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  • Post content from OUR community

    Ahoy! We appreciate your concern with the content we're sharing on our social platforms, but do understand that acquiring permission from artists takes time. Currently, we've only been able to receive confirmation from a select few artists so our selection has been very limited.

    When it comes to featuring MapleStory fan creations, it's a great feeling to know that MapleStory goes beyond GMS. We'd like to feature artwork from all over the world. I am fully aware that Pixiv comprises mostly of foreign artists.

    On top of having a Pixiv account to request permission from artists, I have a Deviantart account as well.
    Please contact me either here on Deviantart: http://cm-arwoo.deviantart.com/
    Or here on Pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=13533720

    I'd love to meet more creative peeps from within our community!

    Additionally, our Tumblr is also a great resource that appears to have been neglected for many years. I am currently working to revive our official Tumblr for the very purpose of reaching out to artist and write engaging blogs! I will be adding a submit button very soon so artists can reach out to us on Tumblr in the near future.

    MapleStory Official Tumblr: http://maplestory.tumblr.com/

    Again, this was all in our initial plans to feature Maple content from all over the world. When it comes to community, it's the players that make it and our joy in spreading it.

    Thank you,

  • How to Apply for Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Greetings, Maplers!

    We're currently seeking new Volunteer Forum Moderators (VFM) to assist us with our awesome community! Candidates must be motivated and passionate towards making improvements to the community and the Maple World.

    Have fun with your community, support your community, and be a role model for your community.
    If you feel that you can be a reflection of these key roles, we encourage you to apply to become a MapleStory VFM.

    Expectations of a VFM Applying:

    - Must be in REBOOT or have a strong understanding of the server's unique setting
    - 18 Years or older.
    - Must be active and on the official MapleStory forums & Discord.
    - No history of using exploits or illegitimate programs.
    - Moderate and participate on the Maple community forums &Discord.
    - Be courteous and kind towards other forum members.
    - Uphold the Forum Code of Conduct and enforce the rules fairly.
    - Assist planning ideas for creative and fun contests.
    - Provide a helping hand on community temperature reports.
    - Must be levelheaded when addressing difficult situations.
    - Must possess excellent written and communication skills.
    - Value providing constructive suggestions & feedback
    - Must not be a supporter of the Black Mage.

    Read Below to Apply:

    Create a new thread in the VFM Application Section and follow instructions below:

    The Thread's Title should follow this structure: “Your Forum Name – Mod Application”.

    Please answer the following questions and provide the required information:
    A brief description of why you'd like to become a VFM.
    What do you hope to accomplish as a VFM??
    Do you have any experience moderating for other communities?

    In-Game Character Name:
    Discord User Name:

    Please keep in mind that this is an open application process. This means fellow community members are free to comment on your application and provide feedback. For Maplers who post in the applications of others, please be respectful and constructive with your feedback.

    Applications that do not follow the instructions provided in this thread will be closed immediately.
    Applications that are created for the purpose of attacking or trolling the community, company, or specific individuals will be closed and the creator will receive an infraction.
    Threads that aren't applications in this section of the forums will be closed immediately.

    The community team will review the feedback left by players and each individual application before making the final decision.

    If we are interested in recruiting you as a VFM we will notify you via PM.
    There is no set date on when we will reach out to the applicants we're interested in. However, candidates will receive a private message when we decide to move forward with selections.

    If you have any further questions regarding the application process, please private message any member of the current community team.

    Thank you, Maplers!
    JettLuvsUFennekinSesomSlayerTwizzzlersAlexFRikNLOkhuraGenkaiX1EvanelleOnyxSherriand 4 others.
  • Suggestions for Royal Hairs/Faces & Perm NX Covers

    As a lover of pixel fashion, I'm going to make sure we pull a lot from this thread!
    While it probably won't make it into the next rotation, we'll be sure to look through the ones posted here for rotations in the near future.
  • A Proposal that needs your support.

    Sadly, we can't go by whatever is written here without looking into things further.
    The best we can do is to have our CS team look into these cases, but I've been informed by them that no legitimate player who purchased the weapons were banned.

    However, players who acquired the weapons through illegitimate means were indeed banned.
  • A Proposal that needs your support.

    Ahoy! I've forwarded this concern to our CS team, but here's what I've gathered.

    Players who purchased the weapons were not permabanned. Accounts that had a hand in creating the weapons were banned.
    Our team made sure to only delete the weapon from those who purchased the weapons and not ban their account.

    I cannot investigate how true these claims are:
    CindereIIa wrote: »
    has caused them to lose their account permanently.
    The reason for their permanent ban was due to "participation of exploits".

    Our valued players were accused of terminating ToS, although they had no idea that they had made purchased of an item that was made illegally.

    However, a permanent ban was not the proper protocol for dealing with players who purchased the weapons.
    Please have the players submit a ticket to our Customer Support team for further investigation.

    Thank you!