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  • Reconsider the In-game name Cooldown

    what the actual hell is this?
    This is the stupidest idea i seen in this patch. if this is your way to block people from doing cash trades for in-game names.
    you probably pissed off some people who ACTUALLY saved their in-game name in case of new classes they want to make.
    now who the hell is to say that thanks to this freaking idea, how many people will set up computer programs to snipe igns.
    having igns stored for your own use is completely useless now, thanks a lot. what a great way to making Cadena.

    probably going to see a bunch of LMAOItsDanny and ItsYoBoyRich etc, wth was the point in having the name deletion event when we can no longer use them at this point.
    and dont freaking clown saying "sit there for hours and try to reclaim your ign" this is a stupid implant
    You failed to catch RMT players who sell igns and you punishing your WHOLE community.
    Have fun trying to make a decent character.
  • Still the worse customer support.

    2000 isnt much considering the game has been up for a long time. 2000 is I would say abput +- half of a developers monthly salary. but distributive across nexon employees, 2k isnt much

    2,000 is a lot if it was spent in only 3 months, he was hyped up for transfer and wanted to compete like everyone else and now he's screwed over
    the only thing we can do is keep his items from being sold, and its funny how the bera community is more helpful than nexon support.
  • No More FM

    Rest in Peace Free Market.

    you will be missed.
  • Hyper Rocks

    Can we allow them to be Hot Keyed?

    Makes it easier than clicking inventory then clicking rock.
  • Royal faces not updated for Androids

    yea i thought something was fishy,

    Royal Hair update matches the android

    but royal face doesnt, i got a completely random face from the royal face coupon..

    it worked out for me cuz she ended up really cute but still, this is a bug