What about sales and hot days, what about in-game things like flag race, invasion and Orchid's quest? What about the whole "may be shifted 1 hour due to daylight savings" deal?
@n0Reason Reboot also has valuable throwing stars that are sold by NPCs for a negligible amount of meso compared to what they're worth on regular servers. The issue with botters infusing regular servers with reboot-meso would still stand.
And yes, regular server players would have distinct advantages in reboot if they were to keep their items and it's just as wrong. They'd be strong as hell, but have forfeited the market value of their items.
Reboot players would have the distinct advantage of bringing in good-decent-godly gear that came from "nothing" essentially. Now those items are suddenly worth something more. Be that meso or real money on the black market. That's how botters or people looking to cash out would have an easier time doing so by abusing the transfer event. As it is now they'd have to just sell the entire account and that's more of a risk for a buyer, not to mention individual items are probably easier to sell than an entire account. If the same items were made in regular servers, they would have drained meso or NX from the market already. And making them without any of that (just by crafting cubes from material you've farmed yourself) would have taken way longer than it does in reboot to gain meso for cubes.
What I'm saying is that the servers are too different for there to be crossovers. If it's from one market to another, sure, cause then you take value from one server's market and utilize it elsewhere for marginal profit and there will still be balance, but reboot lacks a market. It'd just be an influx of new items that have suddenly gained full value in a market.
I'm no expert on this stuff, but that's my take on it.