That's another glitch.Update: That quest is confirm glitched. I tried taking a photo in Edelstein Big book above the school. Yet it states I've taken max shots per day, when i just got on today!, so yea yesterday i was on around 4pm so yea stupid.
Don't know if it's just Edelstein or if I'm remembering wrong, but when I went to take a picture at the Henesys bell tower on the second day (went to Perion on first), on my first attempt it said I maxed, but when I tried again right afterwards, it said it was okay, so maybe not glitched?
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="MaplestoryFix" protocol=TCP dir=out action=block remoteip= press enter. This should work immediately without having to restart maple or your computer. If it doesn't, make sure your firewall is turned on, that you copied the command correctly, and that you are running in an admin command prompt.
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name=MaplestoryFixand press enter.