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Think About This when Cheating Online Games
Okay allow me to make this clearer for you... Nexon announce when they're going to do an unscheduled server maintenance in-game with the text being scrolled at the top of the screen. So please don't use that as an excuse, when Nexon announce when the maintenance happens.
As for LTQ and being so close to completion, again..... It's a game. Yes it sucks if you disconnect, and have to start over, BUT that does not justify cheating.
I assume, depending on the severity of the problems caused with numerous unscheduled maintenance, Nexon then chooses to extend events due to times missed.
But honestly, all from what you've said, you cannot justify cheating on a game where the game makers don't allow it !
Please AK712, show me the errors of my ways in this thread as to where I've verbally abused the thread's author. As you say, I've replied to this thread, and not once do I feel like I've verbally abused anyone.
I may have advised the thread's author to perhaps look at their priorities and tweak them so they're not just focused on cheating on a game where the game doesn't allow cheaters to get away with it...
But other than that, please don't tar me with the same brush and say I've verbally abused someone, all because I've replied to this post.
Criticizing and calling him out for his BS isn't harassment or abuse. Stop trying to justify his victimhood narrative.
Not to mention, try not to get religious on an open forum.
Ugh, yeah, religion. Not all of us are christians, dude. Don't be spouting your holy book at everyone, we don't all follow it. Also, calling out a cheater isn't breaking the rules. We're not harassing him, we're telling him our opinion. Our opinion being that filthy cheaters are filthy. I seriously doubt he's going to kill himself over this.
Ok, maybe I was referring to something else in that sentence, because I didn't have time to process that thought properly.
You might be right.
Speaking of computer, I have two computers sitting beside each other! Why can't I log on to MS and play as 2 characters at a time? That way, I can multi task. My Zero Mule can train to get EXP on one computer, while my Mechanic Main farms mesos on the other computer. And this will save alot more time and alleviate a ton of strain on my workforce.
And I'm pretty sure you all had to put up with this: "Listen mom, I know it's breakfast, lunch, dinner, bed time, time to pay taxes, time to refuel the car, feed the pet, etc., BUT I CAN'T PAUSE AN ONLINE GAME!!!!!" I had to put up with that for 3 years straight while playing MapleStory. I had to stall her very VERY hard to buy some extra time to finish completing a situation in MS.
Also, have you ever heard the phrase "Trying doesn't matter if you always fail"? Yeah, no matter how many boss killing videos I watched on how to kill this boss with a certain class, I just can't put a dent in them! Plus, killing extreme difficulty bosses (Hell Gollux, Hard Magnus, CRA bosses, etc.) is the only way to get the expert level equips (Tyrant Gear, Superior Gollux Gear, etc) without paying real money for the Marvel or giving up 9.9b mesos for Tyrants/Super Gollux gear. I tried all the tactics I learned from the videos with each class used to kill the boss, but it didn't do anything! The cubes I bought with the reward points and used during Miracle Time had no effect in getting a Legendary potential. So, I was forced to use what I currently had. Worse is that I seemed to be failing more than succeeding at star forcing equips. So thats another way I lost a ton of mesos.
If you watch this, you'll see a huge list of reasons people cheat in Payday 2 (even though it isn't an MMO game).
My reason why I would ever cheat in MapleStory is reason 16 and 26 in the video. After some time, the game is too grindy, and yep, I'm bored sitting by my computer. Of course, I could just set the skill key setting by setting the space bar as an attack skill key, then jam it in place with the handle of a glass beer cup. Then, with my pet's meso/drop magnet, the pet will pick up mesos and monster drops for me. But then, I'd be blocked for the hack reason. With me controlling the character, my brain is only focused on one thing: farming mesos. But then, I could just call in someone (a human friend) to play MapleStory and farm the mesos for me. How could that be wrong?
So before I first began playing MapleStory, I decided to look at the YouTube videos of it first to see what I'm dealing with. While I was browsing, I stumbled upon a video that showed a player was banned. So I watched it and this stirred up my curiosity about this game. This player was banned (permanently) for putting his YT channel in the chat. So I decided to look at other "MapleStory banned" videos. The reasons were stunning (and variable). Another was banned for misconduct. But soon, I came across a video titled "I was banned from _____MS (MapleStory Private Server)". I have seen the word "server" several times when certain websites I try to browse don't open because "the server stopped responding". But I never really knew what the word "server" meant. And this server is referring to MMO world. So I decided to play it safe and join MapleStory via the official website, because I had no idea at the time what a "private server" really was.
