Reboot server is no P2W (everything but cosmetics will only cost you meso) and higher exp rates but no trading with players, no moving of equipment through the account and Not able to use … (more)the class Zero.
Reboot is made to give a more "classical" RPG type play style for the game
non- reboot has P2W aspects (like the best cubes cost NX) but has trading, moving of equipment through the account, and access to the Zero class when it is made available for creation.
one of the more populated non reboot servers is Scania (where I play) I can help you out if you ever decide to play in Scania.
I suggest you try both, get a character to lvl 70~100 (wont take very long) on each and then from there see which is more appealing to you.
some people may tell you "Reboot is the best" or "Reboot is the 'real' server" both of which are just personal opinions for them and don't accurately reflect what you may enjoy in an MMO. (less)
About the Selling NX for mesos rule, it's not incorrect, but depending on how you read it, the context inferred can be wrong.
what the GMS rules mean is that Selling straight NX is against … (more)the rules, for example " S> 25k NX code" or "S>20k NX in gifting" they dont mean to say you are not allowed to sell obviously tradable NX items (less)
well if it was a Bind the skill description would have said Bind, not stun.
I dont believe there is a single skill in this game that calls a Bind a "Binding type stun", A Bind is a Bind and … (more)a Stun is a Stun.
what you have is a skill that's good for mobbing, some classes 5th job skills are only good for mobbing or better for mobbing than bossing, some are just buffs for any time.
Round 2 in the summer will probably give Jetts/Zen a better skill that's made for regular use and possibly bossing. We'll see what Zen gets when we get close to Round 2 of V skill releases. (less)