I also have a question... I'm in the middle of migrating and back on EU I had 2 UAs. Do you know if they will make it or will they be striped of their UA titles and become regular adventurers? I'm assuming they will …
  • It will probably be done before the year ends but I agree, the sooner the better. ^^ You could always make another account and play around some on EU until the "cavalry" makes it. Always funnier than doing nothing (Y)
  • Folling the theme of the thread I also have a question... I'm in the middle of migrating and back on EU I had 2 UAs. Do you know if they will make it or will they be striped of their UA titles and become regular adventurers? I'm assuming they will …
  • Hellu, nice to meet you all! My journey in Maplestory started way, waaaay back. To be honest I can't remember how long it has been... It was the time when the only class available was the regular adventurers and the whole Mapleworld looked differen…