in this game. All end game equip should be because you earn it. It even took me 8 hours before i can finish all the JQ, but it is worth it. With all the tips and tricks how to do the JQ provided from friends, finally i finish them all. If you want to play easy game, go play tetris. Or if you want to play easy maplestory, don't go for best equip. Just use Utgard lv 140,. Don't aim for permanent heart, use the heart that expire. We are talking about best equip here. This game should have a hard challenge for all those end game equip. The community has become so active, everyone socialise, helping each other because there is a challenge to everyone. When everyone get everything in game so easy, noone talks anymore. The community getting colder, they don't care about others coz they don't need others. People start socialising, treat others nicely when they face big problems, big challenge and they cannot solve it alone. Because they need others. When they don't need others, they stop caring. Not everyone though, but i think most are. I barely can read my chat coz everyone is talking about this events and how to solve them. Everyone has become so active and heping each other. Noone force you to have end game equip. It is not like you will get banned coz your damage is low or coz you don't have the heart. You just need time and keep learning. Also, I believe a lot of people now can finish this JQ without failing even once. 1 of my friend only took him around 2 hours to finish it on his first JQ. 3-4 people can finish it around 4 hours on their first JQ. Last one i did my jump quest again (which was my 2nd finishing it), only took me 1 death through all B4-1st floor, then i finish it. Maybe the next time i do it again, i can have 100% completion with 0 death. It is very easy once you know how to do it. just Need to learn how to do it.
And again we're getting to that "gatekeeping".
basically saying "I suffered - so either you suffer with me or you let me brag about my suffering". Maplestory is a game, and as a game, its supposed to be enjoyable.
Can challenges be enjoyable? absolutely. Can Jump quests be anjoyable? again, absolutely. Does it necessairly means that this event is somehow enjoyable? No, its terrible, and the fact that people managed to drag themselves through it doesn't change that.
Theres a big difference between having this socailizem of "everyone should get everything", and saying "everyone should have the chance to do everything". You don't have to be a top runner to be able to experience a marathon, and likewise, you shouldn't be a "MLG 360-no-scope pro jumper" to be able to experience the Mechanical Hearts event and storyline.
I don't think anyone would argue that "Yeah I should be able to just skip through the JQs and still get the heart LULUL", the rewards should be given to people with the skill to get them. But you can't use that as an excuse to gate people from enjoying that whole event (less)
I don't think the event itself should be made easier, but I do think that Nexon should make the option for players to choose to have it be easier.
It feels like theres alot of … (more)"gatekeeping" going on, people basically saying "git gud scrub" whenever we complain about the event - just because they're better at JQs.
And while I understand why people would try and do so, it is important to remember that the game is made for everyone, not that small sub group. Just like the game can't get away with making content only for level 200+, because the majority of players are on the lower levels.
The problem that arises from making adjustment to the event in order to make it easier is that you're opening it for gold farmers and hackers to farm for those high-end rewards, while also diminishing the rewards for those truly skilled enough to pass the JQs in its state right now, by making it possible for everyone (or at liss less skilled players) to get it.
I do think that skill players should be rewarded for their effort, and I'm really happy Nexon is willing to reward them with such expensive and hard to get gear.
While on the other side, I don't think that having that reward should gate everyone from enjoying this event.
So the best solution, IMO, is just give the players the option, after a couple of deaths, to open a shortcut/a portal/a checkpoint in the level while warning them that they might gate themselves from some rewards, with the abillity to repeat the level on the harder (noraml) difficulty later
Its been done in the past with both Lotus and Damien's boss battles, where you're giving the option to weaken them, and with "skill based" section such as the shooter 'em up section on Black Heaven. (less)
I was really excited when the Wonderoid patch arrived!
I had no idea there was even such event planned, which is a surprise considering I'm stalking KMS updates like a madman lol so seeing … (more)events from JMS or made in GMS is always a pleasure... well, it was at least, until now.
It had an interesting trailer showing some nice animation and a concept I can really get behind, because as I player, I always love having maple world expanded upon, even if the stories are no the main canon (like Orange mushroom temple). It peaked me enough to rush home from work, download and update the game and jump straight into maplestory again even though nothing "big" has hit yet. and after coming back to GMS just to try it out - all I have to sa is I'm just straight up disappointed.
I'm not a big fan of JQs myself. I won't do them for nothing (forest of tranquillity beh) but I'll do it everytime I see a good enough reason behind it (for example, the Blockbuster ones), so without even looking at the rewards I jumped straight into it. B1 to B3 were a piece of cake, and I think took me less than half an hour on the first run. But B4, oh baby, B4 took me 4 hours of frustration which in the end made me quit it, with the thought of leaving the game, not even a day in from my return.
A day later I calmed abit, got my mental fortitude back and decided to tackle B4 again. But to my surprise, I had to do them ALL all over again. Like before, was frustrated - but considering they were all pretty easy I just redo them (took me this time around ten minutes, which made me really optimistic about my chances versus B4). But alas, B4 was again, impossible to complete, even by trying to go in an easier way back the level while taking advantage of the buggy moving platformes planes, and I found myself quitting it, again, after another 4 hours of trying.
Now, I went and read some of what people are saying about the rewards, and if they're really that good then sure - good on you, Nexon!~
but some of us (I guess I'm not the only one) are just looking to have some fun experiencing new stories and quests in the fantasy world they love, and are not looking to drag themselves through punishment to get some more range.