I'm not purposely bumping those threads, it just happens automatically. Is there a way for me to comment on other threads without them bumping automatically?
You can send a direct message to the person who created the thread.
IED does not add up linearly.
Instead, every new source of IED only applies to the enemy defense that is not yet ignored.
For example, if you have 30% from sup gollux, and then roll 30% IED on your secondary, it doesn't add up to 60. The second 30 only applies to the 70 "left over" after the first 30 got applied, so it only gives 21%. The total from these two sources adds up to 51%.
Not a bug.
These are two separate perks:
The monsterblooms can give either a new monster or ("if you're lucky") a substantial box.
The "100%" refers to collecting monsters the usual way (by hunting them) and means the chance is doubled.