You can share this thread with other players in our community. If there is any issue missing, please reports them in the Bug Reporting forum section, found under Help and Support. This list doesn't include prior bugs to v.190. The recent case of ban waves started prior to the v.190 update.
Reviving a character during the fight has a chance to lock all actions from the character, similar to the recent bug with Lucid
You're forgetting about the whole "if you delete your character you cannot re-use the ign for 24hours + a random time limit after between 5mins - 10hours"
apparently it isnt a glitch, it is intentional. you have to wait 24 hours after the character is deleted
Jw, any idea when they implemented this and where it says that? Because unless I'm remembering wrong, I've moved character names around without having to wait 24hrs sometime in the past 2 months.
These letters need to be added to the filter so ppl cannot use them for bad words in their IGN's. (example: DîckWhipGuys) "I already reported him/her to GM Tonyra" Here are the letters: à á ä â Ç ç è é ë Ê ê ì í ï î Ñ ñ ò ó ö ô ù ú ü û Also here are some words that aren't cencored (meaning they can speak it but cant use on ign) "Ass" "Cum" "Hoe" I believe these words need to be added to the filter aswell to help make maplestory a better place for children / young teens.