It was not until 3 years later that I finally decided to retire from the official MapleStory game and decided to join a private server (even though I knew it might get me in trouble). It was there I finally got my education on what "server" means in the MMO community. You know Scania, Bellocan, Galicia, Arcania, Renegades, ETC? These servers kind of act like Chat Rooms from the old days of computer technology. I finally learned that a private server acts like a sort of privately owned chat room. And that was when I realised I could've played MapleStory much more casually and had better grades on my school exams back in high school.
But even still, private server sites still forbid cheating. However, I learned they do serve the same purpose as a jailbreak for iOS; which is allow the user more freedom to the game without having to go through the restrictions imposed by the software manufacturer.
But anyways, I think I am going to stick to games like Candy Crush, Tiny Tower, Plants vs Zombies, etc. Because games like MapleStory pushed my dexterity beyond its breaking point.
Cheating in an offline game is fine because it doent ruin the other players fun with your cheating, Cheating in online games just ruins the online game for everyone else when you do. like if I was playing overwatch, and some guy was shooting through the walls just because "they wanted easy kills" and "didnt want to sink the time in to actually playing the game good" (something that happens in many online shooters after a while) it kills the fun. There is no good reason to cheat in an MMO or online game honestly.
it seems you are completely new to the experience of playing an online game like an MMO which allows you and requires you to interact with others and also have strict anti-cheating policies (or atleast more strict than playing single player offline games). I think your best option is to not play any MMO because it doesn't seem like you can handle not getting everything at every opportune moment and want to get to " the end" at an accelerated pace.
maple is grindy because that is part of the game and also part of the point of the game (and the RPG genre actually), if you can't handle that, then online RPG's certainly are not for you.
I'll agree with you on the profession gauge, I've never gotten past level 10 because of it depleting over time.
... What? You've been playing in a private server? Most likely one with vastly increased exp and drop rate? And you're still complaining about all of this? *Sigh* It's a moot point at this point, since it doesn't seem like you're too interested in MMO's anymore. But there's one more thing: You need to stop blaming your real life problems on games. I'll say this clearly: It is not Maplestory's fault that you got bad grades in high school. The sooner you stop blaming games for your problems, the better.
Wait, this guy was playing on a PRIVATE server and he came here to complain about it being too hard? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! Sorry, I just, what even is this?
Your thinking is such a salad mix as psychologists would say. Take a step back from everything, assume that everything you know about life and everything might be wrong and build from there without suffering, emotions and all the ingredients for salad. How do you ever know if you are right if you don't assume you could be completely wrong every time ? And this is not just for op but meant for everyone, if you don't challenger your views and let them be challenged, you will stick to one false perception your whole life.
While it's something that would be good to keep in mind, I'm not sure it applies to something like breaking the rules/cheating. I mean, sure I could humor the thought that cheating in online games is warranted for how long it takes to get things done, but that in and of itself is what makes up MMO RPG's. I feel like there's plenty of other games that you could cheat on with no repercussions, but in the circumstance with online games, cheating affects others as well.
implying we play wildstar ( no idea what that is) and minecraft ( game looks boring)
I don't see the point of this hypothetical post, it doesn't add anything to the discussion. Especially since I've never heard of a modded online game outside of private servers. I didn't think the issue was modding in the first place, it was hacking or other forms of cheating being excused by not having enough time. What is it with this thread and people putting words in others mouths. Gosh dang it's stupid. Let me speak for myself!
*rubs temples* Online games with mods are built around that fact, which is why I don't see why your argument is needed here. Both minecraft and wildstar (Which I had to look up) are games that were designed to meld well with mods. Maplestory isn't. Maybe I'm just not getting something, but I don't feel like your point of "If Maplestory was modable, no one here would be angry" is valid, or necessary in this thread. Maplestory would never be modable just because of what kind of game it is. You're taking a hypothetical situation, and applying it to how thing are right now, which isn't making any sense.