They should just make it so you can que up on your own, just like Cygnus, you just click on the button and you teleport to the entrance (while being in a party of course) but you don't have to wait for someone else to que up or have the hijacking issues as well.
A judge doesn't convince or try to convince the lawyer, Lawyers try to convince the jury and the jury deliberates to the judge which makes the final verdict. A lawyer convinces the jury and the judge.
If our view on this is wrong, what makes your point so right? just because the majority of you are for it? is that a complete standard to making something the correct way?
I'll say this again, the majority of players already made their decision, they wanted to be in a densely populated server, which is why they moved to Bera, those of you asking for a merge represent a small sample size of the population of players. You guys aren't the majority, you guys simply missed the event. So enough with majority and talks about those that want dead servers or a merge, because once again, the majority of players are already in a High Populated world. Those that wanted a larger community went to either reboot or bera.
Those of us that didn't participate (willingly) are those that stayed in the world we were in. And then there's the group that missed the event for either having taken a break (personal choice) or something else.
Keep in mind that the majority once thought the Earth was the center of the solar system and The Sun revolved around it. Sometimes, the majority isn't always right.