to vanishing journey where there is no botters...or even better change channels! That's your simplest solution right there!
why the innonce maplers need to suffer and move on to somewhere else? henesys, just like any other map should be clean without botters.
what is that fake botter doing is against the rules, he's using hacks in order to spam and he must get perm ban for doing this. (less)
Optimize player experience by making everyone suffer lag, crowding, ks'ing, and spam together?
No, thank you.
Hey, I've read your posts before and for some reason which I know and won't mention, you're always, but always against good things and ideas for the maple players like me...
Also I believe a few people has already answered AKradian.... so please if you disagree, you don't really have to bother people and spam, we understand that you're against this amazing idea.
The amount of upsides that can come up along once all paid servers are merged... I'll finally be able to find some active friends instead of AFK friends who never talks...
and I'll finally be able to buy some decent amount of maple points for a fair price instead of paying 100mil mesos for 200 maple points...
I say merge all paid servers as soon as possible, so we can make all of us (90% of us for sure) happy again...
So you want to force everyone to deal with bera's bot problem? And the lag during 1.5x/2x event periods? You want everyone stuffed into 20 channels? 30? 40? It won't be enough. Merging everything into a single server doesn't account for seasonal influxes of players. A single server would be nigh unplayable during the summer and winter updates.
But none of this matters to you, because you don't think of anything but "I wish I didn't miss my chance to move to bera too" or "I wish elysium/aurora wasn't so dead".(less)
I'd like nexon to merge paid servers, and WONDERGUY said it all.
"what happend to MapleStory is a free-to-play, 2D, side-scrolling massively multiplayer online role-playing game".
clearly-biased choices in an attempt to make it look like anyone who thinks your idea is as watertight as a sieve prefers that negative things be occurring with the state of the game. To be quite honest, I wish they would have never allowed general users(meaning all of you with "Member" under your names) to attach polls to threads, I've seen maybe three polls since the changeover to this forum software three years ago that weren't complete garbage.
As to the complaints in the OP, I offer you this: suck it up. Maintenance used to take a fair chunk of the day(no, three hours is not a "fair chunk", don't even try it), people complained. Now it's shorter. People complain. They stopped doing them every week. People complained.
You people are incapable of being pleased, so why should anyone waste their effort on an impossible task?
Furthermore, anyone who looks at this poll option and thinks "hey that sounds great", I don't have a single polite or endearing word to spare for you.
No idea what you're talking about, I truly am crash a lot (5 times, one after another) after maintenance, so I'd prefer having a maintenance, perhaps once a month or so. (less)
about lag in Bera and lack in population in Windia/Scania. I feel like Nexon should merge all worlds together into 5 - 6 worlds? There are currently too many worlds with not much players or none in them. If they do that, new players don't have to spend so much time researching on which world to play, and there will be less pressure on populated world (like Bera). Players will have better gaming time and be able to create social circles with fellow Maplers (what MS is known for, its community). I hope Nexon will see this post and consider ;----; -fingers crossed-
Yes, merging world would be a very good idea.
In fact, I believe we should only have 3 worlds, Bera (high population), Reboot and 1 more world such as Scania (which would be for people who like low population).