DarkPassenger wrote: »PirateIzzy wrote: »Okay, two huge issues here.
First, for the thread creator:
You cannot justify doing something wrong just because it is easier, more convenient, or makes you feel better. We have laws in the real world for a reason - to keep people from harming themselves or others. This is physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, etc. This also applies to video games - video games are still real life. You do not "leave" real life just because you're in front of a computer/TV. Right and wrong do not disappear. Rules and regulations are put into games for the same reason they're put into life. Trying to give reasons to break them doesn't work because it ignores the consequences of your actions on other people.
Secondly, for those replying to the thread:
Are you doing the same thing he is?
Are you giving "reasons" for why you can break forum/game rules by harassing other people? Because you don't like them, or because they "hurt you", or because you think it's "justice", you can verbally abuse other people? Aren't you showing your hypocrisy?
Isn't that far worse than cheating games? Cheating games doesn't cause suicide; verbal abuse does. How many lives have you hurt by letting your emotions get the better of you?
If you're going to get angry at the thread creator for trying to justify breaking rules, you had better check to make sure you aren't trying to justify yourself doing the exact same thing. "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?" - Matthew 7:3
Criticizing and calling him out for his BS isn't harassment or abuse. Stop trying to justify his victimhood narrative.
Not to mention, try not to get religious on an open forum.