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Last Active
  • Forum Restructure Feedback

    If we notice traffic start to pick up and questions players ask missed in General Chat, we can definitely add a Gameplay Questions section.
    For gameplay related questions that make for great references and is commonly asked, it'd be great to see an FAQ in the Game Guide section.
    Tanya wrote: »
    Personally, I don't agree with Questions, Tips & Tricks being taken away. While sometimes it was used for people who had technical or glitch questions, it was also used for gameplay questions and I used it when I had questions about the game that were not easily searchable on google (a lot of instances I would get outdated information about game mechanics, maps, or drops and it helped to ask an actual player on the forum). Questions about gameplay don't exactly belong in any of the Help & Support categories, and they have a higher chance of being missed in the General Chat. Perhaps a subsection for gameplay questions should be added somewhere, maybe under Game Guides?

  • Forum Restructure Feedback

    Ahoy, Maplers!

    We've made a number of changes to the forums in the recent weeks and we're looking to hear your thoughts on these changes.
    Please note that this is not a forum suggestion thread. Currently, we're still working on making additions, changes, and fixes to the forums.

    Lets start from the top all the way to the bottom.

    Questions, Tips, and Tricks Section was removed

    Many players have used this section for account related questions or to bring attention to issues they found in-game for answers.
    We'd like for these types of questions to go under Help and Support which already acts as a platform where players and staff tries to assist players.

    For game related questions or awesome tips and tricks, we'd like to give more visibility on these and the General Chat should help with that.

    Lore subsection was added under General Chat

    Due to requests from some members of our internal team, we've added this section onto the forums.
    Because lore is an extension of MapleStory discussions which General Chat already covers, it will remain as a subsection.

    Members of our internal team were informed of the topic's potential low participation rate and lack of visibility that came with a subsection.
    We'll be monitoring this subsection closely and make additional changes in the future here.

    Cash Shop Guides was made into a subsection for Game Guides

    We don't want to emphasize the game's Cash Shop on our forums, but it serves as a good resource that we can redirect newer members to should they have Cash Shop related questions. No further changes will be made to this change unless we have updates to our Cash Shop that requires additional guides.

    Maple Media Section was removed and Fan Creation serves as the hub for all... fan creations

    Sadly, Maple Media section was not receiving too much media attention. Fan art and videos are both content that players create. We'd like to give more visibility on content that players make by centralizing attention as opposed to splitting it.

    Raves and Rants was moved into a subsection, but moved back into its own category

    Despite the low levels of participation in this section, we have brought it back as its own category due to popular requests.
    The section consists primarily of suggestions, in-game issues, and player feedback with game related changes.

    We wanted to give these discussions more visibility which comes organically from being posted in the Feedback & Suggestions, General Chat, or Help and Support sections. If a player is ranting, there is a reason for the rant to begin with. However, due to popular requests, we've brought it back as its own category.

    Instead of sweeping issues players have found or are experiencing in a category of less visibility, we'll be sure to visit regularly. We will be treating this category as an extension of Feedback & Suggestions along with Bug Reporting judging by the threads made in this section.

    MapleStory VFM Application section was added

    This is only a temporary section which will be removed once the applications come to a close. Players are free to apply for the VFM position, but please follow the guidelines which can be found in the section. Because it is an open application process, players are free to comment and critique others who apply.

    Please be respectful!

    Thank you,

  • [SOLUTION] Nexon Launcher Runtime Error

    Ahoy, Maplers!

    Many players have reported that they're receiving runtime error messages when using the Nexon Launcher.
    As stated in the title of this thread, we have a working solution for the runtime error.

    Please visit this link and follow the instructions to resolve the issue:

    If you're experiencing issues that aren't related to the run time error, but is with the Nexon Launcher, please submit a ticket:

    Thank you,

  • Missing daily Excavation Tool Pouch

    Greetings everyone!

    We're currently still looking into this issue, however, we have forwarded a list of players who have reported the missing quest.

    Thank you,

  • MapleStory's 12th Terrorversary

    July wrote: »
    tomorrow? update preview one day before getting released? o_o
    usually you guys tease us one week before.. but.. no complaints..

    I'm ready to have spell trace, untradeable clean slate scroll/innocent scroll and etc to throw away from my inventory :)

    Error! It was fixed across various posts. Apologies for the confusion!