They should just make the key like the eye of fire for Zakum - have a npc give the key every time the player wants to fight Princess No.
My best Maple memories are all about a certain Someone that I met on Maple and grew to love.
1. Hitting 200 together, and Someone's special smega for me.
2. APQ'ing together, and then sitting and talking for hours in the APQ exit map, with our wedding ring effect pulsing between us.
3. Someone collecting the hundred of etc's needed for me to upgrade my Hog to a Silvermane, despite hating farming, because I was too lazy to do it myself, and Someone wanted us to have matching mounts.
We're still good friends but Someone quit Maple years ago
DarkPassenger wrote: »DarkPassenger wrote: »
Oh I see ^__^
just checked and can confirm fireworks do show, youll like it.